Absolutely. A wonder I never fully realized my dreams in the pursuit of archaeology. I was the little one who actually wanted to live in visit museums and just linger and linger…
Aww. You’re sweet, but 'twas an overly ambitious novel that I started as a teen and worked on for years before I began to dissect and redistribute it to my other works. In my current WIP, not even remotely ready for viewing, I do include some of it’s elements, though–perhaps even my Taurus in another incarnation.
Another reason why I was so ecstatic and over the great blue moon to see When In Rome on the forums before the author fled and the emperors of Dropbox overthrew that most gorgeous of WIPs. Hence your valuable addition to this niche is much appreciated and I shall be keeping an anticipatory eye on its future…
So…how have you been?
Flailed. You are the reason I was sold into slavery!
Admittedly it was a long way to go for a second date…