As for my XoR mc he was born a slave in a horrible dystopian and oppressive caste-based slave system where any advancement out of the lowest classes is literally prohibited by supposedly “divine decree”. He takes that about as well as can be expected of someone who can actually read and reason (and perform magic now, an ability that is supposedly also restricted by divine favour).
All of this is compounded by the fact that his “masters”, the Keriatou and Hector in particular are some of the most vile, brutal and worthless scum on that planet, making most of his interactions with the supposed “nobility” uniformly negative. Then as the proverbial icing on the cake the only relatively decent “noble” turns out to be a gleefully torturing traitor too, which again confirms all my mc’s negative beliefs about the nobility and practically guarantees he’ll never trust any of them ever again, which isn’t to say he won’t try to use some of them, like Simon for instance, but genuine trust? Never again will he make that mistake of falling for a cute “nobleman’s” pretty face and pretty words.
As the oppressive caste system that forms the bedrock of this society will never let him be anything more than a slave with no rights whatsoever and a future that consists of the most horrifying death imaginable he naturally seeks to tear down the whole rotten shambles of the caste system and the religious claptrap supporting it and build something genuinely new on the ashes or die trying, I suppose.