Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

There are 2 kinds of people.


I agree with this.

Unless it’s the Hedonist.Hedonist is a big no no.

Speaking of the Hedonist,I wonder…what if the Hedonist was a female character? Would they get the same amount of backlash as they would as a male?

We all know that ‘sextra credit’ is bad and all,but it’s interesting to see the perspective if he switched genders.Most of the time,the people I know don’t bat an eye if a female teacher had sex with a student.But if it’s a male,that’s when they grab their pitchforks and torches.

I think that’s mainly due to the stereotype that if an attractive female asked a guy to fuck her,he’d instantly say yes.But you never know.


Yes? At least from me. I don’t care about their gender if they are borderline sexual harassing/trying to urge my MC into something they are repelled at for the grades they practically need to stay at specks (and with that try to exploit their situation) I will despise the character?


I agree with Sammysam as well. Authority exploiting the situation of the student/employee/subordinate and telling them that “only choice” for a beneficial tide is sexual favor is utterly despicable to me. Whatever the gender of the perpetrator and the victim has little consequence to me. Not mention, I completely hate the double standards.


Think about it this way.

At the end of the day,they’re still exploiting the students.And that’s not okay.

Not to mention the fact that even though the genders are switched,personalities stay the same.Male Hedonist is an arrogant,cocky asswipe and so will the Female Hedonist.


I wouldn’t. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I might see her as less threatening, but I certainly wouldn’t see her as a better person.


100% agree

I’m curious about this one, I mean I told Tree I loved her, so I’m willing to give her some latitude :wink:

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So it seems that even if the Hedonist is a woman,everyone would still hate their guts.

It’s nice to see that you all truly hate the Hedonist (as I do).Keep up the good work.

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Why there is no option of “DG was not sent to jail”? There is a way for her not go to jail.

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This has totally lived up to all my expectations! Surpassed them actually! Can’t wait for more!

Am I the only one who kinda wants to see a gender bend Mob and Tress since we’re on the topic. Also I kinda think that a fem version of hedonist would be hilarious in my eyes.

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Take your gender-bending hands off my boyfriend. :angry:


:neutral_face: Uhh…

Please let it be consensual…and not too over-the-top…


I’d like it if that was true, but I really doubt it, especially since you can’t get an idea of what everyone thinks from like five replies. I’d expect there’d be more excitement over the chance of sleeping with a hot, older woman, and more people brushing it off as not-so serious. Thinking about all that probably would’ve been makes me pretty grateful for the Hedonist being a man.


Be careful saying “all”. I wanted to have some extra-curricular activity with Hedonist as of Game 1. I was a little miffed he gave me a grade boost for it (I would have preferred to get with him and also earn my A honestly) but I don’t consider grade-boosting for sex THAT bad… not compared to the other horrible things that people are pressured with on the daily. I imagine that more cynical or kinky players in general are more forgiving of the Hedonist.

But I, for one, would hate a character regardless of the gender if they targeted people who were specifically vulnerable or underage, and that was their MO. The word to sum up that mode of interaction is “predatory”, even more so than the shady dealings with grades that give people pause for potentially good reasons.


This is exactly how I see hedonist - and it wouldn’t matter if he was a woman or not… its like a judge giving a lighter sentence in exchange for nude pictures; if Hedonist was an ex-professor or the MC no longer a student of his classes, then I’d view a pursued relationship as o.k. if that is what the person wanted.


He’s in a position of power over them. It’s basically “sex or you’re dropping out”, which isn’t good. I have less of a problem with a teacher developing actual feelings for a student (obviously, an of-age student), but it would still be problematic if they acted on it while in their position of power.


I’ve been involved in some conversations recently about “what is abuse.”

A partner denying sex to you - is it abusive? Even though the opposite is to potentially force someone into unwanted intimacy?

Someone pressing you into sex in exchange for advancement - is it abusive, if the person in question enjoys sex with people in power, for the sake of change?

What it seems to come down to is that if someone is suffering their sexual arrangement, it is abuse, while if they are enjoying it, it is a fetish. If someone is harmed by the power imbalance in their relationship, it is abusive. If they enjoy it, it is no one else’s place to call it wrong.

There is an interplay between reality and sexuality that healthy kinky people realize the difference between. Hedonist has clearly done wrong in terms of that dichotomy, but if he could adapt to it and beg forgiveness for his trespasses against it, he could be a flawed and realistic example of a non-typical (and so not-that-rare) example of humanity.

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When talking about abuse there are a couple of things to flesh out - the major and most important is consent.

Then there is the question of “actual” abuse and the “appearance” of abuse In Hedonist’s case, it is abuse because of his position of power over his student.

We’re not talking about fetishes we’re talking about how the position of power over another is intertwined with a sexual “relation” - once the ability to excercise power outside of the relationship is removed, the fetish could legitimately be pursued without care of who approves or disapproves because of personal ethos.

of course, this is just my opinion so yymv.


Even then, I’d probably say yes, but I’m mainly thinking about the people who were pressured into something they didn’t want because they felt they had to do it. It doesn’t help that the character in question is also a narcissistic bully.

There’s also the (admittedly lesser) issue of unfairness towards the other students. Would he be making his offer to the less attractive students (e.g. Shine), meaning that such students would have to actually succeed in his lessons to pass?