We all know who’s gonna win… DR.BEES!!!
My wasps are better.
While you guys are thinking about bees and wasps, I will leave this here ~
PS: No, this is not someone from the Cameo
I like how you felt the need to include that PS, lol
I know how to get the man away, with WA… I mean BEEEES!!!
It’s Stray. He sellotaped himself underneath the truck.
NO WAIT. It’s Nero isn’t it??
Are wasps and hornets generally the same thing? I think I meant to say hornets.
I bet you its Nero
(PS I’ve got DR.BEES stuck in my head)
Hmm I should send something to help him, something like MORE BEEES!!!
I was waiting for somebody to post that.
…Someone had to…
Head meets desk
Guys, did the bees do something to you that you are almost only talking about insects ? XD
I got the idea for my character because they started talking about bees.
post teaser paragraphs = deep and meaningful discussion about bees, wasps and hornets.
Your probably thinking we need to get checked by a Dr… DR.BEEEEES!!!
I was rather thinking about a psychiatrist or therapist, though a doc is also alright, as long as he has nothing to do with bees, wasps or anything else of that kind