I’m working on one in a Roman Empire type era, undecided on magic though. Leaning towards “favors from gods,” type deal or just nothing like that at all. But instead of just peasant you get to pick from I believe 5 or 6 social classes, with some having sub-classes. But with mine your rule doesn’t last long if you choose to be a ruler (but you will be able to come back into power/ gain power) so I think if done right you’re idea would be a hit. I’m working on doing mine right, hopefully
I think the ones related to the operation of TV stations are interesting. I think it has the advantage that no such game has been created on this forum, and there are few competitors in the game industry as a whole, as it rarely exists.
Thanks for the feedback.
I’ve been jonesing for a cozy space settling sort of game, the kind where you find a nice little planet or space island and found a pleasant community there. You could farm or mine or raise animals (or space fauna) and interact with your fellow settlers. It’s kind of like Stardew Valley in space.
Of course, here’s where things begin to fork and get a bit uncertain. Do I want to keep conflict small scale and keep things about making the best darn space village? Do I want to raise the stakes and introduce a bigger enemy after a while? Can I do both? I’m not even sure who the player character is supposed to be, regarding whether they’re an expedition leader or just another person along for the ride. For the sake of simplicity I’d rather not do both, but I’m not sure which path would be more interesting.
How does this sound?
I’ve been planning on writing a game for… Years, by now. And my indecisive mind finally got set on two different stories, of which I will choose the first to present now, just to gauge interest. Also, the summary includes heavy language because this is the same pitch I sent my proofreader (Bless her <3)
The world’s gone to shit. The old books call it the Fall, but you wouldn’t know anything about the trauma those humans went through, all those thousands of years ago. You’ve only known the aftermath of the Fall, your life, as it is now; Burning skies of orange, rust coating every surface as far as the eye can see, dilapidated buildings seconds away from collapse. The Habitat homes the descendants of those who survived, but crime runs rampant and you never know when you’re going to succumb to the corruption sweeping over the wasteland. You’ve lived your life on autopilot so far, going with the motions, but something stirs in the horizon, and it’s time for you to decide if you’ll go down in history as a hero or a villain. Then again, that depends on which side of the rebellion you ask, doesn’t it?
You begin the game in the Habitat, a city that’s your home in this world. It’s horrid, a disgusting place filled with degenerates and criminals doing anything to survive in a world where water is scarce, plant life is gone, and breathing agony if not used to the sandpaper air. Taking place in the future, there are many wonders that dip into a sci-fi setting, with technology beyond our imagination. “Enhanced” people, fused with mechanic parts to give them a boost in strength, mental fortitude, stamina, or just for cosmetic reasons. Old world guns have been abandoned, tech weaponry favorable for relying solely on energy to function, although some of those that honor the Old World still hang onto the things we now hold dear.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Coliseum, a sprawling metropolis with lush greens, fresh air, and running water. A paradise on earth, a safe domed bubble of sanctuary for the rich and powerful, and those born from them. Run by a “benevolent” monarch, the Coliseum thrives, crime is non-existent, and people are happy. If only you could see beyond the pristine marbled walls and flowing waterfalls, and hear the cries from deep below. No one gets in, and no one gets out.
ROs, gender variables, endings
The game would have six romance options, three male, and three female. One male RO will be gender specific, as well as one female. Or no romance at all! The wonder of choices. EDIT: By no romance I meant a choice for no explicitly sexual romance, I’m 100% planning on respecting my asexual peeps here. Gender-choice will be included, with male, female, trans, and nonbinary as options. I’m also currently thinking about adding a “genderless” (robotic, ken-doll type) option that would drastically change the game from the get-go (Maybe something as an unlockable after getting a specific ending? New game plus, of sorts), but that would be a massive thing to add for my first game.
The romances include:
Your boss, a sarcastic, 30-something ex-mercenary now running a “repectable” delivery business/dive bar. (M)
An enemy, programmed to obey the rules implanted in his brain, but on the brink of breaking free. (M)
A stranger in town, easy-going and fun-loving but deflective and secretive about why he’s there in the first place. (M)
A mercenary, an angry soldier of fortune with fists and heart of steel (except when it comes to her sister), and a mission no one can dissuade her from. (F)
A runaway that sees, hears, and knows too much even if she doesn’t want to. Haunted and skittish, hopefully naive. (F)
An ethereal being, pristine in her looks, yet cold and calculating. A silent companion laced with divine violence, holding on to her secrets without even trying.(F)
All of them can befriended instead of romance.
