A Witch's Path (WIP)

That is…that’s just awful. If you want to show frustration have the MC scream out loud or into a pillow, break an item in their hands, or even punch a wall. I’m not for abusing animals even if I’m playing an evil character.


Inspiration from other sources like shows, movies or books is usually a very good thing. We all do that.

In this case, it looks like the writers of that movie were trying to show mental illness in that witch. Is that what you want to put your readers in the position of having, an illness?

Do you want to portray mental illness in such a manner, because in my eyes, the show’s writers missed an opportunity to explore the issue responsible.

What the movie did is actually misrepresent mental illness for a stereotype.

And something like that might have a different impact if seen then if read.

I just feel, if you want to explore mental illness of that nature you should do so differently.


Arnt all villains suffering from a mental illness? I mean I’ve seen villains that plan to destroy the world while still living in it.
I don’t understand it when people talk about joining the Secret Coven which is basically is being a demons slave but I understand there trying the villain route.
So if I do make a villain option then I’m going all out! I don’t agree with it but I’m not going to make weak villain choices. If you want to be a Secret Coven Witch then you better be prepared for the choices you will have to make.


This basically is how Claudia will be trying to flirt with your MC and discovering you like Vella(for those of you that will date her) and the blonde girl is Katie lol:


Sounds cool. Where can I play the demo?

It shall be ready soon.


Yay! i will be able join the secret coven!

Yep. Claudia has officially topped Soloman on the Who I’ll Kill First list.


I wonder how accurate google translater is? I’ve been using it for some of the spells.
been using Latin for some of the spells with English to. Hope I do a good job with them cuz idk how writers on witch tv shows do it but I would love to learn their secrets.
And just for fun here are 2 pics that help inspire Vellas design


Magic. It’s magic.


It sounds awesome I think a little demo would be nice though.

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Patience young one, patience.


Can i have my revenge on whoever put that locket on us? I would like to rip them apart with the very power they tried to deny me. :unamused:

It was your parents who did it, and they are already dead anyway.

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How classic, i expected to be family though. The sheer arrogance to make that decision for someone else! :angry:

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Well… the MC was a baby at the time and I’m assuming there was danger to their life or something if their power wasn’t dampened. At least that the prevailing theory as Daniel hasn’t yet told us anything about it aside from the fact that there’s a prophecy about the MC and that the parents put the locket on them for a good reason.

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Good theory but nope not the reason. and FYI your powers will never be a danger to you lol if not for that locket you would already be a master witch working beyond.

Too bad they’re dead already…

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Can someone make a poll for this please(with out the gifs lol) I don’t know how to make them, please and thank you!
So I have the top three choices for the defense power… well I guess two choices since one is to keep the old power? So here are the choices:

  1. Keep Portal Creation: the power to create portals which can be used for travel, deflecting attacks, and more.

  2. Wing Manifestation: The power to manifest wings onto your body which can be used for flight, shielding attacks, and combat.

3.Blood Armor: The ability to use your blood to cloak yourself and harden into armor to protect yourself against attacks, can also use it to coat only certain parts of your body such as fist to make gauntlets or such for combat.

Help me decide the power yo!

  • Keep Portal Creation
  • Switch Portal Creation for Wing Manifestation
  • Switch Portal Creation for Blood Armor

0 voters