Insert-Rich-Family-Name (WIP Updated 12/31/2022) Final Public Update

No, not that one! The GOOD bottle!


Of course ma’am! And no tonic, of course!!! :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:

Hahaha, I don’t like the mother as… well, as a mom, but she’s a funny character xd


I wanna get the inheritance so bad :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:


I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too.

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I love spending and earning some money I hope there will be more of them in the future :money_mouth_face:

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I think one preset killer is nice their backstory and motive would be more fleshed out. It worked in Pon Para because the murder mystery wasnt the main focus of the entire story but just that single chapter.

Another suggestion, I think you should add another background for the MC in what they do, because right now there are two choices that are very similar. Maybe remove one of the two partying backgrounds and replace it with something else, like being a part of the family’s company. I think that incentivizes the players to side with their family since its their legacy that’s on the line if they didn’t.

This way the MC can be an independent entrepeneur, or someone who wants to lead the family business, he can be a heavy-party goer and socialite or a complete fuck-up.


Thanks for reading :two_hearts:

I like that idea. I will add something for MC to be in charge of the international branch of the company, because right now, Leon and Benny are more in charge of leading everything. So giving MC one not so important role would still work for someone who want to sit on the throne after Grandpa died. Thanks for the suggestion.


Given the nature of the game I’m surprised no one suggested our dear old grampa as the killer, near impossible but it’d be a pretty fun twist.


Damn everyone cannot control their wealth

the only one I give money is Benny since his situation is the least fuked up

MC Mother = need 200 Million because she has an affair ckckck
MC Father = the worst he is doing a Money Laundering
Benny = He is just want to have a family and start over (his money management is suck though)

do you think it is good to give money to Benny ? or is it wrong to give any money to this 3 ?

Yeah like Buying more Real Estate or Buy Fancy car or something, and Rather only have 1 investment wouldn’t it be better to have more investment, Personally I prefer having a gigantic investment rather a fancy 141 Million mansion or 200 M Penthouse.

After dealing with Tokyo Company make it possible to Invest in the Tech Company in the first chapter.


If it helps you decide, Benny is the only one I gave money to, too.


i gave the money to benny too. but i almost wish i hadn’t because i think it’s so fucked up to ask for money to your sibling who just got shot :sob: like, couldn’t you wait just a little more? but i felt kinda bad for him so i gave him the money anyway.


Yeah, Benny at least has good use for the money.

But, like, 200 million dollars because you had an affair? HALF A BILLION because you thought you could rip off the MAFIA?! Screw you three.


Yeah, infidelity is not illegal…well outside the new Afghan Emirate and Saudi Arabia anyways.

Still my mc did not give money to anybody just quite yet.

The Tokyo company appears to be well-resourced for a startup already…companies being too flush with money tends to be bad too. Give it a couple of months or preferably a year to get a handle on its ongoing prospects and then see if additional investment is warranted.

Now as for investing in other people’s startups…particularly of the kinds occasionally featured here might be something my mc would be interested in.

Not even sure about that, the Aunt my mc did have a soft spot for is dead already though if the lawyer’s assistant does turn out to be her kid he’d be inclined to help him . Other than that and assuming he’s not the murderer my mc does have a soft spot for the surviving Dom cousin.

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I gave him money once cuz I pitied him, then I replayed the game and NEVER again.

Reason 1:

And 2: he keeps calling the MC a loser, that they have no one on their side, how he’s the favorite and how little their parents care about MC… and then has the nerve to ask for 200-300 million because daddy’s account is dry. Sure champ, I’m a failure but y’know what? I’m the only one who’s not broke!!!

Like… are you FUCKING serious??? Look, I feel bad for your beau, I bet Jax’s nice and all… well, no, if he actually puts up with your awful personality he’s not near as fantastic as you think, but if you want a single penny from me, you better crawl on your knees and beg!!! ASFBRLJ the more I play the angrier Benny makes me, I dislike him as much as I love the game, so good job @CC_Hill for making me feel so strongly about your characters :+1:

I will definitely help Tess, tho. She’s not the nicest gal out there, but she treats the MC better than 80% of the family (too bad grandpa, Aunt Flo and Uncle Rob died, they were also okay), so she deserves a bit of help.


With benny i would say treat others how they will/would’ve treated you , he wanted to give you an annual income of 500k and mocked you when you thought he was trying to bond with you.
Even that annual 500k sounded really insincere pretty sure guy would’ve made you beg for that money.
Tbh i wish there was an option where we could give him an million a year , 200mil , 300mil sounds way too much for just a simple marriage hell even whole life.


I gave money to Benny. But that’s because I know guys who are complete and utter assholes because they had to be in the closet. Benny isn’t out. He’s scared. At least in my MC’s case, he’s also in competition as she is the favorite grandchild. So he comes up short. Unfortunately he takes it out on MC. Not that it’s forgivable, but I understand. He doesn’t get 300, he only gets 200, but I hope he starts a new life with his love and he learns to be a good person when he is free.


will mc get a chance to earn millions of dollar in next update ?

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I agree my mc might have given him either that $500k a year, which is plenty to live on with a lover or 10-20 million at once and then nothing afterwards.


I agree. I think it’s important to show readers the things the story is telling, for example, if MC was close to aunt Flo show us scenes of MC and her bonding, or MC remembering things she told them. If we choose that Mc loves Benny after all, show the reasons why they do, because in both paths (when MC loves or hates him) he insults them and doesn’t treat them well, now, I’m not expecting a full change of personality because I know the relationship is difficult between them, but maybe a little bit more of gentleness, maybe a Benny that is loved by MC doesn’t tell them that nobody loves them, for example.


Just because MC loves Benny doesn’t mean Benny 100% love them back. Benny is the Golden son and will do everything to please father and come on top. Father is a certified ass, and Benny is his fav.

This option is for the MCs who want to foster a good relationship with the family. And having a good relationship or not have some weight in the story.

But I agree with more flash-back as Dannie suggested, and I wanted to add more interaction between the others and wasn’t really sure of how to add that. So flashes would be a great way to also sprinkled some suspicious behavior for MC to remember.

That choice can be added, as it sound petty. Telling Benny exactly what he said to MC is kind of fun.

That company went under after the death of one of the Dom. So no.

MC will get the option to save the family business depend on what happen with father.