Hey, what's that game? -- A thread for identifying ChoiceScript games

Does anybody know of a WIP where you play as a jack the ripper kind of character where you are both the killer as well as the police officer investigating the murders?

Double Cross, I think? (Which is not the same game as the Double/Cross in the HG catalogue.)

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yeah this is the one thanks a lot i have been looking for this a long time :sob:

Iā€™m looking for a game where you are a steward on a spaceship. You can have some alien heritage, including one race with yellow skin. I remember one of your teammates has pink hair. You get the chance to cook at one point.

Hi, I was trying to find a game I played some time ago, I actually donā€™t remeber if it was still wip or not, I just remember liking it.

I donā€™t remember much so, hope this helps:

If iā€™m not wrong the mc finds themself in a world/hidden city where there are diferent races of people, after a scene at a gas station.

Theres also a scene in a police station much later with a smoke villain.

Thats all i can remember, a lot.
I just wanted to know what happened to it, and maybe read it for the nostalgia. Thx

Attollo, I think? Itā€™s on itch.io now.

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iā€™m not sure but maybe itā€™s A Light Among the Stars (space opera)?

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That was the one, thank you very much :place_of_worship:.

Hi, does anyone remember a WIP where the story started on a train and the MC was part of a team of mythical beasts?

I remember you can choose between about 5 races for your MC and there was a harpy who makes the team breakfasts and a unicorn guy. The MC also lost their memory and was assigned together with their handler to go investigate a haunting.

In my playthrough I chose to be a werewolf and the game even let you choose the type of ears and tail you wanted, the amount of details the author put in really stuck with me and I hope to find it soon.

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thatā€™d be When It Hungers (formerly Smoke and Velvet). itā€™s currently undergoing rewrites, but you can keep up with the author on their tumblr :slight_smile:

IIRC the game is being ported to Twine as well. the dashingdon demo wonā€™t be receiving further updates :slight_smile:


Hellhound like tbh and yeah, itā€™s When it hungers being moved to twine

Ohhhh, thatā€™s the one! Thank you! It was such a great WIP Iā€™m glad itā€™s still ongoing :blush:

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So I remembered a demo Iā€™ve read around a year and wanted to check what happened to it but sadly could not remember the name, if anyone could help me I would appreciate it.

From what I remember it was in 18-ish century with MC being an heir to a ruler of the country. You were supposed to be able to influence its future, for example turn it from monarchy to republic.

Demo included:

  • MC in their childhood having a meeting with representatives of different religions.

  • Having a talk with their mother (i think) about what it means to be a ruler (with an example of one of the ancestors i think).

  • And a session of training in swordfighting that let you choose your fighting style and weapon (strength with heavy cavalry sword or dexterity with smaller sword) and a duel with a future RO that was a girl that joined military in footsteps of her relative (father/uncle/brother? Canā€™t remember) which was a bit unusual since women in the military is a rare occurrence in this world.

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I think you are referring to (WIP) The Fate of the Empire [UPDATED: 29/8/21]

Thank you!

Does anybody known the name of an wip where u can tranform into several things like a plant; an animal and smth else? I remember that the evil entity was a fox and it destroyed the mcā€™s home, along with their mother/teacher.


Iā€™m looking for a wip where you play as a cop whoā€™s involved with the ā€œmagicalā€ side of the law. Your partner is some sorta orc, they were definitely mentioned as a taller species. Anyway you start out in an abandoned mall where you find a half elf performing surgery, their sibling is also an Ro. The sibling is very colorful, thatā€™s the only way I can discribe them. You and your band now investigate a string of kidnappings, leading you to party. You all dress up and two of you invade the backroom finding a half dead guy when the building is set on fire. That should be enough, I wrote so much.

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Smells like Enchanted in Blood


Smells? Well you smelled right. Thanks!

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