I, the Forgotten One Release Thread (1.2)

Yes, the people still not so sure how far that sentiment extends into the elites and the religious leaders.

Well they may not care so much about the missing ring fingers due to having a different culture but the mc is still not exactly educated or raised like ruler.
From what I can see mc is absolutely not suited to be an absolute monarch. There are ways around that, like I mentioned you can rule Krorid with a council or even like an aristocratic Republic, that way the mc can be the figurehead and maybe the primus inter pares of the council but otherwise focus on the area he is actually skilled in, the army.
Even then it is still going to require a not insignificant amount of tutoring in various subjects to get the mc up to speed.

Or the mc can resign themselves to being a figurehead and have a de-facto prime minister actually rule the country. The weakness in that is of course that you need to get along with that person because you’ll need to rely on them for nearly everything, certainly in the beginning and pray that nothing happens to them that could cause them to be replaced with a far worse alternative.

And lastly my mc would still have the hard and non-negotiable conditions for considering taking up rulership of Krorid that he will not be required to marry or wear a signet ring. Even if those conditions are met that will just make my mc seriously consider it taking into account all the other things I’ve mentioned above. So it is no guarantee he’ll ultimately do it. Even if the people of Krorid and Elya want it to happen.

But we’ll cross those bridges if and when we even get to them.

My mc wouldn’t like being King of Kanton however and under even remotely normal circumstances he’d never even consider it. If something were to happen to Elya I guess he’d try to find somebody else to take over as soon as the civil war is won, most likely Milon if he wants it, or somebody from a cadet branch if Milon declines, and then abdicate because he knows both the people and elites of Kanton will only ever barely tolerate him at best in the long term and that is probably only with the silly “re-honoring”.


She can’t. She is symbol of threat as long as she live .she can be threat to my thorne.it necessary to get rid her no exceptions.

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I…am at a loss for words to be honest. If you love her don’t unjustly punish her for something she didn’t do.


i want kanton and krorid both for my mc. not only that after some time i would like to invade other kingdoms and create empire like raviria did.mc will get bored without war anyway.

Well … I also hate her too :smiling_face: :blush: I think Jealous MC maybe feel like this.


If Mira don’t die it mean I can beat her again,right? Do think author let us do it ?

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I don’t think the author will let you torture her in a recurrent manner


Hahaha . My Mc like to say to Mira and Sobik that when you treat someone like monster.they will become monster .well…they deserve it and their childs too.

Well, the good thing about players who choose to play the Bastard King route is they let us know what happens in that route for players like me. I can’t bear the glare of betrayal from Darin and Elya. But I’d do it when I start doing a run for achievements.


I have a character specifically for that, and although I think, I’ll enjoy the dynamic, it’s not going to be a Path. I’m going to go back to very much.


Doubt will ever get the opportunity to go anywhere near that far, stabilizing shit by ending. The Civil War is probably the best we’re going to get no matter what route or on.


Given my repeatedly stated fanatical support for Elya, I cannot imagine myself visiting the betrayal path much, I will out of respect to the author and his work given how much I enjoy the rest of it of course. What would be interesting is if Ilya is kept warm but has absolutely abysmal leadership she returns to the idea of giving you the crown again especially if you get undishonored and it is your choice on if you want to encourage that line of thinking or dissuade her from it.


this… this was so well done. i’ve been reading this ever since it was a wip, and i’m so happy to find out it’s getting a sequel🗣

i have a “poem” (which is just me rambling) for this that i made a few months before its release. i decided against posting it here bc i felt shy about my work. i regret that decision now bc it was stored on my old phone. if i didnt post it on my personal social media account, i fear i’d have lost it forever. which explains why it’s blurry🤣 but i hope it’s still readable enough


I honestly love the idea of a scripted unambiguous loss (it can be a slight loss or ARM levels of loss, depending on our choices, but it’s always a loss) in ITUO for the Marshal’s faction. Both for demonstrating Rade’s still-present ability, and for the story beat (the Marshal does believe that fighting and commanding others to fight is all they are good for (and they are useless liability if they can’t/don’t win), and that belief won’t ever go away regardless of how much Darin and Elya and Milon (or Lada or Obren) say otherwise).

@Zaya27477 @anon12679161 One of the recurring themes of ITFO is that people are people (including the Marshal), and therefore can be driven by their emotions in their actions, even if it’s illogical to a third party.


A lot of tension can exist in the Marshal’s relationship with Elya. I think it is entirely reasonable for the Marshal to grow to hate her while still loving her. At least for my Marshal, ever since her dishonoring she has wanted to be Queen. As that is a symbol of belonging to her family that cast her out and of course power tempts all people. By the beginning of the game my Marshal isn’t even thinking about pursuing it anymore because of her terrible opinion of herself, she doesn’t think anyone would ever want her. It doesn’t stop her from wanting it. Sadly Elya is Queen now, would have been much easier if Belos didn’t die.

The biggest strain to me though is Elya’s relationship with Mira. Constantly seeing Mira genuinely caring for Elya, and vice versa, hammers home the feeling of being an outsider in the family. As well as seeing someone who you love and who loves you also love your abusers can play havoc on your mind. With delightful thoughts like “how can Elya love Mira and/or Sobik, does she not remember what they did to me.” and “Does Elya not care how Mira treats me, or how I can never feel safe around her.” Most of this is not Elya’s fault, the Marshal sucks at communication and therefore can’t effectively share their feelings.

Krorid made my Marshal start considering becoming Queen. Here are a group of people that respect her. Krorid is misguided, she is the worst, but she doesn’t believe becoming Queen is impossible anymore. Furthermore there were some things that Elya did that irked my Marshal. Not being happy with Krorid Independence, immediately scheming to undermine their sovereignty, and being initially dismissive of my Marshal putting her name forward for Krorid succession. That was enough to make my Marshal think that Elya would not respect my Marshal’s wishes and just use her for war.

All these feelings culminated in my Marshal finally doing something that they want, and damn what other people think of her… Actually she secretly hopes after the war she can be friends with her sister again, but doesn’t think she deserves it. Also she is super worried about how Darin will continue to take this.

On a mildly related note. In my mind Mira is the Marshal’s mother, blood ties don’t mean much to me, she raised them for 7 years and after that played a big part in forming them as a person. My Marshal likewise still sees Mira as her mother. So there is a dynamic of my Marshal hates her but wants her acceptance. Hopefully one day Mira will give an apology for the wrongs she has committed against the Marshal and their relationship can actually progress.

For Vedran, I think he is an idiot but his desire for the throne is completely understandable. My Marshal would be a hypocrite if she hated him for that. I do like getting him to surrender peacefully.


This is the first justification I’ve seen for the betrayal route that actually feels like it fits with the Marshal’s character. Well done.


I don’t think woman maim me for her cheating husband is my mother exactly.her apologize can’t fix damage she done to Marshall

Biological mothers have done worse to their children and their children still sought their love and approval. Familial relationships aren’t exactly logical.


This is not real mother.why we should forgive her for what she done ? .she always belittle us front of other after she maim us too.she deserve to die in agony like stupid son or rotting in jail like her daughter. Why let them happy while we lose everything?

I don’t I think I can forgive people like Mira or Sobik .they done very bad thing to us so they and their family deserve suffering and worst fate ,not happiness.

Why serve their daughter who has nothing worthy with Crown.? Just Because Elya is her siblings but It don’t mean Elya can take everything from Marshall.

Well I don’t think Mira is honest .she still call us Bastard.this is prove she doesn’t change.she just use Marshall secure her daughter throne from Rade at all.that is why she want to reconcile with us

Marshall owe Mira nothing after she done to them and owe Elya nothing for her mother done to them too

See, that’s an explanation I can 100% get behind, even if I disagree with it.