Title: Deux à Deux
Author: Ray Wilson
Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller, Crime
Deux à Deux is on an indefinite hiatus as of 14 February 2025. Details on why-when-where-how can be found on the Tumblr page deuxadeux-if (or at the bottom of this thread).
To view the ADULT CONTENT forum post, go here: https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/deux-a-deux-drama-romance-thriller-29-september-2024-adult-content/160524
Tumblr: https://deuxadeuxif.blog/
Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68kx0PmXsFo7uX3JQCx6Hb?si=758f229ad18d406a
Pinterest: https://pin.it/4YHODIf4K
Patreon: https://patreon.com/deuxadeux?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink
Current status: Prologue completed, Ch. 1 is over 1/2 done (52,000 words). Approx. 11% completed (with goal of 800,000 words).
You should see the “play again” and other buttons when done, and you should have save slots. Patreon content for Prologue is completed (no POVs for Erin or Theo because their scenes were too short—they will be first for POVs in Ch. 1). Misc. drabbles will be popping up on the Tumblr and Patreon (free and paid) periodically. Please keep messaging me either here or on Tumblr if you find errors
Next major update will be CHAPTER 1, which will release late October or early November 2024 (exact date TBD).
As a server at a self-proclaimed “upscale” restaurant in New York City, most of your shifts end with exhaustion, total rage, or vague annoyance. When a beautiful couple leaves you a note with their receipt (instructing you to quit your job and let them “take care” of you), along with a $500 tip, you’re intrigued.
You don’t expect much from the note, but it quickly becomes obvious that you’ve caught the Lyonses attention. They’re persistent as they are mysterious, but you soon realize there’s a dark underbelly to their glamorous, luxurious lifestyle. Whether you stay in it or not is up to you.
Will you become as cold and crooked as the Lyons couple, or try to shift their dynamic? You might find another path with their permanent “house guest,” M, or join their entire group as a fourth. Maybe you’ll stay at your crappy serving job and get closer with one of two coworkers, to the horror of the Lyonses—or maybe even your boxing coach.
Whatever happens, it won’t come easy.
This game will have:
- Romance (duh)
- Stat checks with consequences (there will be 2-3 majorly game-defining stat checks, so choose wisely)
- Combat (everyone has a few skeletons in their closets, right?)
- A fair bit of drama.
Game essentials
In Deux à Deux, you can romance several people at once (whether there will be consequences or not is anyone’s guess … mwahaha) or devote yourself to one RO. You can also date nobody, I guess, but that will be a lot less fun in this game, sorry!
You can throw yourself wholeheartedly into life with the Lyonses, including going clubbing, eating fine dining, going on impromptu vacations, etc.
You can also reject their frivolous lifestyle entirely, avoiding them when you can (although they’re quite persistent) and spend time boxing, hanging with your coworkers, or trying to get M out of the Lyonses lives.
Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, you can try to balance both.[/details]
RO details
T Lyons: T (Tom/Tess/Tory) Lyons is wealthy, mysterious, and cold. They’re married to N Lyons, and the two of them are the very picture of a New York City “power couple.”
T takes an immediate liking to you when they meet you at La Table (the restaurant you work at). Their interest is what sweeps you into the Lyonses life, into their own luxurious, illicit, private world.
Appearance: T Lyons is American and black. They have black hair, sharp lips, and cold brown eyes.
N Lyons: N (Noah/Natasha/Nico) Lyons is T’s devoted spouse, and is in turns alluring and terrifying. N is apprehensive to have you join their world, despite their immediate interest in you, because the Lyonses only ever have one “house guest” at once.
N Lyons will be a little harder to win over, but they may prove a more loyal ally. You also wonder how much they pull the strings of the Lyonses’ lives behind the scenes. Only time will tell.
Appearance: N Lyons is Mexican-American and brown. They have very dark brown hair, long eyelashes, and calculating black eyes.
M Nguyen: M (Mason/Molly/Mars) Nguyen is the current house guest of the Lyonses, and you immediately wonder if they find you an unwelcome intrusion or a possible savior.
M is more reserved than either of the Lyonses, but then again, they don’t have much to talk about. They don’t leave the house much, but they want for nothing under the Lyonses care. You just wonder if they’re in a gilded cage, or truly satisfied.
Appearance: M Nguyen is Vietnamese-American and tan. They have black hair, angular cheekbones, and thoughtful black eyes.
R Burns: R (Ronnie/Roxanne/Rainn) Burns is one of your closest almost-friends in your “real life.” They’re your boxing coach, the best around, and you consider them mostly (or completely) to thank for your combat skills.
You’re always entertained with R, but you’re torn between deciding if there’s real care beneath the easy amusement on the surface. Do you want to get closer to R, or leave them in the dust?
Appearance: R Burns is Punjabi-American and brown. They have black hair, a prominent nose, and dark brown eyes.
Erin Pinsky: Erin Pinsky (genderlocked) is your almost-almost-codependent coworker. She’s a very talented server, always lighthearted and charming … if you cared more about your job, you might be jealous.
She seems to really like you, too. The question is, is that affection only surface-level, or could there be something more there?
Appearance: Erin Pinsky is American and white. She has poorly bleached hair, always-on black eyeliner, and bright brown eyes.
Theo Ferreira: Theo Ferreira (genderlocked) is another of your coworkers, but you can’t really tell if he thinks anything about you … like, at all. He doesn’t really give a shit about La Table or his job, so he’s more stern than charming as a server.
For some reason, the customers eat this up. Sometimes he’ll sneak you stolen food from the back and insist you bring it home, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. Still, he’s very handsome.
Appearance: Theo Ferreira is Brazilian-American and brown. He has buzzed brown hair, expressive eyebrows (though he hates this), and shrewd black eyes.
Currently it’s about 11% done, and I plan on updating every 1.5 months. The goal word count is roughly 800,000 (incl. code) and I currently have 88,000 written (only 32,000 released so far).
To play the demo, go here: https://dashingdon.com/go/17086