Good games?

Any recommendations for free games that are similar to The Great Tournament? There’s nothing good to play these days, so many are science fiction.

EDIT: I’m sorry if this sounds a bit ungrateful, I was just trying to narrow the recommendations. What I meant by nothing good to play these days is that I mean that nothing good FOR ME to play these days. Please excuse this misunderstanding


Choice of the dragon is probably the only free game i can think about relating to knights

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First of: rude
Second: as CGW said, Dragon is probably the only other free game in the library.

For those you have to pay for, there’s a bunch of non-scifi ones, like heart of the house, or highlands deep waters

Huh, that’s odd. Looking at Choice games and Hosted, I wouldn’t really say sci-fi dominates. If anything, genre-wise, you’d have a much easier time making the case for fantasy.

Still. I suppose that’s a bit beside the point.

If memory serves, there should be some games in the hosted games section that are free with the caveat that you need to wait a certain time to replay.


Sorry if that sounded rude, i’m just saying that there aren’t any games that suit my tastes, not really that there are bad games. I’m just a broke person looking for entertainment :sweat_smile:

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You’re going to be seriously limited for free games like Great Tounament. I don’t know of any. (And for the record comparatively few of the choicescript games are sci-fi unfortunately.)

The only decent free one that has knights in it that I can think of off the top of my head (there’s probably others around though) is coded in inform 7 and won a previous IfComp. (Type “help” if you’re not familiar with the controls.) You don’t play as a knight though, you’re actually a wizard sniffing pig travelling with a knight.
The wizard sniffer

Edit: Does Wizard’s choice have knights? (Delight games). I can’t remember. Still nothing like Great Tourament though. I can’t think of any free ones that are a lot like it.

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I know i will sound rude but it is what i think. You don’t go to a restaurant DEMANDING That were is the free menu and that the free menu is not exactly your taste. Saying oh THERE IS NOTHING I WANT FREE.

you don’t have money you don’t go to restaurant or cinema demanding. Authors here working hard and deserve any penny and even more.

Some has the generosity of left their games go free and with that loose money so they don’t deserve being called BAD games


IIRC swamp castle is one you can check out. I would also suggest you check out the Other interactive fiction.

Honestly though, if you are specifically looking for something only like the great tournament, and free at that, there is really quite limited options we can recommend.

Edit: also, there are a lot of games here that don’t fall under the tab of science fiction. Even if science fiction is not a genre that suits your tastes, naking a sweeping statement of there being “nothing good to play” is really not a nice thing to say.


That is understandable. And from the freebie aisle I always recommend A Day Off Work. It’s less a game and more a pure CYOA story, but the absurdly wide amount of branching and cheeky writing style make it a lot of fun for at least a little while.

This is an old list (there’s a few more now), but here’s HG’s and COG’s that are free if you want to see if anything looks interesting.

Edit: Oh yeah: Swamp castle! (Same author as Great Tourament.)

In fairness, while I do see your point, I don’t think OP was implying that monetized games are bad by default, or even complaining the games are monetized. I think they were just interested what’s there to play among free games. The comment about there being “nothing good to play” was a bit unnecessary, but I don’t think it was their intention to insult anyone’s work. I personally read it as them stating their genre preference, but it’s easy to see how it could be taken the wrong way. Really just seemed careless wording more than anything.

I’m certain the simple solution for this would be for @TheDuhKarrot to simply edit their opening post clarifying that last remark, and we could avoid diving into unplesant waters.


Try Vampire House… It is free and one of my favourite Game…

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It is not a simple edit is the whole concept he directdly titled the thread GOOD GAMES and absolutely all in his reaction and posts is demanding and in a tone that say free games are not good. Instead of be grateful there are free games. I don’t see free movies in cinemas or free cars or free travels. InSpain’s culture being ungrateful with someone that gives you something is one of biggest taboos. And no i don’t want nobody came here and insult the people I admire

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But, they themselves clarified they didn’t actually imply the other games were bad

And the title of the thread is more likely to mean “[among free games] which games would you say are worth playing”, while adding that they’re not interested in science fiction, which they perceived to be previlent among the games they’ve seen.

Again, I see where you’re coming from. The original way the post is worded is kinda off-putting, but I don’t want to jump the gun and assume they’re trying to be disrespectful or ungrateful of the hard work put in by other authors. Which is precisely why I proposed them editing the post and clarifying what they want in a better manner.

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I just tried what you said, it is an amazing game! Thank you! Comedic and entertaining. I enjoyed it a lot, i’m going to get that on my phone now.

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I think I might have worded it wrong, it isn’t quite a demanding tone, but rather I wrote 'GOOD GAMES?" I inquired, I do hope that sums it up that I wasn’t trying to sound like a brat, I’m just asking for suggestions and just saying that there are some genres that i don’t like as much. i’m Chinese and taught that we must be grateful, I actually payed for a number of games. I never said a game was bad, I only said that there are no games that suit me nowadays. I just can’t find any games that are in the genre that I like. If I didn’t have any money, I wouldn’t go to any place at all, but instead, i actually went to a restaurant that gave free stuff and asked them if they just had this order (using your example). Sorry if that sounded bratty to you, I really hope that sums it up.


Sorry then and apologize accepted. Here each few months have someone come and brat about WHY AREN’T GAMES FREE ANYMORE and saying very demanding things and entitled about free games and authors. Your post totally sounded like that.

What i recommend you is participate in the betas of Cog games and that why you test games and give feedback to making games more your taste.


I’ve actually tried one so far and I think this community is doing a great job. I’m new here and I’ve never really known anything about the forum so far, so sorry for doing this at the wrong timing. Have a great day!


Huge selection of WiPs for the medieval genre. Naturally, they’re unfinished, but hey, they are also free.


The WIP “War for the West” is very similar to The Great Tournament, and reccomended.

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