Choice of Games and Hosted Games Recommendations -- Consolidated Thread

Thank you!

What says on the tin. Looking for WIPs or published games. Preferably inclusive. Genre could be romance, drama, comedy, etc. or combination.

Moved the above post to this thread - asking about games involving prison/jail/incarceration/correctional facilities.

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Didn’t Werewolf 2 : Pack Mentality involved us undercover-ing in a prison?

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In Life of a Mobster, PC is always sent to prison for three years (less if they get let out for good behavior), and a lot of stuff happens there (even though it’s a short segment of the game and not the main focus). There is also an ending in which PC is arrested and spends the rest of their life behind bars.

I don’t know if there is a game about being incarcerated and staying that way for the majority of the story, yet.


Thank you! I guess I’m specifically looking for games which the MC spends a chunk of their life in prison and we follow them navigating it, up until…idk they served their sentence, extended, or die[?]. Now that I remember, perhaps games like Heart of Battle?

Imprisoned. A very old Hosted Games.


im looking for any game that is similar to bleach or close to it does anyone know any game like this on here?

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well I will recommend unnatural 1 and 2, keeper of sun and moon and keeper of day and night

Anyone got any recommendations for IF with Martial arts or cultivation settings, wuxia , xianxia smth like path of martial arts or aura clash, avilable in any platform itch io , twine ,or some demo in Tumblr or any other website u know .

Choice of Kung Fu or Choice of the Ninja

Played it

There are the WIPs Path of Martial Arts and Aura Clash, off the top of my head, both of which can be found on the forum. Are you open to WIPs?

Yp , am fine with WIPs if , no need to be completed game am ok with demos to

A post was merged into an existing topic: Hey, what’s that game? – A thread for identifying ChoiceScript games

Hey! Can someone recommend works where MC isn’t perfect? Weak, lame, miserable, traumatised, pathetic, this kind of thing. The reference would be a MC from Greenwarden. Both WIPs and completed games are appreciated, thanks!

I, the Forgotten One. While MC is a formidable soldier and warrior, they have severe untreated PTSD among other issues, and it is a big part of the game. Many people adore it.


The Cursed Lady & The Weakest Knight

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Can anyone recommend me to Something where the Male and Female experience is significantly different? i like to do atleast two playthroughs when reading a choice or Hosted game so id like pretty much anything were those are both different great example is “I, The Forgotten one”, for genre id prefer something with action and either sci-fi or fantasy otherwise go ham thanks in advance.

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Choice of the Vampire is one in which character identity is really relevant to the story, not only gender but race/ethnicity and even religion to some extent.

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