Bright City (WIP) Medieval/Renaissance The Ultimate Tale of Metropolitan Feud

Good questions! All of which I have considered. I am still working the mechanics of player description, but you caught me at a good time and I still have enough time to try and add that in the next update if I can. All but two of the characters are playersexual, and all romance characters can be romanced, even if not at once, regardless of previous selections. All of the normal romance options simply need to not be in your family and have a relation of 75. The other two characters require you to have very high stats and opposite gender. (this is because it is a story implement) Relations with any character are the same even if they are characters you can romance and choose not to, unless you are rude to them. They can help in many others ways besides romance. For instance, Leo Fiori will only romance female PCs, but is also a good protector and companion for males as well.

You are right about the backgrounds being very different, but they will eventually converge. The only difference will be the character’s roleplay aspect and the balance of the stats. Thank you for your questions.

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So does that mean that some of the romance options can end up being family members then?

Btw, thank you for that speedy reply. Can’t wait for the next update!

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You can choose to be in a family where a character is a romance option, and then that romance option will no longer be availabe. For example, Giovannianna Faigli is a romance option. You can choose to be in the Faigli family. This will make it impossible to romance her because it will check your Faigli surname. This only applies to Ducci characters anyway.


Thank you! I think i would love to play with a Faigli, Golona or Harona, sounds like the best at diplomacy and charisma


And thats why I give more options than just suiting up in armor and killing everything in sight. It adds to the decision’s importance if there are multiple possible solutions that utilize each skill. Thank you for your interest in this game.

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We are attempting to fix some of the bugs and typos in the first section right now. Currently, the sections that were previously incomplete have been completed and we are now attempting to fix it and start the next chapter.

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The full release of Chapter 1 is well over half complete and will be out for testing soon. Be sure to stay tuned and watch for updates!

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Just wondering, but is this game going to be one where the story presents itself to you, or a world that you are free to roam around and trade, fight, etc

Good question. In the first part of the story you are sort of pushed right into the story. However, after you can find solutions to the first few missions you have opportunities to explore the city and such. I mean what’s the point of designing a whole new culture and society if you can’t explore it!

which house is favored the most by the prince and king

The prince (who controls the city because it’s their style) is on good terms with the Faiglis, who tend to not stir up problems, but other than that they only like their own family, the house of Morodon. Many of the other houses constantly question the prince’s authority and he is more of a figurehead now.

ok also will we learn more about the house outside the city walls and if you need any beta tester i would gladly help

The Mossodons play a huge roll in the story and until about chapter 3 their existence is not even mentioned. If you would really like information and don’t care about spoilers I can message you details about them. But yes, more will be learned and I am currently hosting an open beta. If you want, and this goes for anyone, I can message you some of my unfinished material in chapter 1. However, I am working this in more of an update by update fashion. Thank you for your question.

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I am finishing up on chapter 1’s content and I am sort of coming at a crossroads. Previously, I had the option for the MC to choose the option not be from the city. However, I am not sure if I should leave this in or remove it. This choice is causing problems for the coding and is not really relevant. These decisions do not effect the game and it only makes it harder to implement stats. However, some might prefer this for character building. I am starting a poll to decide.

  • Do not remove the option to be an outsider.
  • Remove the option to be an outsider.

0 voters

It has been decided, based on overwhelming popular vote, that the option to come from outside the city will be removed from the game.

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great hope this helps you write

Planning to play as the Faigli , so they have their own Peace Keepers ? Are these Peace Keepers Mercenaries or residential force train by Faigli themselves ?

Since Faigli is the richest family, i am assuming they can also do business with Fiori ? If i am in charge of Faigli, i won’t despise Fiori …i will seek some sort of alliance with Fiori , even though they view Faigli as weak , but will they turn away the offer to buy weapons from them or hire them as mercenaries ?

The main conflict is between the Fioris and another family. You can choose to support the Fioris or their opponent. If you are a Faigli with high charisma you can make an arrangement between the Fioris and Faiglis.

In short answer, yes. The Faiglis and Fioris can be arranged to side together. And I should change some of the descriptions to be less confusing, because the Golona family is the richest with Faigli at second place.

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Will there be some sort of corrupt church organization in Morodona?

It depends on who you side with. You can side with the Bishop of Morodona or the Golona family who takes over power in the Basilica.