Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Three Discussion Thread

I think it might be bugged. I’m at over 10,000 food (for some reason our weekly food usage is 0) and 1,000 water, power supply is constantly going up, and I’m only missing a supply of one item that is causing morale loss (there’s only like 3 sources of weed I’ve found and that isn’t enough) and he is still obsessed with scavenging instead of building anything.

Also I don’t think morale loss is correlated with relationship decreases, mine is still going down with everyone. The guy who said it was tied to actually doing your assignment could be right.

So how do you unlock the first and second house bedrooms when you choose housing at the junkyard?


I’m guessing you probably have to take over and not be diplomatic.

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I was wondering if it was just me! I’m having the same glitch with the stats too.I don’t know if it’s because of the type of device i have???

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Question regarding Madison romance.

At the very top of the page, Madison is listed as romanceable. And, in this thread, mention is made that Madison is romanceable with the college student.

I started an entirely new game from Part 1 to romance Madision as the college student. I’m halfway through Part 3 and still haven’t gotten an option (only the option to express interest in Rachel or Kelly).

What am I missing? Is there a trigger? Do I have to do something special? Or is romancing Madison only implemented towards the latter half of Part 3?

Thank you.


Jim had had disabled age restrictions on romances, so all MCs could romance all ROs during beta to test it out, but reenabled it again for release cos idea wasn’t… sitting with everyone. Like Madision romance with doctor/officer/whatever-adult MCs that all can be closer to 40 in their age. And Mads is just 17


Well, right, I assumed that adult MCs couldn’t. But I thought college students could. If anyone had a problem with that, they could just not do the romance. But okay. Good to know.

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Apparently there’s a chapter 13 but my game ends at 12, does this happen to anyone else?

Really enjoyed playing the game and trying new professions and playing a more suspicious character, taking the more ruthless options. I have a bunch of screenshots of typos and a few bugs to follow in the next few posts. I’ll try and spoiler tag them. They are from parts 1-3


How do we can get the room inside the house on the base?

Someone said you have to take over the place from Eli and Kevin

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Alternatively, you can wait until after Billie, Fred, and Sean arrive, and after the zombie incursion. One of the rooms of the house belonged to Eli, and you can take it after his death. Not sure if Kevin will like you for it…


Thanks for the bug reports.

Thanks for your kind words. I am working on fixing that issue with Cruz.

I’m going to add that in one of the future updates.

I can fix these. Items are now consumed by the group over time, but I need to add notice to the player about this.

Deaths in the game are supposed to be hard-to-reach, but apparently people are finding them quite easily. I’m going to make it a bit harder to die. Adding a back button or save scripts in this game are not possible without even more delays between parts.

Part three is an introduction to the major players in the area. Groups that will be your enemy is really depending on how you approach them. For example, if you help Thelma’s group, the museum group will likely be your enemy. There is also groups like the New Army whose relationship to the group is defined by your actions. So, yes, there will be groups that will actively try to harm your group. One was even introduced in the beginning of chapter 12.

Also, you can choose to be the aggressor with most groups.

Thanks. I will look into this.

Thanks for all of your comments.

For tasks between chapters, I didn’t want to give too many options to go and change assignments. If everyone feels they need more opportunities, I can change it.

They are producing. Farms and vegetable gardens and every other building does give bonuses between chapters. I’m not sure I’m giving enough notification to the player…

Thanks for posting these. I’m glad you are enjoying the game.


I guess then I’ll just be bullying the Silverthorne groups and the museum about the kidnapping thing.


@JimD Bugs found (that haven’t been mentioned yet):
I can take either the supply truck or passenger van on missions (specifically to Lancelot) in Part 3, however, you can only choose one of the two in Part 1 (where you can obtain these vehicles).

I am also unable to assign Reilly (just him specifically for some reason) tasks in two work cycles after the arrival of Billie, Fred, and Sean, even though he appears in the story, is referred to as alive by the other characters, and shows up in the “Relationships” section of the stats screen. I am not sure if he loses plot immunity in Part 3, nor have I tried to get him killed/kill him. In the third work cycle (post-Lancelot, the cycle where you can check in in-depth with all of the survivors), I am able to assign him tasks once more. At first, I thought that it was because he was the cook, but I can also assign Parker tasks when he is the quartermaster. I can also assign Rosie and Kevin tasks when they have lost a close friend/brother figure (Rosie) and father (Kevin) respectively after the zombie incursion–did I miss Reilly taking some time to grieve?

Also, can we assign the nephew tasks yet? I have been trying to teach him combat, crafting, and survival (and he went with MC on the scouting mission with Rachel and Reilly). Maybe he could pitch in on the crafting builds (we see him learning from Woody, Gina, and possibly MC how to craft), or improve chicken coop/garden/greenhouse/farm productivity by weeding/watering/feeding animals? We could also assign him to help the cook/quartermaster (it’s mentioned that he takes initiative to help the cook (Reilly in my game) in the morning before Jacob’s attempted raid).


@JimD thank you for your reply, but I wanted to clarify what I meant above about vitamins. The problem with them isn’t that they’re consumed. They’re never added to my inventory. Even if I pick up 25 or 30 of them at a single location, I always have no vitamins. I also never seem to gain cook ware, no matter how many of them I pick up.


Reilly is injured, he is hurt during the zombie attack where Driver, Church and Eli die, it takes him a while to recover, when a member of your team is injured in a mission he must rest to recover and in that time you can not assign him tasks ( even though he can cook), I checked when he tried to get him to show me something and his name clearly said (not allowed due to injury) something similar happens with Lopez in the museum battle.


Will the story end would be at same point in public beta version and released as well for example my story ended with my mc escaping bunker safehouse with an amazing bullet proof car while my senior offered air support and i told my friends about my secret mission of marking all the safe zones as far as my memory goes at this point game ended is there more in released version???

Pls help

Is anyone else getting a 403 error? I’m playing in browser, tried with and without vpn and it’s been since last night.

@JimD Awesome game as always! I did notice this visual bug during my playthrough though. Could you patch it?

@Romero As long as you save your character, you should be able to pick them back up when the next part comes out. Heck, I still have some old characters I forgot about in part one.