Could there be more

Hi i am looking for a new story but i dont know which are worth it so any hints i have read most like evertree.TGT. but dont know which are good i did all the latest titles

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here are my favorites
The great tournament
mecha ace
runt of litter
versus ( first part )
a wise use of time
hero rise ( trilogy and redemption season)
psy high

What do you like to read? If you go to the main site, there’s demos for all the games. You could narrow it down to a few that you think are your speed.

Well i read mostly only hosted games novels i like to read almost anything thats has good story and diversity i struggle to read choice of games novels becuase they bore me

Diversity means a lot of replayablity right
And I think these fit in your criteria
The great tournament
Life of a wizard and mobster ( high replayable value )
A wise use of time

And yes
The infinity series

Thx Dungeon_master the infinty series and TGT is personally my favourites going to trie the rest thx alot

I recommend Tin Star and Lords Of Aswick, as well as the Vampire series. All of them have multiple paths, and ways to play the game.

Vampire part 1 was awesome can’t say the same for part 2
Lord of aswick is good

I am currently playing diabolical - the funniest multiple choice game ever

My personal favorites are:

Sabres/Guns of Infinity
Lords of Aswick
Somme Trench
Tin Star
and Star Captain

My personal recommendations here would be:

-Anything with @Cataphrak’s name on it
-The Lost Heir trilogy
-The Versus Series (both 1 and 2)
-Life of a Wizard