Now this is a much more palatable topic than the desire to maim every mare in the meadow.
Perhaps Stormraiser?
Even sexier? StormBreden, obviously…
Now this is a much more palatable topic than the desire to maim every mare in the meadow.
Perhaps Stormraiser?
Even sexier? StormBreden, obviously…
Meh, give me StormSimon any day.
If you’re not wed to the storm prefix I was playing around with some Greek roots:
Aeolus was the mythological storm god so you could do something with that and Anemoi were his “Winds”
You could also work in the word kurios since people familiar for the first game would be familiar with it. Stormkurios or Kurioi. Alternatively full English being Stormmaster or Master of Storms.
Stormruler or Storm Sovereign are more along the synonyms for “wright” route. Could also be Storm Champion or Conqueror along the “wielder” route.
Are the storms you are referring to of the xaos variety?
Stormmaster is good in English - master conveys skill, leadership, dominance, role as creator, or all of those aspects at once.
@Havenstone Please call it Storm Master.
I think Storm-Wielder will be fine.
Why have to be Storm master? Why always Masculine lol. I am a mistress and there should be a neutral title not always masculine for everyone.
All this titles sounds like stormtroppers to me. And all titles I could think sounds like a rip off generic rpg. Like Storm summoner, Ruler of Storm. …
Nah, make everyone have a feminine title, it’s about time that guys had to deal with that
For god’s sake, all of you, use archaic English!
Go free! Search to your heart and loins are content!
You know what really struck me? Stormy-Eyed, the name of the flag you get if you see all the dreams about “What the Thunder Said” in Fallen London. Sometimes it’s as simple as that to be evocative. Sometimes it’s just flinging words together into a word salad to make it sound cool. I like words. I love connotation.
Stormforger, Stormcaller, Stormweaver, Stormscriptor, Stormcarver… I mean, they’re all boring but at least slightly less so.
You can even start drifting away… Stormhand, Stormtouch, Stormsoul, Stormwaker, Stormwalker, Stormsailor, Stormbone, Stormfang, Stormbrand (brand was an old word for a blade)… feels like I’m back in the old Warrior Cats days.
I remember talking about the localisation of Japanese video games with a friend, specifically FE7, and they mentioned what was, in the original, the “Human-Dragon War” was localised as “The Scouring”.
Doesn’t that sound evocative? Scouring. The cleansing of something, until no dirt is left. And to name a war “The Scouring”… mmm meesa loves that good use of English A+ best shit…
You want less the words that compose a title, and more the feeling you want to give someone. Which is why localisation teams are the masters of this, as they usually have to work with the katakana word-salad of the Japanese.
Nah nah riders of the storm I love that song of The doors
Scouring sounds a pirate word. Scouring the deck who also looks like a dirty euphemism
Maybe we could ditch the Storm prefix althogether and just go for something else… maybe words like gale or gust (or tempest, but that’s probably too long and it’d remind too much of Shakespeare)?
Now, I’m not sure who owns the rights to Summoner 2 after the creators went broke (I know Summoner 1 is still around and got bought off and revived on Steam) but let me tell you:
Halassar is… this close to being Hallassur. Mother goddess, desert kingdom-country, at war with another country, an Empire, a giant fucking storm deeply woven into their culture and mythology which is also the primoridal source of Chaos (called the Tempest) much better technology than the outside world, you know…
…there’s also this thing in XOR about the creation of things, what they were created for and in what image, being tangible and changeable by a single person by their will alone, by becoming the mindset of change, and seeing all things that make up one existence, eternally changing, eternally present in their most base forms… and that’s literally the idea of Aosi in Summoner 2.
If we called something “Tempest___”, all we’d need is fish-people, a lesbian queen, and magical rock-robots and we’d have a lawsuit on our hands.
Not a very good idea, then.
Like how Ghost in the Shell was Mobile Armored Riot Police in Japan?
You get me! You get me!!! You see? That was a bloody good localisation. Ghost in the Shell… it says it all, doesn’t it? I love these little tips, tricks and Woolseyisms…
I made a list so y’all can debate and criticize them. I’ll be back once I finish studying and taking my exam today.
Storm maker
Storm cracker/buster
Storm driver
Storm marker
Storm rebel
Storm imposer
Storm revolter
Storm hammer
Storm thrower
Storm rioter
Storm turmoil
Storm tumult
Storm exciter
Storm disturber
Storm fermenter
Storm urger
Storm howler
Storm forwarder
Storm stresser/stressor
Storm striker
Storm sender
Storm signaller
Storm surger/surge
Storm scourge
Storm swell/sweller
Storm swirler/whirler
Storm stirer
Storm skipper
Storm springer
Storm swooper
Storm struggler
Storm whisperer
Sturmgeshuetze (StuGs yo!)
Who can you call? Stormbusters!
Honestly, I found Stormhowler pretty cool, but it’d fit some kind of berserker, not a normal person. Stormbearer? You see, I’d need to know the story behind this name to make a name!
I think that implies much more of a burden than a blessing, but it also is… impressive? In an Atlas-holding-the-world kind of way.
Well spot, Sneaks! I think another one of Masamune Shirow’s works had a long-winded and tiring name. Even though Appleseed is kind of alright.
I get this passage even when I don’t have any children left in the band.
[details=Text behind the cut.]You’re nearly caught at the confluence of two streams. Just as you’re about to swing your legs over a precipice and slide down tree roots to a pool below, a faint rattle of pebbles sends you scrambling back into the bushes instead. A wide-eyed, bleeding Radmar appears just behind you; you signal frantically to him to freeze.
Seconds later, nine figures appear on the far side of the gorge, searching for a way down to the valley floor. One of them wears a long black coat and diadem. At least three are Phalangites. If they see any movement from the narrow gap, you’re surely dead.
Their curt speech carries faintly across the ravine. “Have a care to catch every child. Alive.” Is that a tremor in the Theurge’s voice? “They’re the most important ones to bring back for punishment.”
“Harrowing children, kurios?” The flatness of the Phalangite’s tone perfectly conveys his disgust. “Was that not why we fought the Halassurqs?”
“These are traitors and criminals, corrupted beyond repair by the devil Katenatou. Not true children. Find them all.”
“There don’t seem to be many of them, kurios.”
“Maybe the bastards ate them over the winter. I hear it was a hungry one. Keep hunting, still.” He beckons the soldiers on up the stream.
I’m blind with tears. I’ve delivered our children into their hands. Into the Harrower.
Stay ahead of them, Pin, I plead mentally.
Hatred pulses through me. Children? They won’t even hold back from murdering our children?
My mind stays empty – as if I fear my thoughts will be as audible as my ragged breath.[/details]