I lowkey would like to see that to be honest. Would be a cool way to introduce the Ravarians, imo.
I’d like to think that she’d still have nobles that support her plus with others who already hate Marshal because they are dishonored and would like to see them get taken down a peg. If Elya plays her cards right and use her story of getting betrayed by the bastard child, she would successfully paint you as the villain. And Rade has used Vedran before. Why wouldn’t he use Elya too?
point is that mc and his descendants will rule kanton not elya’s.it’s game of thrones for my mc and he will play it like Tywin Lannister. he will destroy anyone who comes in way by any means necessary.
The point of problem is how to win Marshall if Marshall can crush Rade army before? And Does Lord accept Elya if join army who kill father and her twin brother ? Who kill their own king twice. I think Elya will rally Lord more than seek help from Because best for her image.
Next point of problem 2: Elya personality,Low warm Elya quite safe . because she weak and no absolutely leadership and commanding army.Lord have to gamble their life and their family with weak girl.I don’t think they do because if she lose ,they die. But for High cold Elya is big opposite with weak Elya. And she is big problem.
Because in that case he wouldn’t need it. If Marshall’s army is too small to threaten him, why go for the trouble with someone that wants to stab you in the back? Why not just destroy Elya’s army (that has no good leaders to lead it into the battlefield)?
For an alliance to become actually possible, she would need to bring something worth to the table. Otherwise it is easier to just let the Marshall and Elya’s army destroy each other and then take over when both of them are weak.
Vedran brought literally nothing to the table, not even legitimacy, something that she at least does have. And presumably, she will be able to rally at least some of the truly loyal nobles to her side.
I don’t undermind her as threat .but this personality make me easier to get rid her. Because if choice available,I have to get rid her suddenly.if kill father,must kill their all offspring too, not exception.that my motto haha
Yes, what did he got from Rade? Nothing. He just used him to try to take the Marshall and Elya without making any real investment to him, because he was expendable.
Now why wouldn’t he just force Elya to marry him if she just went to bet her? Which army would protect Elya?
@Zaya27477 I’m assuming Lord is also Rade here, right? While Marshal won some in the first book doesn’t mean they are unstoppable. Rade has already plans to alliance himself with foreign power plus he has knowledge on using canons. Who’s to say we won’t slip up because we got a bit too cocky?
And like @BlindSwift mentioned, Elya could just marry herself off to Ravaria and fight back.
@Urban again like I said. She could gather more nobles for Rade. Having a bigger size army still has its advantageous. And Elya still has her legitimacy. Which gives Rade a step closer to the throne he wants.
Mira after trying to convince herself that everything is okay builds up hate and resentment towards an innocent child who has done nothing to realistically earn any of her hate.
The Mc after being in a state of just generally not okay, builds up envy and anger towards an innocent teenager who has done nothing but try and be supportive and helpful towards their siblings while walking the tightrope of trying to learn and help the MC while not being too pushy.
Both characters after this feeling builds up to much act emotionally and on gut instinct and do something that changes the life of their target of resentment forever and destroys any chance of reconciliation.
I think there has been a miscommunication. Mira’s act of dishonouring the Mc is equivalent to the MC couping Elya. Both characters have done nothing to earn anything like that. The MC never did anything to Mira that deserved for them to be dishonoured. Elya is a teenager who sequentially loses their father and older brother and still treats the MC with respect and love. The Mc then builds up anger from no fault of Elya’s and coups her.
Pulling foreign army in your own country is poor choice.i think using canon don’t make sure him win us too. Who knows,right? Sometime War is gamble,maybe have miracle happen.
Yep that I think but I don’t think author will allow it.It is very very bad thing you know.I think Elya is author’s golden child.I don’t think he will allow it haha the most terrible thing I think while I role as jealous MC is maiming her lovely finger like Mira did to MC (maybe It’s worst that what Mira did )
Last time I check, you don’t bring a gun to a knife fight. You especially don’t bring a canon to a sword fight🤣. But yea who knows who’d win? I especially would like to win with a canon. Let Rade taste his own medicine.
Raise the Marshal’s envy towards Elya (be generally resentful towards her and openly disapproving about her privilege) as much as possible, the option will open up towards the end of the story