Dang I forgot this existed
Just to make you aware, Dashingdon hosting will be closing soon so I would recommend moving this to cogdemos or uploading a compiled html file:
Thanks! I’m planning on moving everything over to cogdemos this weekend. Should be an easy move.
Updated the link. Should be good to go now. I’ll take the dashingdon link down now.
Enjoyed the demo lots, looking forward to more!
I think there might be a typo in the general updates, the last one.
Also won’t blame you if you are from the future, I would travel in time aswell if I could.
Hey, I wrote a Damiana side story for valentines day. As for the main demo, I’m still hammering it out! Enjoy the side content. Franco’s story is also here.
Lol I have such a hate-love relationship with Dame, it’s not healthy good job with your one shot
(Is there even a Happy ending with Dame?)
There is a happy ending yes, but the one shot is supposed to take place in the middle of their romance which is going to involve a little bit of sneaking around, which everyone expects so I made sure to lean into that.
ouch ouch it’s not cool