Turning into rade is probably exactly what he’s terrified of, as I said above, and it shows during his dialogue if you go with that route
Because it’s not good for the MC. Betraying their sister, the one family member who loved them and never did them any harm. Breaching all trust placed in them and proving that they are, in fact, as dishonorable as their fingers imply. Reacting to wrongdoing by doing more wrong. All of this, for what? Revenge against a dead man who will never know? Revenge against a broken powerless drunkard? What is the point? Any victory there is pyrrhic.
He wants better things for the MC. He doesn’t want them to sell their honor to buy a poisoned crown.
For my betrayal character, I’m going to keep her as high as well for two main reasons; her personality is just more interesting at high leadership, collecting troops is easier that way, and a three way Civil War in the second game actually sounds like a dynamic Really fun to explore.
because a dead man and a broken powerless drunkard is who start this cycle.If they don’t start.They are maybe happy family . This is thier penalty for their action.Will be paid by blood of all their childs Well I don’t like People Like Mira or Sobik happy anyway I don’t want her and Sobik get away from what they did to MC . They can broke Mc and why MC cannot broke their child return ? Eye for Eye. Blood for Blood and Finger for Finger.Simply ,Fair rule. **you take all my sixteen life year I desever by cutting my finger now I will take all in your life from you too. Well… I’m evil people anyway
Plus, Krorid, a country where the people actually love you is also open for a new leader so if you have to rule, why not rule somewhere that you’ll actually get taken seriously?
Why not rule both countries?
What I can imagine would happen is that someone would probably pull the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” card. And that would likely be Elya and Rade going against the real big threat, which is the Marshall.
We were the Final Boss all along…
Did we ever get a confirmation of whatever happened to Lord Thomas? He just coughed and disappeared from the rest of the story. I assumed he kinda died off screen or something.
To get what the MC deserves, someone who is actually fighting and leading the soldiers to keep Rade away from the throne. Not a child who is just there for the ride while you do the hard job and that “loves” you so much that the only role she gives to you is too be her obedient dog that she sends to harass who she wants.
Better a poisoned crown than a poisoned leash.
Realistically, from a programming point of view, this probably seems like the most practical option, and I think Bacon mentioned something about this happening earlier, which, still, interesting, dynamic to explore
Who is Bacon ?
The writer
Hight Elya leader have change , but Low Elya Leader ,I don’t think both Elya, go to ask Rade help .If plus fact She just crush his army .I don’t think Rade will like this Idea (or Maybe he like… I don’t know). At least I think She will ask noble help because she is Legimated. and have her own army. Low Elya maybe lucky have few (Can minimum damage ) but Hight Elya is big thing
Yep me too
I feel like low leader Elya would have a hard time rallying her own army and join Rade to fight back, that can’t be said the same with high leader Elya. Especially if you build her to be cold and cunning.
However, I’d like to think Rade wouldn’t fool himself to think that Elya would willingly join his cause. To him, everyone is an expendable tool to get closer to the throne. And cunning Elya would probably think the same. They would probably make a truce just to get rid of Marshall first but would be ready with a plan to backstab each other when the big threat is finally dealt with. And I would be ready with the popcorn.
Low leader Elya could also be just as dangerous if written right. She could literally plan an escape and backstab Marshal when they think everything is going dandy for them. It just makes Marshal’s paranoia justifiable. It starts with betrayal and ends with one too. Sounds pretty poetic.
Don’t worry I keep her warmheart low leadership haha
If she join Rade ,she will lose her presentation as good sweet girl or good queen
do think join army with reble especially rebel who want kill her and killed her father and Belos her twin brother and lose battle along way to Lanorly and will pull army from far- east ,outside invaders? For me it make her look bad.I mean who want follow queen who pull invader army ,outside threat to your own country and plus maybe mostly Lord distaste Rade personally.If Elya help Rade,mostly Lord maybe dislike . She will lose all her reputation even she is legitimate queen.
Only one problem with those scenarios, you think that the MC can’t win in the end.
@Urban Oh I have no doubt Marshal can fight back. But would the story let them win is the real question. That’s up to the author in the end.
No matter what she does, mc will still look worse because they were the one to stab her in the back first it’s only reasonable she does what she can to get payback
I think Reble look softer than pulling invader army into your own country.That action mean she willing sell her country to invader for thorne.she will become queen under invader’s king/queen . She is traitor as Marshall does. not different.And That make her look worse than Marshall.
That normal political thorne game between Royal (lie,accusing,backstabbing , poisoning, killing each other etc.),she is losser in this game, she can’t save Thorne by herself so she have no right to compliant about it. If she want her Thorne ,she will take it back by her own
I feel like you forget that she realistically has no need to join Rade she does have a special card she alone can play that could easily get her support. She could establish marriage ties with a foreign kingdom, all it would take is for the MC to go out to war and she escapes and goes and marries some 2nd or 3rd son of Ravaria or something like that while promising tribute payments or partial vassalage under that power. Not extremely good long term, but in a game of survival where the one person you truly believed would have your back like you had theirs takes away everything from you and locks you up to do who knows what. Well…hey it’s just retaliation at that point.
In that scenario, the underdogs is Elya, not the MC. The MC still have an army and is a capable general, meanwhile Elya has nothing.
Why would even Rade get in an alliance with her when she is bringing no army or resources to the table? Why not just force her to marry him to give him more legitimacy?
Elya is the one that risks everything if she goes after Rade.