Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Rohie said that Zeus was the only option for the father you could have for now. But there’s a bug where you’re able to get Poseidon as your father despite the fact that Zeus revealed himself as your father. I’m not sure if it is fixed now cause I played the demo yesterday and got that.


there’s an error appearing when you chose to go with your chosen team member to walk down the path, away from your team. Other than that, I just want to thank Rohie for doing her best cleaning out all these bugs, thank you! :sparkling_heart:


It isn’t. I just got to the “reveal” now, and Poseidon was there.

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No, Zeus at the beginning is really your father. The reveal scene hasn’t been updated (only until chapter 3-ish has) – though Rohie mentioned in the official tumblr that she might make Poseidon a dad option (Hades is no more)

As of now we’re still sorting out the kinks and other bugs since there are quite a few



I read one of the asks about how the romance will be handled, and I’m curious about something:

It was mentioned that Calypso’s romance won’t really trigger until her relationship number is high enough due to her stubbornness. Does that also apply to a her friendship with the Bearer as well or will she be less stubborn toward the idea of building a friendship with them? What exactly makes her stubborn toward a Bearer who might be interested in her romantically (besides the fact she is a child of Ares and seems somewhat headstrong in general)? Will she be a little less friendly toward the Bearer in the new rewrite due to particular reasons?

Aside from the Calypso related questions, if Poseidon will be a possible father for the Bearer again, what will determine who the father will possibly be for the Bearer?



How ticked will Ares be if the MC dates Calypso?


I imagine he’ll burst a vein the moment he learns about it. :laughing:

And @Rohie once mentioned that if Athena learned about the Bearer having something going on with Calypso, she will laugh hysterically. I still don’t know what exactly will make her laugh so hard, but I guess we’ll see eventually see.

…Although now that I think about it, Athena and Ares don’t really get along either. And technically, the Bearer could be seen as something akin to Athena’s kid since she raised them for most of their childhood. So a possible romantic relationship with the Bearer and Calypso could be seen as ‘a son/daughter/child of Athena getting frisky with Ares’ daughter’, which would probably make Ares even more furious about the Bearer taking a much too deep interest in Calypso.

Of course, this is assuming that Ares would even contemplate the thought of his daughter being interested in the Bearer at all. For all we know, the thought seems so out there, that it doesn’t currently cross his mind.


He should be relieved. I know that Calypso is the only reason my character took making Ares the god of feminine hygiene products off his to do list when omnipotence kicks in.

Yeah, can you tell my character isn’t impressed with the dodekatheon? “So your idea of asking me for help is to deprive me of my father figure, deprive me of my mother figure by sending her to Hell for three years, and got my best friend killed when you sent rabid killers after me for three years. The family from Shameless looks down on you .”

Fortunately there was nothing in the oath about not expressing said irritation…


Now that Zeus is the only choice for dad, I am looking forward to seeing what chicanery Hera does during the Trials.

I can see her trying to interfere.


I think that bug is because the shiny new intro chapters don’t fit in with everything after the mc’s new “coming out party”.

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I’m afraid to find out, I always end up with Calypso

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I specifically avoided being a Zeus kid because I wanted to escape Hera’s wrath :cry:

Although it fits with my anti-gods bearer who is probably going to try to use her abilities to depower the pantheon (Cronus included).

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One reason why I initially plan my MC to be Poseidon’s kid. Another problem my MC have to solve, if that is possible.


So is my character the only one wondering if oaths sworn on the river Styx apply if the MC turns it into a canyon?

Oh something a little odd- Zeus admonishes us for “trusting him” when you tell him you’ll give him a chance to be a part of your life. We never said he’d be a trusted part of our life.


Hera is well known for her wrath!

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If I recall correctly, I was entirely hopeful we’d be Jeanne D’Arc. We were not >:T I tried, y’all. I think that was…wow, was it almost two years ago, now? I think that was around my 21st birthday, because I recall drinking quite a bit whilst guessing :upside_down_face:

Question how can we romance avery and Sage? And would Physce be anice option? I’m more interested in avery


I remember all those speculations. I was hoping that we’d get to have been Cleopatra in one of our past lives. (or something equivalent to her if male.) A small part of me is still holding onto the idea since I love ancient Egypt so much lol.

But I also remember that the MC normally dies around the age of 18(?), so that would probably be impossible.


How about Julius César?

Or Alexander the Great?