My mc died in chapter 4 killed by de firiac is she a spy or what? My mc led the most pitiful rebellion 180 arms and 100 followers lol
I’d thought the only people who could kill you so far in Ch 4 were Kala and Radmar. What led up to de Firiac killing you?
n-not that I have a masochistic death wish ideal or anything…
I had exactly same reaction I was stopping after the winter for testing, but now I will see if some helot dare to try killing Mara in Chapter 4
Good a second read. Rise of the Planet of the Horses! Deus Vult!
well zvad died against hector, de firiac becames deputy, got 2 weapons from the masked noble, kept it a secret, agreed with de firiac to break camp and spread out, she betrayed and said to the rebels that with enough weapon we will make a stand here? They agreed, mc got angry and she striked down mc with one of the weapon and died
OK, my code for Kala has clearly slipped into Simon somehow. Will check and fix.
Edit: I think I’ve now added " and ((deputy = kalt) or (deputy = "Radmar"))
" in the right place to prevent Suzane from abruptly deciding that she actually wants to make a stand against the Hegemony and killing you when you disagree. Let me know if not.
Edit2: I’ve gone looking for the problem that has the outlaws calling you “brother” – and as far as I can see, the only possible way to get them calling your “brother” is to pick this choice:
“Sisters and brothers…” As their equal – as I want them to address me.
Which I think is pretty explicit. Can anyone confirm that you’re being called brother without making this choice?
I concede the point. I phrased my comment poorly. I meant that we can find out whether or not Breden is a Kryptast. If there are any plot revelations beyond that, then I have not yet seen them because my playthroughs crash on the very next page. Another possibility is that Breden is simply telling the truth. As for Breden’s motivations, I was not expecting to find that out unless Wisardry eventually allows seeing the Telos of a person as a whole. My MC’s suspicion level would be affected by whether or not someone’s purpose was betrayal or espionage. Such an ability for Theurges/Wisards would complicate spying on the Hegemony though given how much internal backstabbing the powerful do, it probably would waste a lot of the Hegemony’s time as well.
No one’s purpose (in the telos sense) is betrayal or espionage. No one is by their very nature a traitor or spy. And seeing the intent behind a specific willed action is beyond any Theurge’s telos-vision.
And is Breden a Kryptast? You’ve argued that the text gives a clear answer. Which way?
Yes I can confirm this I chose “comrade”, but they never stop with the brother and sister talk. They also begin with it on the sheep raid, before I even get to make that choice.
OK, fixed it. You should no longer be fraternal unless you choose to be.
Hmmm . Fine. I concede this point too. I had been leaning strongly in the yes direction though that by itself would not necessarily make Breden a traitor and there seemed no good reason to believe otherwise. However, thinking back on the text, there could be other explanations though Breden failing to actually deny it and not applying Breden’s own knowledge if the Fourth Harrowing proceeds does not look good either way…
I’m no good at whodunit mysteries.
On a different note, I would like the option to back out of assigning mules to something.
I try to leave at a minimum the requested number of mules with my sick when possible and if I miss a message about a mule being lost and still pick the option to allocate an additional mule to a grain run, it does not let me set the number of additional mules to 0. So either backing out of it or setting the number to 0 would be nice. Or I suppose I could just pay more attention…
I don’t know if this something you might wish to do or not, but sometimes I forget how many mules are needed for the sick or hauling the barley; I know the game tells you, but is it possible to mention it in the Games Stats page? (The one that also give background info on magic, etc.) Mostly for people who may have it slip their mind, etc.
Still seems to be impossible to keep children around and alive without aggravating one of the factions, but perhaps that’s how it’s supposed to be. I rather wanted my intended main character to be friendly to the church, but needs must.
Something’s got to give, I’m afraid. Is it important for your MC to be liked by the Shayardene yeomanry? (And to not persecute the innocent?)
