I, the Forgotten One Release Thread (1.2)

Hi there @ghost3337

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Ok thanks


i have replayed a lot and tried out every possible tactics, and find out mine is better than those in the threads and reddit. For me the best way to run a tactic marshal is: first, don’t alert the nobles (+200 knights), then charge the archers, and fall back to the walls (200 knights saved). Then, even the load of illness, and send no one out during the cold marching. Remember to choose regimentation training. In first recruit, invest all 11 points in archers (you need to toughen up Elya whenever she became a weeping mess and got Elya strength to 5 before the meeting with baron Ciril). Then, stay remain on the defensive. Then, choose the V formation to encircle and kill them all (spread your retinue evenly, dismount knight and spread evenly). When got shot by archers, shoot back. When in battle, don’t join out with your infantry, stay and gather troops that are not fighting to defend enemy calvary from the crossing). this way you kill most of them (and suffer minimum loss <350). Choose the shorter path, you will get raided but suffer minimum loss (<100 each type of troops). Then choose weapon training for troops. In second recruitment you can invest 10 in kroidian soldier, 2 in upgrading your army ( gives +7 professionals and -2 infantry). When in the jungle, charge them. Then choose to fight a single decisive battle. In final battle, spread retinue evenly, put ranger with archers, use archers to drive off both left and right flanking Calvary, and shoot Rade and his archers when you can. Then, tell archers to move to target the enemy calvary on the right, draw troops from the rear to fortify the flank. Then, lead your calvary on the left to charge them. Now your cohesion should still be 90+ and you almost win, lick them now when they run. With these tactics, you suffer minimum loss ( a bit less than 900 - 1000), still almost destroy the enemies, while still achieve all those achievements.


Congratulations! I know this has been a very anticipated title for a lot of people

It’s not bad, but I normally don’t bother with the formation at all because it’s such a pain. I acquire light cavalry and send them to defend the crossing, about 125 of them. I also acquire three points of veterans in chapter 7 to get the special trait, but my tactics in the chapter 9 battle are essentially the same


I also find the 3 veteran, 1 kroidian soldiers, 1 levies upgrade a good build too, my casualties < 1000 (everything else the same). I just don’t understand why light cavalries and recruiting levies is considered meta. My tactics is minimum loss on my side ( of course decimation of enemies assured). That is why i have a shit ton of archers (1500) and during 2nd recruitment I got +7 professionals, and -2 levies. Because in first battle i notice that high number of archers means less death for my side, and levies die a lot more than retinues, hence my build is to maximize sheer number of archers and retinue I can get, while reducing the number of levies. I played like that first, then i try tactics involving light cavalry and rangers, which did not meet my expectations, and they caused me higher casualties than my original build, so i kind of hated them ever since.


I’m saving up for the next game, mostly. Also, they do have their uses, sending them out by themselves to handle the crossing in chapter 5 means you never get attacked in the rear, and they minimize casualties when you take the short path in chapter 6.

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I wouldn’t get too attached to this idea, because realistically we’ll probably see some degree of reset when it comes to the army size/composition. If just to reduce headache with ensuring the game is playable and at the same time not overly easy for somone who imports state from the previous installment.


Probably, and a lot of the new composition is going to depend, I’m guessing, on kingdom loyalty, but cavalry is one of those troop set that you really can’t ridiculously jack up the amount of so I’m tentatively optimistic that I’ll be able to start from something with those, especially since is hinted that will actually be able to use them in their proper setting this time

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Something i would add to this discussion no mater what are end state is its known to us exspecially if our MCs thrash rades army. He will be calling up his horse tribe allies. So exspect a lot of cav incoming from those people.


I bought light cavalry to test their effect on shorter path before, and see no differences in casualties during shorter path, between having 75 and 0 light cavalry (still lost around 80-90 troops each), hence my all archers build (i don’t buy more light cavalry than that because i will lack archers for my second battle). Or, i will only get 25 light cavalry at max, and let them hit the rebel in second crossing ( I sacrifice them to buy time for my troops to totally encircle the enemy, then when heavy cavalry arrive, they see their infantry being butchered so they just leave)

Small writing update: My laptop fan exploded and started actually rattling my computer and it took forever to get repaired, but I’m finally able to write again, which is nice lol. Expect something new sometime in late October, early November.


How curiously cryptic


Probably an announcement for the forgotten one sequel? Or a new update to the current game?


That’s my guess, yeah

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Considering the two games have been released or near released i suspect its probally announcement or release of demo for second game of i forgotten one.


He’s just finished whiskey-four a little while ago, I don’t think he’s going to write the demo so quickly.

Whiskey came out not long after ITFO hit the publishing queue, I wouldn’t be so sure of that


Bacon had Whiskey-Four pretty quick after ITFO. Granted, yes, W-4 does have more predefined things to it. Less variables than what ITFO2 would end up with. However, Bacon seems capable of pushing more than one might expect.


I feel ITFO2 will be sort of a management simulator of both the kingdom and army while trying to maintain yourself in good relationships with other factions.