You’ll also have a choice of having your character start out as Enhanced, which will alter stats (Physical, mental, social) to your liking. Could be a normal human as well, or get enhancements later in the game (depending on if you have unlocked the variables for it). Looks are entirely customizable, and height will play a role in branch outcomes.
The endings are still in planning, but I’m planning on a major branching for each ending, depending on what side you, well, side on.
A little snippet!
Your body is begging you to stop and rest, but you fight through the pain and force your legs to run faster, enduring the shooting pain every footfall brings.
The edges of your vision blurs at the agony and you can hear the rush of blood in your ears, tuning out the command of your pursuers. You blink your dry eyes to clear your vision if only for a moment, but them you manage to rid the blur something darker envelops your vision; A telltale trench coat of an Enforcer Agent. The momentum is too great to divert, and all you can do is brace for the impending impact by throwing your hands up before you. A crack sounds from somewhere when your palms hit the solid mass of the Agent, and you’re thrown back onto the ground with a loud thump.
You grit your teeth and push yourself up as fast as you can, ignoring the pounding in your head, the pain in your wrist, and the residual rattle in your teeth. As hard as you try, you’re not quick enough to evade the hand that reached down and wraps around your throat, ripping you off the ground like you weighed nothing. Your feet leave the ground, and all you see is the seamless, cold mask of the Agent looking straight through your soul. A mechanical whirr is the last thing you hear before your ears start to hiss, and the Agent’s face contorts enough for you to see a bright light peeking through, scanning you for processing.
I hope this makes any sense. It’s a big world, and a dark setting, but I’m excited to share it with you even if it might flop <3
Interesting and like that we get the option to be a normal human
Alright Extreme Ball demo is out now.
(Ideas for the programmers)
Programmer story: Contains ideas for simple pages that beginners in programming can use for training.
Chess Player Story: Full of challenges and positive ideas to encourage people not to give up.
The story of a billionaire: the story of a person’s life since childhood and the beginning of the smallest projects with a capital of less than one dollar and their profits are few and lessons he learns after each experience until he becomes great, his wealth becomes great and of course the lessons of the player become many.
Interesting. I look forward to trying out the demo
im not programmer, I can’t make games, I just create ideas I wish see them in games.
I think the programming idea would be great.
I came up with an idea for Extreme Ball, where your player gets to have a birthday party. [spoiler]Mike has one; which come to think of it, that means it’s also Mikayla’s birthday as well oof…/spoiler] and I am going to have at least one other character having a birthday party during the summer break I am about to dive into. So I would like everyone’s thoughts on including an MC birthday party. It will be a little more difficult to pull off, since that means I will have to have you select a month (at least) which means it could fall during the school year. Or I can just have it as a generic birthday just before the Extreme Ball season. Let me know what you think.
- Birthday Party!
- MCs birthday is before the season
- Not even worry about a BD party
- Other
0 voters
Thanks everyone who voted. I decided to go ahead and close out the poll. I already started the coding process to incorporate a birthday party.
Welcome aboard, I think that Billionaires story would be the most interesting personally, but I think it just being a given that you’ll become rich would probably undercut agency.
I’d say it’s a good idea, but not to get super attached to it, if it adds to the story, go for it, otherwise don’t.
It would be place for more social interaction and age will have a factor in some circumstances. (Not all of them are planned out)
If you or any programmer decides to implement the idea, you can change whatever you want in it.
My purpose of the story is to collect ideas that have been implemented by rich and poor people so that we can learn from their experiences.
I have read many of their stories on the internet, even if I were a programmer to make these games myself.
I come with a fixed idea, God bless you for not having it, every day I woke up I created a little piece of the universe, script, polished the story. However, discussing your insanity is not a point, but the breath of creativity that it brought.
Gross synopsis, in portuguese
O som das conversas e passos inundam o ambiente escolar — as vozes de adolescentes discutindo trivialidades na caminhada monótona de todo dia —, idôneo aos dias letivos discorridos, nada muda e em um momento, o sinal toca, as alunas vão as salas, os professores entram e lecionam, passados dois sinais, o intervalo é liberado; toca-se outro e retornam as classes, repete-se o processo até o findar das aulas às duas da tarde em ponto.
Os dias poderiam serem desprezíveis, numa rotina ordinária de estudantes do ensino médio, mas ao deparar numa cena oblíqua e desconcertante que não lhe sai da cabeça, você começa a analisar a relação de quatro meninas e se vê entrando numa situação delicada, que lhe pode envolver além da salvação.