@Havenstone I have two problems I had my beautiful 1 anarchy and after the voting about what to do i ended with 5 magically. Also after the laconuer weponry my noble fame drop down to be terribly hatred by nobles. Also I ended with 80 warriors i don’t know how I ORDERED SNEAK TO HELOTS CAMPS … WELL STUPID HELOTS !!! they voted with me however only 30 go away 50 and myself decided remain… I M NOT A SOLDIER I AM EVIL GANDHI I WANT SNEAK NOT FIGHTING AN ARMY
thats funny i have a hard time convincing them to stay and fight instead of running or blending
Funniest part is I hide i hve the lconier weaponry because my helots are too much brave and stupid. Even if i win the big mayority due charisma . Instead of run My character nd 50 decided chill out in the forest hide there … they are motivated to win lol they are STUPID.
You can just type in the same number that is already assigned. So if it says for I instance “you have mules assigned to the sick. How manny do you want to assign?” You can just type in 11 and nothing will change. This goes for all the type in mechanics.
The quick replay to chapter four after the game sends me to chapter three.
I can’t ask Bleys to come up with another suggestion for who to frame. I was an INT 1, Helot and extorting Alaine for money but didn’t smuggle with her. Also I believe this line error is related to extorting Alaine and then framing her during the tax raid: bandits line 19700: invalid expression at char 94 expected closing parenthesis, was: BOOLEAN_OPERATOR [or].
Bug with leading the second noble house attack yourself. You aren’t mentioned and Ora slaughtered every noble.
It looks like a line was missing in the tax raid’s combat when I only brought Elery. I got this text "You personally lead the charge that breaks them, barking orders to your outlaws as you fell on Keriatou hireling after another. The
When you finally shout 'Surrender…"
Why doesn’t Radmar bring back the helots from the De Mere estate but does bring back the drudges?
It think it is impossible to get the cosmopolitan reinforcements if you don’t select that to be your number one issue with the Hegemony. I had selected to be moderately cosmopolitan in the beginning, set up an apella, chose to speak in Koine, and wanted to free all four provinces but I didn’t end up getting them. Is that intentional? I feel like it not nearly as “hard” to get to the other extremes from a moderate position if you hit all the right points.
If Zvad wants to leave the band after choosing to fight and Korszata is present and chooses to support fighting I’d like to throw his support to try conceive Zvad to stay. Also when he leaves I don’t get the choice to pick a new deputy, and he shows up in all the deputy spots.
I like being able to sell mules for money now, but I at least shouldn’t be able to sell the mules from the Architelone raid since there was that hubbub about having her brand on them when selling the loot. (Also It means that the mules are more valuable then all the loot we sell.) I got 45,000 drachems from selling all my mules at the end of the winter on one play.
These were my first couple plays since the changes.
You are a helot who chose to steal from anyone.
Your morale is 469.
Your notoriety is 217.
Your anarchy is 25.
You have 320 followers, 7707 drachems, and 160 arms.
Your credibility with aristios is 75, helots 185, merchants 235, priest 165, yeoman 220.
Your followers’ leadership is: Breden 4, Zvad 5, Elery 8, Radmar 3.
You are a helot who chose to steal from anyone.
Your morale is 285.
Your notoriety is 216.
Your anarchy is 23.
You have 231 followers, 6188 drachems, and 126 arms.
Your credibility with aristios is 70, helots 140, merchants 235, priest 185, yeoman 215.
Your followers’ leadership is: Breden 10, Zvad 6, Elery 9, Radmar 3.
You are a helot who chose to steal from anyone.
Your morale is 579.
Your notoriety is 202.
Your anarchy is 26.
You have 487 followers, 4828 drachems, and 152 arms.
Your credibility with aristos is 95, helots 195, merchants 240, priests 185, and yeomen 230.
Your followers’ leadership is: Breden 5, Zvad 3, Elery 7, Radmar 5]
And in this one I set fire to everything.
You are helot who chose to steal from anyone.
Your morale is 530.
Your notoriety is 191.
Your anarchy is 58.
You have 428 followers, 10564 drachems, and 198 arms.
Your credibility with aristos is -105, helots 220, merchants 90, priests 125, and yeomen 205.
Your followers’ leadership is: Breden 3, Zvad 4, Elery 7, Radmar 6]