I need a better title

To Tell the Hero.

Hero 2.0
Superhero 2.0

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The Accidental Hero.

Like the Accidental Spy starting Jackie Chan.

Threads like this are why I love this community; it seems like you’ve gotten a lot of really good suggestions to comb through so far. I will throw a few into the ring, too (I read all the way through so I don’t think anyone else has offered these, but if you have and I accidentally skimmed over it for some reason, my apologies). Good luck!

Substitute Hero
Bait and Switch
Hero for Hire
Double Agent
Pinch Hitter (like, as in a substitute batter, but also someone who literally hits someone, eh? EH? I’ll show myself out, lol)


pats @MizArtist33 on the back sympathetically
Pinch Hitter is well, not that bad but you could do worse…WAY worse so don’t show yourself out yet bud :sunglasses: :thumbsup:.

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I love making titles, sorry if I’m repeating and some are really bad.

Second String Superhero
The Second Best Thing
Once Again, With Flying
Superhero: Part Deux
If Only You’d Paid Attention in Superhero School
Everything I Know About Superheroes
No, That’s Not a Cape in my Pocket…
Really, I’m Not a Superhero…
Not Quite Super
Almost Super
Somewhat Super
The Hero We Have
How to be a Superhero Without Even Trying


@Hanon_Ondricek Unfortunately, Marvel and DC have the term Superhero trademarked (I KNOW!) so it can’t be used in any titles.


What about Superperson? Superprotagonist? Superheron (like, a really big bird)?

EDIT: On second thoughts, I think I’ll keep Superheron…


Heh. Superheron might fall under parody. :stuck_out_tongue: I dunno.

There’s some more details



Do I owe them like $1.47 now for saying it?

Did they trademark “Super Hero” (with a space?)

No! You don’t owe them any money for using the words. You would if you had the words Superhero, Super Hero, or Super-Hero in your title of a game, book, comic, etc. You can use Super on its own, and Hero in your titles, just not both.


Okay, okay. How about “Heroes of Super”?

Probably a no go on that. Heroes of Supper might be allowed though. Or Herons of Super. Or Supper Herons.


I looked it up. It’s okay to use “superhero” inside of a comic book or
story, it just can’t be used to sell the thing.

Yep. The article I linked said that.

Should probably move this over to the super hero thread.


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Oh, they have blocked superhero and such, but not vigilante and that my friend is not trademarked so…
Vigilante double cross
A vigilante caper
Vigilantes twin

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This may be pretty terrible, but maybe something along the lines of “The Masks We Wear” to emphasize the multiple shifts in identity that seem to occur in the story (based on the summary given, that is).

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Dead Ringer, Justice Bringer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Justice Has Two Faces!
(Goes back to lurking in the forums)

The title suggestions here are really varied in tone, which I think is counterproductive to actually arriving at a fitting title. We need to know more about the tone of the game, and what its themes are. There is no point in giving the game a humorous title if its narrative isn’t humorous, for example. It could also help us to know the “hero name” of the superhero in the story.