Empire and Rebels (WIP)

Am I right to assume then that the actions and decisions of one character will affect the other? That sounds like it could lead to a quite interesting dynamic from a roleplaying perspective if you’ll be playing both the protagonist and antagonist (up to interpretation which is which) and essentially be playing against yourself.

Will the interactions be entirely indirect, or will the characters be able to directly interact or possibly even meeting each other at some point?

Or that, I suppose…?


First of I wouldn´t say either of the two MCs is protagonist or antagonist, but essentially it is like that. Actions that reader makes as rebel will diretly or indirectly influence the empire and vice versa. As for contact between both characters, yes they will meet directly face to face as well as indirectly.

Yea, in retrospect I should have worded that a bit differently. Protagonist and antagonist are relative terms though. For instance, if the protagonist is a villain, the hero they are fighting is their antagonist. What I meant is more that each of the characters would be the antagonist from the other character’s point of view, not in an objective sense.

Well, from the combination of setting and narrative premise, I’m very much intrigued and interested in seeing where this is going. I’m gonna keep an eye on this and look forward to seeing a demo to get a better impression of what to expect. Good luck! :smile:

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Will there a possibility for one of the MC to give up on their old cause and sabotage it from the inside? I’m asking this because it would definitly make for some really epic stuff like the imperial officer becoming an undercover informant for the rebels or the rebel leader regretting doing what they started but not being able to just call it off because their followers are too fervent, becoming a sort of inquisitor trying to tame their old influence.

As I said in the beginning entire story will take at least two books (three if I´ll feel the need to spend with certain part longer) so dont expect any such thing in the first installment.

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Oh I’m not saying I expect it, I’m just asking if its something you had in mind.

Well I didn´t tought of that yet. Main concern for me so far is to portray two different ideologies - Imperial and Rebel and clash of those ideologies. Maybe in second book I´ll give readers this option.

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And who will be good or evil? I like it!

I said up in the comments neither. Both characters will be moraly grey as I´d put it and it is up to the reader to decide with whom he simpatises more.



So female genderlock is okay but male isnt ? talk about double standart


I don’t like either one to be honest, though if they are I obviously prefer to be locked to male, which is what I usually play.
You do have a point though on these forums many, many more games with a female gender-lock are started, but when it comes to finished ones it seems that games with a male gender-lock make it to the finish line and publication more often.

I really like the idea but I gotta say, why genderlock it? I mean, I’m a guy and I would’ve picked male anyway but I like knowing that others could choose the gender.

Also, and a bit late to the party, but Long Live the Empire.


Yep unless its setting like Cataphraks where it just doesnt work you can simply have romance options be opposite gender or same bassed on orientation. Its unrealistics but it is still better than just not offering any opinions. Because OP didnt give reason for genderlock.

Evil depends upon your point of view and which side you join or follow, both in real life and in fiction… The losers are normally written off as the “bad guys” in the end, though, because the winners get to write the history books.

We will crush the Rebel Scum.

Yes, they thinks that they win, not often. They discover about the hero’s weak point, for example, Superman’s weak side is kryptonite and you know why.

Do learn to read. I don’t think either genderlock is a good thing, I just object less to female genderlock since the bulk of games are male genderlock.

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Not if you count all those female gender-locked WiP’s here on the forum, that is true only for games that are actually finished/published.

Sometimes genderlock is required, as example I offer CoG verson of arthurian legend Pendragon. It should have had only male version option becuase female version wasn´t very well done and there was no need for it from the story perspective.

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While I respect your choice, as an author to genderlock (this is really going off the rails so this will be my last post oon this) … I feel we should respect the attempts to broaden traditional tales to fit the modern era.

Just as @jeantown’s Guenevere story works as a genderlock Arthurian tale, I actually believe Pendragon worked fine; the flaws were in the execution not in the presentation.

As I said this is my last post on genderlocking - the decision should rest with each individual author and we, as a community should support their decision, whatever it is.

With that said, I hope that those authors that chose genderlock will in the future expand their choices. @Cataphrak really has made me proud to be one of his fans by working on this issue for his Infinity series which is genderlocked now but won’t be in the future.

Technically I only said that you’d have a chance to play a female MC eventually, somewhere down the line and I’vealreadysaidtoomuchsoimmagonow.