But she is Mira’s golden child that all.Like Mira see MC as child whose woman she hate the most and kill . We just do to her like her mother did.so she have right no compliant. We are innocent child before the same as Elya. Why we cannot return this pain to her daughter like Mira did to us and our mother?
@Bacondoneright having Elya tell the archers to move out in chapter 5 to attack the enemy archers should probably give her a leadership point, I’m thinking
Yes, but Elya hasn’t done anything against you, she supported you, try to help you with your trauma, appointed you to the highest position, you could possibly be able to reach, and in every other way, trusted you. Your entire reasoning for wanting to take over is to punish her for what her parents did, just like Mira wanted to chop off your fingers to punish her husband for cheating on her.
If that’s the reason your MC decided to coup elya. Then it proves my point more, they aren’t taking action from any actual fault of Elya. The MC is focused on the action of the parent while punishing the child. Mira hates that Sobik cheated on her and went and fathered a child with another woman, and what does she do? She has a seven year old permanently maimed for it.
It’s not so much that as it is me just pointing out that most of the time I see people talking about the “Bastard King/Queen” ending bring up that Elya in some way deserves being couped or in some way had it coming. If this was some random military general than I would agree it was a mistake done by Elya and she reaps what she sows.
But the person who does this is her sibling, a sibling she was most likely told her whole life is beneath contempt and worse than anything in this world. But a sibling she unequivocally stood by no matter what her family said, a sibling that when things got rough held it all in and even though it pains her to see she tries her best to offer any sort of relief to that sibling. Then after her father and older brother has died, and her other brother was going to willingly offer her to be Redacted by the enemy. The one person left she can truly rely on and trust in her family looks her in the eye and has her thrown into a cell for no apparent reason.
I truly look like evil everyone can pity Mira,but I cannot
Darin also probably notices the same comparison, another reason why he would be so pissed about it. This is not about Mira at all, really, she can rot in hell for all I care, but instead of punishing you, you punish her daughter, because you see no other way to get at her, essentially.
I understand he has done it before ,right?
Because the way to hurt Mira the most and making her feel the most suffering like MC does (Such as let Beros die or kill Vedrand die in agony)
If your goal is to punish Mira, the most, the best solution really is to just drive her to do it to herself, which you can do
That for Mira.For Sobik ,I will fuck his legacy,his country and his all heir
Thank you very much!
In ending,she commit suicide.hopeless and despair like MC was be dishonored by her.Well …I quite disappointed anyway I think game will drag it for year.
Bacon said he was planning to change that scene as that is what it reads like, but she doesn’t actually commit suicide.
Good to my Marshall.I want her alive.
taking your thing back is not called stealing
nobody is punishing elya. stoping her from getting throne will not end her life. i love elya and want her to live like princess as long she doesn’t came in my king mc’s way.
Wait, are you referring to Mira here?
Yep I coup Elya because the best way to revenge.
Oh…you got that Mira ending. Then nevermind I thought you were refering to Elya.
I still love Elya anyway
i would like if we can get option keep in tight house arrest instead of cell . when she is no longer threat she can live as she wants.