A Witch's Path (WIP)

Why would “Rune” be specifically female? :confused:


Because that’s the name I picked out for Female MC.

Only, it’s just that Rune is actually a boy’s name… :sweat_smile: (The feminine version would be Runa.)


Lol when I looked it up it said it was typically a female name and it sounded magical so thought to use it lol. I guess boys can be a Rune too? Some boys have Dana as a name and that’s a girl name.

I generally use Behind the Name, which gives etymologies and meanings (where known). (And, no, Dana is a unisex name, even if it’s more commonly used for girls… :sweat_smile:)


Behind the Name is excellent!

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How in depth is character customization? Can we change our skin color, height, weight, clothing and such

You can choose skin color, hair style and color, and clothes. Your body type will depend on which parent you choose to resemble more.


according to Daniel, we are midgets…

Im not good with measurements! It’s what dropped my math grade from a A to a B-… that and algebra


What’s wrong being midgets?

I am pretty sure “midget” is the wrong term. Vertically challenged maybe? I can’t remember…

nothing. @Reaper_General asked what our height was so I tell him we were 3ft tall in the game.

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Don’t know if true or not so i just want to know if we can we at least choose our heigh in between 3ft and 6ft and a couple inches

the height depends on which parent you choose to look like:
Mom= 5.4ft

Is it because those are the average heights for each gender?

I guess? I just did my height and my friends height.

Wait our fathers alive now I thought he died as a burnt corpse?

That changed a little while ago.
You could say it was like magic!:smiley::slightly_smiling_face::neutral_face::expressionless:

Decided to have him be in a coma all your life. And here is the video that inspired the idea: