Aaaaasaanywaaaaaay… Nero crashing my party I’m guessing?
Is our character immune to the element they choose or is it just they can’t get hurt with their own power?
We’ll see who is crashing whose party
The MC can get hurt from the elemental they choose, though their own ability tries to shield them from the harm. You can see it like this: Should another user with the same ability come by, the damage will be reduced, though the MC can still get hurt.
Damn MC’s dreams get crushed of teleporting to the sun, walking on it while singing ‘I’m walking on sunshine’
@SheaMcD official theme song of Phoenix as she wreaks havoc across the city. "I’m walking on the sunshine! hurls a fire bomb into a gas station, creating a mighty explosion “WHOOOAAAAAA.”
@Nekumura could overusing our ability cause harm to ourselves? Fire exertion = burns, lightning = electrical burns, ice = frostbite
Something like that, though I won’t say what happens just yet
After I’ve read the description of the villain I saw many parallels to Batman (minus the killing of course) and feel that this description may suit the Anti-Hero more than the villain. An Anti-Hero is (in my opinion) a Hero who doesn’t fit your stereotypical description of a Hero and is more the guy who uses the results to justify the means.
As example: if a (Anti-)Hero were to come into a situation where a villain takes someone as a hostage so that he has a bargaining chip to escape, a Hero would try their best to rescue the hostage whereas an Anti-Hero would try to capture villain first and would later on use the excuse that the villain would’ve killed more people than this one hostage(if the Hostage got killed, crippled, …etc.)
In this instance the Hero’s priorties would be:
1.Rescue Hostage
2.Capture Villain
And the Anti-Hero’s:
1.Kill/Capture Villain
2.Possibly rescue Hostage if possible
But that’s of course just my humble opinion.
By the way great WIP enjoyed it a lot.
I think I will make a villain who can shoot lightning, so he can be something like this:
Okay this is going to be long and some or all of these errors have probably already been pointed out but…1063 comments. Yeah, no. Not going through that. So just in case they haven’t, here they are. These are the errors I’ve found with spelling and missing words before the “one year later” part.
You didn’t wanted to leave, and out of fear of being ripped out of the familiar environment and of being taken to a place you have no knowledge of, you ran.
It should be “want”.
You watched him in disbelieve. A vigilante, and on top of that the famous Crow, wants to take you in?
Disbelieve is a verb. What you want to use is “disbelief” or change what you’re saying to something like “you watched him, disbelieving”. Disbelief is a noun and the reason you use it is because what you’re basically saying is that you watched him in a state, which would be disbelief. And a state such as disbelief, horror, fear, is a noun.
You soon found out about the money mystery. Apparently, the man owned a hotel chain in around Kalathol, while actively trading on the stock market.
Should be “in and around Kalathol”.
Nathaniel trained you for around a year and a half before he deemed you ready to become her sidekick. Running on top of buildings and flying via line or with the prototype wings Natalie had spent too much time tinkering with
Those should be their male counterparts.
You cried out as you felt the bullet lodge itself in your thight.
Nero stumbled, leaning against of one of the walls next to him to steady himself while the man he fought fell to his knees from the shaking.
“Of” shouldn’t be there.
You see the suddenly mist of ice and a bright blue shine as it appears around the unconscious man you have just thrown against a wall.
Though you now one thing for sure; You need to escape this place.
Whatever it is that is happening to you, and whatever the reason might be that you are back among the living, you need to find answers to this questions after you escaped this strange place.
These. Escape.
Whenever they try to shoot you, they bullets either stop and fall to the ground or, in two cases, even fly back to the shooter from where they came from.
The destroyed screens are spewing sparks everywhere and frozen paper flies after it shattered and turned to little shards.
Shatters. Turns. This is because you are now speaking in present tense.
You glance at the clothes from the persons around you, before deciding to take some of them to cloth yourself.
Taking a step closer to the glass cages, you recognize that they are not really glass cases, though rather tanks of some sorts that you only ever have seen in some weird movies.
The tanks are filled with the same green liquid you were surrounded before, and inside are what looks to be humans with various kinds of injuries.
Should be “you were surrounded in before”.
Heavy burn marks; broken left thight and right ankle broken. Both wrists broken and a fractured, left upper arm.
Thigh but in this case you wouldn’t say thigh. You would say “femur” which is the thigh bone. The broken at the end isn’t needed because you’ve already said broken before “left thight”. The “humerus” is the upper arm bone.
Subject shows to react great to the treatment.
Who were this people, and why were you with them the whole time?
You dread the answer, though right now is not the time to question the why’s, if’s and how’s.
Should be “whys, ifs and hows”. No need for the apostrophes. They are only needed if there are letters omitted from the word, such as don’t (do not), isn’t (is not), and can’t (cannot). Or if it’s a possessive such as cat’s toy (toy belongs to cat), and dog’s bone (bone belongs to dog). If the word is a plural like cats or a word that ends in s like the name Jas then the apostrophe goes at the end like cats’ and Jas’ door.
It seems like the facility has been build somewhere in the outskirt of Kalathol, where nobody would suspect something.
Built. Outskirts.
You furrow your brows at the facility.
A good two hours walk later, you find yourself inside Kalathol and in front of the fence that separate the premises from the streets.
Hour. I actually didn’t know why this is like this, I just knew it was so I looked it up and found out about ‘Quasi Possessives’. I’m not going to go into it what that is. Also learned you’re supposed to apparently make it “a two-hour walk” but I’m sure it’s fine without the hyphen.
By now it has started raining and the sight has getting worse and worse.
Your. Gotten.
The two of them talk, though what exactly you are not sure as the windows you are in front of is closed.
Should be “though what exactly about you are not sure”.
As Troy is sitting closer to your position, you hide below the window and against the wall as to not getting noticed, though this way you can’t see what they are doing.
Get. Also should be “the wall so as to not get”
“Getting out and letting your anger out on thugs and thieves is not the way I meant with 'getting out’,” you hear Troy point out.
The apostrophe shouldn’t be there.
Nathaniel sounds slightly annoyed by this and you can just imagining him pinching the bridge of his nose.
He gets cut short as you hear a familiar beeping sound, which back in your days meant that either someone is breaking in somewhere and the security system has send a quick signal, or the local police needs help with something.
And that is all I’ve found so far.
Oh, thank you very much
Yeah, I would not want to read through everything myself, to be honest and it is alright if you did not.
I thank you for your help and will fix everything accordingly
Well then, after reading the last 200+ posts, I can officially say this is the darker side of COG lol
That, my friend, is something I can wholly agree upon.
My deepest apologies for bringing the darker side out. But i don’t regret it.
Nahhh, we all like the darker side. It has cookies. And waffles…
Also. I am rewriting part of the prologue to bring in more information about Kalathol and a few other parts. I hope to make it a bit more likeable :3
I feel like I was the only one who did not think of something evil to do to the other characters
Pats Terrel on the head
And I am proud of you for that.
You must be thinking of bouncing them off of bed springs then. As old Mr Confuscious used to say:
He who bounce woman off bed spring, this spring, have offspring, next spring.
It is good but I wanted bit more but love it so far mate keep doing what your doing
At the point where we choose whether we are a villain, anti hero, or hero the hero option is greyed out. Is that meant to happen?
Either @Nekumura greyed it out on purpose. Or It’s based on your “feelings” from two options previous. Those seem like the only way…