Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

I second that about my girlfriend! :angry:

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It’s undoubtedly unfair that people like Shine would never get the offer. And I don’t mean to say that all beautiful students ought to fuck their professors because everyone would be happy.

But I’m tentatively talking about unusual people like me, who are good-looking, prone to fantasizing about people like professors, and still could not do it because my moral code forbade even the most tempting offers. But I want a game, damn it, that allows me to pursue those paths without being the EVIL degenerate.


As I said earlier, I’ve got no problems with actual feelings developing, as long as the teacher doesn’t do anything while they are still in the position of power. But that’s not what’s happening here. And I don’t think your character is an evil degenerate. I think the Hedonist is.


Now I have to insert Shine into the “perverted but oddly romantic” scene.

Thanks a lot.

Hmm…where would the zipper be on his yellow leotard thing? Ugh…


Ugh Shine, I will never forgive him for making me partner with him during the PR exercise…I was heading to my girlfriend you jerk!


Yeah but I’m happy he he got in the way. I’ve been dying to interact with him and his sister more. This is the perfect set up for us becoming friends

But I want more time with Tress, not the wonder twins! Especially since I apparently didn’t even talk to her on break and then get kidnapped by that jerk Crook…I swear it’s a conspiracy to keep us apart :sob:


I will not my good sir for I now must see the unseen, so no Mob is now my subject. :stuck_out_tongue:

Again I will not for again the unseen must be seen till then your gf is gone for now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Actually, Shine would probably be my third choice for romance, after Mob and the Wombat (fortunately, one of the three was romanceable, and number one, at that). He’s… a little further down my list of preferred shirtless scenes, though (with Stunner, Crook, and Captain Surfer sneaking in, too). I’d still prefer him to Hedonist, though, but that’s more on the principle of the thing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Leotards don’t have zippers… just saying.

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So you basically just want to date all the guys in the school? :stuck_out_tongue: Stoic would have been the only other girl I would have wanted to romance, I’d make sure to get her to open up to me and I’d bet she’d be smiling in no time :smile:


Nah, just the three of them (I guess I could allow for Stunner as a fourth, after significant character development). Seeing them shirtless, on the other hand… :smirk:

Ladies and gentlemen,I have a very,VERY important question for you:

Which male student do you think has the best butt?

We all know this would be asked eventually, might as well get it out there.

I vote for Mob.


Does Stunner count? Because definitely Stunner.


I,for one,am offended that there are no female butts taken into equation.After all,how am I supposed to praise Stoic if she’s not a guy?

Nonetheless,I will also be casting my vote for Mob.

Can’t wait to see how this pans out. Community College Hero is my favorite Text base game XD


Hey, @Lizzy and @ParrotWatcher , you know what? I would ship Mob and Tress with each other if they’re not dating anyone else.


I’d prefer he kept with the boys; Mob/Shine maybe? Okay, maybe not. But I guess Tress would be the most likely of the girls, yes.

For some reason I think Tress and Dirty Girl might be cute together. Dunno why.