Choice of Games and Hosted Games Recommendations -- Consolidated Thread

well the hero project, hero rise, and community college series fit what you are asking due to them being about heroes and anti-heroes in the world of community college and hero rise having to manage they reputation to appear what they want the media to view them as while kicking crime and in the hero project you do the same but as a super powered individual that is on a celebrity show

@LiliArch I’ll check that out soon, thank you!!
@Elemental I’m looking for less fantasy and more modern/historical setting if that makes sense. I like superhero games, but I find that generally the celebrity part of the superhero games kind of get overshadowed by actual superhero themes. I’d like to find games where celebrity theme gets to be the center theme instead of sub-theme. Thanks for the recommendations tho!

In “Infamous” the impact of celebrity status on MC’s life is a pretty prominent theme even in just the first few chapters published so far!

The Book of Hungry Names is the highest-rated CoG release so far this year, and the highest rated ChoiceScript game this year overall.

These Thieving Hearts is the highest-rated HC release so far this year.

Don’t Wake Me Up is the highest-rated HG release so far this year.

Personally, I think The Ghost and the Golem and Restore, Reflect, Retry are among the best games released in 2024 so far.


Hello. I’m a lurker in here. But does anyone have a recommendation for something like in a camp setting, with themes of horror/survival, hints of romance as well. Any completed or WIPs? Thanks!

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Well the game fog knows your name deals with that typical horror/survival in the woods

Hi guys! I’m a video game designer, and I’m interested in finding fruit-themed games for inspiration. Do you know of any games with fruit aesthetics, like Fruit Blast or Crystal Fruits Deluxe by Tom Horn? I play the latter because of the expert slot streamer DiceGirl Egle. I also like Fruit Party because of its colorful design. Any recommendations for other similar games? I’d really appreciate the information. Have a nice day! :wink:

If you’re looking for games with a visual aesthetic, you’re probably in the wrong place.


Hey guy’s, I’m searching for any Isekai type stories. I played the last wizard and loved it, but now I hunger for more. Help!

I’ve really enjoyed playing through Somme Trench multiple times, getting a bunch of different stories out of each playthrough. What really did it for me was the fact that all of my decisions don’t really alter the large-scale setting at all. Sure I can be promoted or demoted, save Perkin’s life, get a lieutenant colonel whisky… but none of it really impacts even a small section of the battle. The most I ever influence at a time is small firefights with a few enemies, and a lot of it still seems RNG-based too. I only realized recently how much I missed that in the games where it seems the whole universe can revolve around my actions.

What other games have you as just one regular person among a horde of others, where you have a minimal impact on the ending?

Hello, I have been a part of the community for a few years now but have been absent for a while due to personal issues. I would like some recommendations in games released in the past 2-3 years. I am looking for medieval /dark fantasy( The magincia universe, Infinity series,samurai of hyuga have been my favourites so far) games like these would be great. If this belongs in a different thread or place i ask the moderators to kindly move it there.

Here you go.


Hi! I’m looking for IFs that have comedic nature in it, preferably with funny or quipping choices mc can choose. Even better if it has sarcastic,witty or any comedic mc stat. And I really love the “tortured mc yet can still make the situation ironically funny” trope like apartment 502, the exile, fallen hero, and SoH, so any kind of IFs with that trope will be very appreciated.

So far, i’ve played:

  • apartment 502

  • my 2nd most favourite: samurai of hyuga series

  • the exile

  • don’t wake me up

  • fernweh saga

  • the comedy classics: tally ho, jolly good and midsummer night

  • mind blind

  • my all time favourite: fallen hero series

  • wayhaven series? (I forgot if mc can be funny or not but i liked F)

  • top villain (i can’t quite grasp this kind of comedy to be honest, it’s too cheesy for me)

  • i, the forgotten one

I really don’t mind WIPs as well as IFs in itch.

One Knight Stand (WIP) would be perfect for you. Fair warning, it does not skimp on the horror (although the “tortured MC finding the funny side” trope that you mentioned is satisfied and then some) and early bad ends (dead ends) are possible.


Ooh thank you! I don’t mind horrors as well. i’ll put it in my read list.

It’s been a while since I played it, but if I remember right Diabolical should fit. You’re playing as a supervillain and the tropes of the genre are turned up to 11.

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Diabolical seems underrated but i’m going to give it a try since i can play as villain, also i might need more recommendation. If anyone could give me more titles, it doesn’t have to be the exact trope i mentioned as long as there’s comedic nature in it.

Project Hadea (on itch) fits the trope [Edit: the story itself is definitely not comedic but the MC has some pretty entertaining lines throughout] imo, mind the content warnings though

Ah yess i remember i have played that one too and i’m still waiting for the next update

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These two. Very old Hosted Games’ titles. Back in the days when there are only 4 Choice Games (Broadsides, Dragon, Vampire, and Romance).