- Protagonista feminina e personagens românticas femininas;
- Protagonize uma adolescente no Internato Boas Graças no Brasil;
- Envolva-se na política local;
- “Romanceie” cinco personagens, com um “romance” platônico e outro unilateral ;
- Determine seu destino e das outras, seja uma “heroína”, “uma vilã”, algo moralmente intermidário ou uma vítima ;
- Escolha sua personalidade, habilidades, notas, roupas, atitudes, etc. que influenciarão a narrativa;
- Envolve os seguintes gatilhos: bullying, violência sexual, sangue, morte (opcional), suicídio (opcional?), homicídio (opcional?), incesto, relações abusivas, relações de dependência (opcional?), envolvimento romântico/sexual com agressora (opcional? Escolhas anteriores serão determinantes), chantagem (também não sexual e sexual), traição (opcional?), manipulação e extorsão. Outros gatilhos, posteriormente serão incluídos.
Gross synopsis, in english
The sound of conversations and footsteps flood the school environment — the voices of adolescents discussing trivialities in the monotonous walk of every day —, idoneous to the other days that have passed, nothing changes and in a moment, the buzzer goes off, the students go to their classrooms, the teachers enter and teach, after two signals, the break is released; another one rings and the classes return, repeating the process until the end of the classes at two o’clock in the afternoon.
The days are insignificant, in the normal routine of high school students, but when faced with an oblique and disconcerting scene that does not leave your head, you begin to analyze the relationship of four girls and find yourself entering a delicate situation, which it can involve you beyond salvation.
- Female protagonist and female romantic characters;
- Play the lead in a teenager at the Boas Graças boarding school in Brazil;
- Get involved in local politics;
- “Romance” five characters, one being a platonic “romance” and the other one-sided;
- Determine your destiny and that of others, be it “heroine”, “villain”, something morally intermediate or one victim;
- Choose your personality, qualities, grades, clothes, attitudes, etc. that leads the narrative;
- Involve the following triggers: bullying, sexual violence, blood, death (optional), suicide (optional?), Homicide (optional?), incest, abusive relationships, dependency relationships (optional?), Romantic/sexual involvement with the aggressor (optional? Previous choices will be decisive), blackmail (also non-sexual and sexual), betrayal (optional?), Manipulation and extortion. Other triggers will be included included.
Possible difficulty and explanation
Not being a native speaker, translating into english can be extremely difficult, but not impossible; if anyone wants to help with this, not earning a dollar, but my eternal gratitude, please contact me. Forgive me literally asking for a “handout” for translation, difficult times, in healthy times, I would pay.
This project would have no romance, but with socialization as its focus and which is technically a psychological terror, I decided it would be useful. Not every relationship will be reciprocal, nor healthy, be careful, if you are uncomfortable about the issues, I suggest you stop reading. Nothing will be romanticized, the narration will be in third person and the narrator will not be omniscient.
great idea. I hope you can find someone to help you implement it.
Shelving my other WIP due to a lack of interest (for now) and a lack of C-Script experience. Certain events may change that of course and I’ll still finish the first chapter.
Concepts I have are as follows, and I would love to hear your thoughts on which one should be made. Income is definitely an issue for me right now so… unfortunately interest is going to affect what I am writing for now.
First concept:
A fantasy world with an emphasis on realism over flashy moves and unrepentant spell slinging. This WIP would detail not only the harsher side of living in a fantasy world but also include a small handful of romantic subplots, lead characters through a relatively uncaring world and (at times) be open for exploration.
Your character’s main goal in this setting? Survive.
Second concept:
A post apocalyptic setting after nuclear war. This one would focus a little between survival and trying to restore what was broken. However it will, as in all my work and all my work will ever be, seek to explore the realism behind these concepts as I did (am doing, will do) with Shattered Stars.
Let me know what you guys think. I know fantasy is more popular here.
Fantasy with a LOT of romance is what’s popular on this forum… but never try to write a story for the fans, or else you’ll fail.
Write a story that interests YOU, and if it’s good enough, it’ll “convert” everyone else.
For instance, Tin Star is one of the all-time most popular games for people on this forum, and it’s about the Wild West and cowboys and is definitely not a fantasy setting with spells, magic, and wizards. What makes it popular isn’t the theme/genre but the immersive story it tells with your input.