Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

And even better, if there’s any left once you’ve escaped, you can put them on your pizza.


Tomorrows news article:

“Man arrested for encouraging self-harm online, pleads ‘for jeebys sake’, sentencing scheduled for next week”

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Me, a borderline feral furry fucker: :wink: it’s me, tea, u casual

Okay, first of all, don’t use pepper. It’s a waste of pepper. Handlers know these tricks. Technically… illegal drugs and substances… are the best… but… /ahem/

If you’re running from dogs, split up. Zig-zag, loop and double back on yourselves. Best effect if you zig zag through bushes or mud. Dogs usually follow one trail at a time so don’t bunch together and loop, dead-end and double back to distort the scent trails. Don’t spend too long on this though because it’s not a tactic that works that well and should be used along with distance and mixed terrain.

Avoid unbroken wet ground such as grass or mud as much as you can. Run through harsh terrain, bushes, roots, rocks, undergrowth. Do not cross water. Do not get wet.

Keep moving. Dogs are sprinters, not endurance runners; handlers are usually not that fit, either. Shoes have prints and socks and bare feet loose skin cells so unless you can change shoes or use shoes without a grip you’re at a loss either way. Lose or change clothes if possible.

Climb up rocks, banks or cliffs if you can. Be as fast as possible, run as far as possible. It is not as easy to throw off a trained tracker as it is a pet dog. You will not have time for prepared scent tricks. If you can’t slow the dogs, slow or trick the handler. Ultimately it will come down to how much the dogs are worth and how much you are worth in comparison.


So the running down a stream or river trick doesn’t actually work then?

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No, because as soon as you get out the water comes down with your scent and skin flakes. Unless you’re travelling in deep water for a very long time (like a lake or ocean) it does harm. A lot of harm. It makes your trail fresher.

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What if you’re going downstream? Wouldn’t the water carry it away? :thinking:

The dog can track you on the other side, and it’s less your scent and more your skin. Which is on your clothes. And sweat. And you and all you touch.

So if you’re going somewhere that’s not shallow and move downstream for quite a while, submerging yourself, yes. If not, it clings to rocks and banks and branches and mud and everything. It gets blown by the wind, too.

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So the dogs how i could use the Lacoste spears within Their masters knowing where I am with my fifty meat shields .

Probably not. They’re going to squeal when they’re hit. You can’t poison trained trackers with drugged meat.


Sounds tricky, and that’s with regular dogs. Plektoi hounds probably have their sense of smell majorly enhanced along with the rest of them.

This is gonna be tough. :sweat:


And very interesting

Don’t think that will work with a large group all you need to do is spread it around far around the camp and far away enough so they won’t get close and I don’t think pepper flakes are important for food and a guy during the american civil war did this to confuse the Confederats dogs that were after them something Night I believe

This technique is for modern, army-trained bloodhounds, not confederate dogs.

Also, pepper flakes in the middle of the woods.

Thanks! Are we ever going to meet more artists as the series goes? Like the Guillaume Speareatou of the Rebelverse or something like that?


Why do I feel like this will is dead.

It isn’t anywhere near dead. It’s just that h has a complex system of code and it takes a while to make sure it all works.


Two possibilities here. Either you posted on the wrong thread by mistake, or you somehow missed the number in the blue rectangle. You know, the number that’s over 6300. The number that has grown by over 500 in 2 weeks. That number.


y u gotta go and murder them like that :fire: :fire: :fire:



Here’s some cold water for that burn


Being sincere I didn’t understand his post. I am not the most indicated person to pointing out bad grammar, I know :wink: . However, I understood that he said our characters are dead already because our tactics are bad or something. I never thought he was talking about the game… I mean Havie is working very hard and saying is death IT’S RUDE FOR THE POOR HAVIE WORKING SO HARD IN THIS. HE HAS FAMILY AND A HARD WORK IN EXOTIC COUNTRIES AND HE STILL WORKING LIKE A HARD HELOT . :anger: why people is so rude? Also is against rules… MARA IS ANGRY

No really I don’t understand the phrase could someone explain it to me, please? THIS WILL IS DEAD will is the power of one desire and principles, the power of mind and focus. So this mean HAVIE WILL IS DEAD OR IS HAVIE DEAD…OR HE IS TALKING ABOUT SOMEONE CALLED WILL. because it can’t be a future verb or auxiliar; because is a noun. :confused: