A 70,000-word SF adventure encompassing rescue, rebellion, mazes, and combat. Become a medical doctor aboard a warship wiping out what is left of Europe. You’re on the wrong side of the war, and your daily duties include executions and involvement in torture. What will you make of your career? Will you give life or take it? Seek promotion, or join the rebellious Resistors? Can you find romance? Can you create a drug to end a plague? Most importantly: will you end the war?
LATEST UPDATE: Thanks to all who played around in our demo and helped us fix an unexpected location error. Expect Demo 2.0 soon. Beta testers have been recruited and we’ll ask for more once we receive the first wave of feedback. New draft for beta testers.
The game is currently only equipped with a lead male with a fixed past. We may expand to allow gender switch, but my priority is to create a rich and coherent story rather than to insert “s’s” in front of all the “he’s.”
Thanks to all who have replied with fixes to be made. Beta testers please respond to the thread! Bugs/Fixes:
Can’t talk to the man in the park/Finally, finally fixed, but now there’s more non-unicode characters. Le sigh.
Got sent to barracks from capital streets/Fixed.
Soldier always gets handed contraband/Fixed.
Can the enemies ever attack me??/Haha! Yes. Fixed.
Text about adding to your health/Removed.
Can buy speeder parts from the mechanic even if you can’t afford them/Ha! Fixed.
kai’s typo/Fixed
“Going north” at a certain part of the maze feels like a loop/Clarified text
You’re fighting as a citizen of the country of Sahara, one of the three wealthiest countries in the world. In the game’s futuristic world, desert reversal of what used to be called the Saharan desert created an enormous swath of real estate and shifted world power in a bloodless revolution. That development and the effects on population, commerce, and innovation had the impact of history’s Industrial Revolution.
But that’s long ago. Today, Sahara is waging war on an almost-global scale, vying with the other two world powers: Axis (which has basically replaced Western countries) and Halistan (an alleged caliphate controlling much of Eurasia).
Fighting On The Wrong side ? So We are Baddies Hans ? Count me in i already betatested some games,But they were mostly set in stone already you know This game seems amazing. when do you expect betatest to start ? i will make some free time so i could do this game justice.
Thanks to all for the encouraging comments and the interest in beta testing! We are hoping to put up a short demo of the game from the beginning, as well as invite interested beta testers by private message to explore the entire story. For now, though (since I’m on call this weekend), there is a limited beta test of some of the most complicated code. Please leave copious comments about bugs!
Can I test for you guys pretty please! You have such a great idea I want to help you guys out. Sorry this is what my post befor was suposed to say but my Iphone was being stupid and not typing what I was typing.