Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

One note is that if your approval for a given faction is exactly neutral, there’s no descriptive text at all for your relationship. This makes a certain amount of sense if you just haven’t done anything they approve or disapprove of but it’s weird if, like me, you build up merchant credibility by smuggling and then lose it by killing the brother during the estate raid. Even just a “they haven’t formed an opinion on you yet” blurb would work.

@Havenstone I just remembered something! When doing the merchant smuggling mission it mentions the 100 drachmas and in addition enough wheat to last the entire group for a month, and shouldn’t we be getting more shipments to smuggle each month? And assuming each season lasts for three months only three shipments would be enough. So if not food what are the additional drachmas used for each month? Weapons? No because we never see an increase in those unless we loot them. Leather for tents and gear? What are those drachmas used for?

A feat we all hope to do one day. Ha we made the admin laugh… I can do anything. I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!!

Oh wow. I missed a lot. Oh, the replayability. And years in the making too!

I am late.

Also @Havenstone, seems that Zvad is already listed as one of your companions before Chapter 2.

Like it so far, tough I find it very hard to choose between area’s in which I am strong. Should being bad at fighting shut out being a good leader? Does having high intellect shut out having a high charisma?

@Tjimsitt I talking only by my experience, but so far charisma it’s more important. You want convince people about your ideals move them to follow you; they need a leader. I don’t have anyproblem gathering resources without fight or steal. Using my charisma to cheat people. I even don’t drop a blood drop. But there are other path for warriors more blood fighter rebels. or for intellectuals. But for my better its Charismatic leader,you cant make a revolution in real life without charisma.

Ah yes. That was why I had “set Zvad 1” at the beginning of Ch 2, instead of just creating him that way. Should be fixed now.

@Wonderboy, I’ll see about fixing that.

@Tjimsitt, you can’t be good at everything – at least, not to start with. Everybody’s born with only so much natural talent, and you’ve had a relatively short life.

But no, there’s no inherent clash between stats. Over the course of the next 4 games, you’ll get several chances to raise them, and can choose some combination of becoming good at everything or exceptional at one thing.

If you pick the latter path, by the end of the game you’ll be a Genghis, Merlin, or Buddha. (Because with a charisma of 6, forget leading a rebellion, you’re leading a world religion).

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@Havenstone i always play with max charisma but not like religious folk, i would become a god anyway? :-? Everyone, Hail Revan… i mean Mara! Long live ,to the Poison goddess. ^:)^

Genghis here. Builiding an inter-continental empire sounds too good a chance to pass up. Intellect all the way. It’s either that or I’m staying as an Eisenhower – general and president.

Hmm…thinking about game 2 and its noble romances, how old is Archon Phrygia? and is she single? And if not, does she have an heir who is single? That would make for a rather potent marital alliance from the nationalist perspective were it possible. Of course, determining who “wears the pants” in the relationship and is the primary ruler may be problematic depending on her personality and the player’s…

I though Genghis was of the ‘drown the continent in blood’ school of thought? It is kinda amusing to imagine the MC slaughtering their way though the empire, and than sit on your throne ruling over the smoking ruins. So much for idealism.

@P_Tigras i don’t have any leadership problem with Simon, if i have to wait until he take the lead of something, we have to be of no babies. I want have so many children like Genghis, no wait Im the girl, two is enough. But Im waiting for a noble with more sexual desire,Simon doesn’t have any the poor one.

Outside of story books, idealism very rarely survives extended contact with cold, brutal reality. Those who are unwilling to place survival above idealism generally die quickly in revolutions. Worse, their comrades and followers die with them.

@MaraJade I wasn’t speaking about Simon/Suzane in that post. I was talking about Archon Phrygia. Simon/Suzane is an entirely different sort of personality… Unfortunately, S, for all his/her ernest charm, brings little to the revolutionary table beyond their blademaster skill. S can not provide your rebellion with the sort of resources Phrygia could…

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Im totally lost with this game names; even after play more 5 times. I really don’t know who Arching is? its the noble in the end of demo?
Also yeah all idealist rebel end transform in a cruel monster if they rebellions won.

@P_Tigras well, he brings his bloodline - he is a noble after all, and he may show other more hesitant nobles that their kind is accepted into the rebellion


I think you need to add notes when groups are neutral, otherwise when you check out how others see you you get the following:

You are rapidly becoming a folk hero to the helot classes.

You are the object of rabid hatred by the aristocracy, who will stop at nothing to see you hunted down and killed.



And I still think in chapter 3 that if you choose to confront the strangers that in addtion to:

  1. Fix arrows on the strangers, while I tell them to throw down their swords or be killed.
  2. Keep their bows at their sides, while I ask the strangers what business brings them to Whendward.

The option to kill from ambush without warning should be included.

What purpose would that unprovoked murder serve, story wise? Even if you are a ruthless rebel, you have no reason to kill those people - you only need to rob them. This is not D&D, your character isn’t chaotic evil.

It’s the same with the romance issue: this is a game about a revolution, and in theory, each choice you make should be related to it somehow. Otherwise this ends up as life sim set in interesting times. Which is fine - but I had the impression that is not the idea.

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@Jackrabbit: It shows that the player has no interest in anything other than a military (& a brutal one at that) solution to the upcoming conflict. This is very similar to the option to pose the noble family to further enrage passions.

On the other hand, this sort of protagonist might not make a particularly interesting story, or one that @Havenstone wants to write. But personally, I think it is a good idea to add it, although I doubt I would ever select it.

@MaraJade An archon is kind of like a provincial governor, complete with their own army. Archon Phrygia Leilatou is thus the most powerful noble in the former country of Shayard, your homeland, now a province in the Karagon Empire. She is the third successive archon from her powerful family selected to rule Shayard by the Thaumatarch. She is effectively Shayard’s Queen, although she must still obey the Thaumatarch or he will remove her. She is also Platon’s cousin, and he is a potentially valuable contact with her. Now if she thought you had a real chance to win, and that a victory for you would also be a victory for her, she could choose to turn on the Thaumatarch and place vast resources in your hands…

@mreed But what does the random travelers on the road have to do with your rebellion? They are not, to your knowledge, after you in particular, or have anything to do with the evil ruling class. How does killing them serves your cause?

Killing the noble family is specifically mentioned as something that would cause an outrage, them being well known nobles, and killed in a public manner. You don’t know who those travelers are, and who will even hear of their deaths?