Choice of the Vampire - community input [SEE POST 1305]

Still having trouble trying to get exiled. I’ll kill West but my secret never gets exposed :frowning:

new_orleans_governors_visit line 406: Bug: this shouldn't be possible

How do I kill Estefania? I had enough downfall and stat points to defeat West but she was still able to kill me at the fair.

Have high combat stats


I believe there’s a bug with the West combat scene, atleast in the latest Ipad version. My character has Praetor Carlos as dominus, so she knows about silver and I have even tried choosing as a weapon the rifle. I am certain it goes through this sequence atleast:

“You commission the creation of several dozen silver bullets.”

But at the West showdown sequence the game still treats it as though our team (Sabine, Elliot and me) don’t have silver bullets, so west_downfall isn’t enough.

Assuming is the latest version of the code, or atleast the one that runs in the iPad app, if I understand the code, I believe the issue is that the variable has_silver_bullets is initialized to false and never set and this variable controls the various checks in the sequence on whether you use silver bullets or give them to Elliot.

Checking the sub blacksmith_bullets, this doesn’t set the has_silver_bullets variable to true and neither do any of the two places where it is called.

Finally just some feedback, as I’ve enjoyed this game very much. It’s obviously inspired in the World of Darkness, but giving more of that lower powered earlier edition feel, that I actually enjoy this setting more. Might I suggest that if you manage to bring down West without the help of elders like Carlos or Memeskia, one might earn some Status… or atleast some measure of (grudging) respect ?


Good catch! I understand that CoG generally pefers bug reports be sent via email. You may wish to pursue that (if you have not done so already). :grinning:

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Have pieter von whatever as your sire or pick the ambitous tech guy with a knack for business as your character

Also, choosing to build a hospital in volume 1, if I’m not mistaken.

Just pushed a new build fixing several bugs. There are also now resolutions to the Gould plot.


Pushed a new build.

Trying to crack a particular nut, but I don’t think I’ve done it yet.


Sometimes I wonder if Adonis really gives a shit about the Society in the Americas and its secession. Then again he is an ancient creature and Stone’s revolution is not even a century old yet. Perhaps the great tyrant in Rome will see his plan come together by the 2010s…

You know, if Stone had just said “I’m the new super-Governor of Baltimore. Thanks for your support, Adonis!” Adonis would have probably rolled over and gone back to sleep. But some little sh!t from the colonies saying that he’s Adonis’s equal? Yeah, nah. An ancient Phoenician vampire don’t play like that.


Loyalists should just trust the plan, its all coming together…

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So, for those paying attention at home, we’re finally going to formally “announce” St. Louis in May.

“What?” you may ask.

Well, we never actually sent a mailer about St. Louis. Or had a real blog post, I think.

Regardless, there’s a huge difference between the current beta version (which you’re playing linked from this thread) and the current published version. This beta version will be pushed to the public in May, along with the announcement.

So, now’s a good time to report any bugs!

EDIT: Also, if you run into any TODOs, your thoughts on what should go there are encouraged!


Functionally, there doesn’t to be any difference even. Stone’s society still works according to the same rules, that is it has the same mechanism of prestation and attributing status. Still has Praetors like Padre Carlos prosecuting the exact same things. At the end it’s does seem like it’s just something petty over who is called Consul.

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Ok, I’ve pushed another draft. In particular, I’m hoping that this draft makes the Annie Jones romance more engaging.

(Not that I’d gotten complaints, per se, but I feel like it wasn’t as successful.)

EDIT: holy mackerel, someone just turned in a really significant error for the first time. It should be possible to get through St. Louis without actually encountering hunters but I don’t think the code allowed you to do that. The fix I just pushed should make that the default, and the encounter arise only if you cross certain thresholds.


Encountered the following bug, I believe, where a letter attempting to reference my character is instead referencing [woman].

Heaven-sent [woman], be not grieved too much for me in your heart,
for no man shall send me to Hades before my appointed time,
for I declare that there is no man that has escaped his fate,
neither the base nor even the noble, once he has been born.

Not sure if this is the best place to report, but looks like the thread is active.

This is not an error. The translator is translating a fragment of Homer, not something that Silas has composed.


Shouldn’t a Mason know about the heresy of the Masons? I don’t think becoming one triggers the variable to know about them.

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A thought for STL 1892 and buying a race horse: An opportunity to stud them out if they turn out well? Have a descendant of our horse win a Triple Crown or smth while we’re in Chicago or further, perhaps an opportunity for a debt over Draper if he wants our horse.

A thought for STL 1893 and the woman who disturbs Annie and the extra option: Trying to make her forget with Oblivio or Charm as a Callous move.

A thought for STL Fair Nights and rewards from VDA: A lump sum of cash, possibly forcing him to liquidate assets.

A thought for STL Gudhrun and arm severing: A combined revolutionary credentials and status check, perhaps 70+ and 3+, to be able to push for it? Maybe also Memeskia (bc hosting Quaestor)/Aichinger (bc loyalist) rel to have them not step in to try and prevent bloodshed, though that might be too difficult.

Finally, not a todo, but a thought for Vicksburg: An option to actively undermine the Confederacy before/concurrent with Calkin’s arrival (I’d also say support but that feels icky, although the player can join the Klan so…). The player has always felt very passive and encouraged to play along with Withers during Vicksburg, when a progressive Shepherd would have motive and opportunity to try and damage the Confederate war effort (and later defense). Possibly involve Silas in this, even if not romanced? His plot kinda ends if you don’t romance him, platonic use could be good.

EDIT: Also, as always, gotta shill for the Sephardim start. I know that’s a very far backburner thing, but it’d be lovely to see.