Choice of Alexandria - Achievements & Other Hints

I’m posting this here because it’s a little spoiler-y, but I’ve gotten to the end of the game a few times and noticed that in some cases where you would seem to have “disposed of” the dynasty with a rebel group (e.g. you throw in with the rebels storming the palace and they take you hostage) the endgame still refers to the Ptolemies reigning for long after. There probably needs to be a little cleaning up to rephrase the epilogues so that if you toss the dynasty it reflects that.

Ahhh I really like this game! Though I’m slightly disappointed that this one seens less fleshed out thab Choice of Robots, but perhaps I am being too harsh, maybe this game is harder to make because it was based on historical figures, and research is hard to do. >_<

Anyways, I have a quick question about the achivement “Master Manipulator”. I assume that in the beginning you have to pick the option I plan to manipulate the royal family until I rule Alexandria. Then, during the playthrough, I basically spoiled PtomelyV and raised him to be extremely petty. In the end, I had Sosibius hung, PtomelyIII poisoned and Berenice assassinated. So the whole game, I had Ptomely V under my thumb, but I still didn’t get the achievment. D:

Perhaps Ptomely V needs to be alive to the very end for this achievment to unlock? In the playthrough, when the military rebeled agaisnt Ptomely V, I basically holed up in the library and let them kill him. So maybe I need to convince them not to kill Ptomely V in order to get this achievement?

@Skyloid Jade
You actually were on the right path to getting the achievement until the very last part. You do have to save Ptolemy IV from the rebellion while making sure everyone else is taken out. Since you are the lone survivor, the last Ptolemy will cling to you…and then you can off him after he has his child, and you get named regent.

Alright! I followed your advice and I got the achivement! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Can you romance berenice

If she ends up a widow, yes.

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Yes,you can,

You can also have a child with her who,if you play your cards right,can be the new king of Alexandria

She can get widowed how

I did like the fact that if you were able to have children (a hetero relationship) there was actually a little more story/plot development with both Ptolemy III and Berenice, especially if the revolt happened.

If it wasn’t mentioned above, here it is:

[spoiler] You basically have to get her current husband out of the picture. There will be a point where Ptolemy III is poisoned, and one of the choices is that you made a deal with the poisoner…there will be an option for him to put in a good word for you with Berenice.

The other thing to bear in mind is that to make the relationship last, you have to have a strong relationship with Ptolemy IV…and encourage a relationship between him and his mother…otherwise the offspring will off dear old mom.[/spoiler]

Awesome thanks looks like I’m gonna have a reason to replay it

Considering this game is only about 1/3 the length of Choice of Robots, I was actually pleased with exploring some of the different paths and endings.

My biggest complaint, and I know the author was probably constrained by the size of the project, is that I would have liked a chance to do a little more with the love interests between the scenes.

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Is it possible to kill Nefertiti?

Yes, if Ptolomy 3 still lives by the time of the rebellion you have the opportunity to kill her, if you’re good with medicine.

How strong should the relationship be with IV

If you’re having trouble, it may be that his relationship with his mother isn’t high enough, or his indulgence versus wisdom stat is too high.

Not being a code guy, I don’t know what the magic numbers are.

I think the Petty/Wisdom threshold should be about 40/60

Anyone know how you can save Euclid? I can’t seem to get past the servant.

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Great game, however I have the same issue, I can’t save her as well.

There are two occasions you have to do it.

The first encounter with Euclid, you also have Sosibius there. Choose to either placate him or accept a deal from him.

The second time around, you have to have a good enough Medicine to heal her of the poisons. I forget what value is needed, though.[/spoiler]

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I think it might be 7. Make it 8 just to be safe, though.