Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Three Discussion Thread

No need she can approach you later on if you missed the original RO trigger

Who’s Jude? And is there any point in leaving Murphy alive?

@JimD How many bases are there that you can get if you’re able to choose them? And is there any difference between using a Compound Bow or a Recurve Bow?

Edit: And how come armors and helmets are not an option in the crafting menu? I also would like to know where to find a Sniper Suit that I saw in the save manager.

Edit 2: @JimD Would it be possible to add more pet options in part 1-3? Cause it feels unbalanced if canine gets 5 options but feline only gets 1 option. The pets I feel could work are Wolf, Lion, Tiger, Bear, Pig, Boar, Monkey, Hawk, Owl and Komodo Dragon. Would also be nice if we could set their gender too along with gender dimorphism for the Lions. The method of how the MC even has wild animals can be that they found or bought them as a cub and raised them. Like how Jaime remembers your dog as a pup last they saw them.

Edit 3: It would be nice if the author could stretch the timing of the events in part 1-3 where they take longer to happen so we can have more time to do all the stuffs we want to do. Also, how come Rosie doesn’t have a portrait when all the other RO has one?

Edit 4: @JimD Can you make it where crafting and changing clothes doesn’t progress time? I feel like it shouldn’t make sense for both of them to progress time enough to where an event can possibly happen. And this is for part 1-3 not just part 3.

Edit 5: @JimD Would’ve liked to see more role options show up if you managed to completely build certain facilities.

  1. Science Laboratory = Scientist

  2. Infirmary = Doctor

  3. Recreation Room = Manager

  4. Farm Plot + Chicken Coop = Farmer

  5. Greenhouse + Garden = Gardener

  6. Watchtowers North and South + Trench + Perimeter Alarm = Head Guard

Along with a higher ranking for if they get their own workers.

  1. Scientist = Head Researcher

  2. Doctor = Head Doctor

  3. Manager = Dorm Manager

  4. Farmer = Chief Farmer

  5. Gardener = Chief Gardener

  6. Head Guard = Security Chief

Also really like the portraits in this game!

Note: Just realized that this probably should’ve been in the discussion thread.


Being able to craft some makeshift armor would be nice, now that we are getting a (maybe) permanent safe haven.

I dont quite remember where you find one, but you can craft your own Ghilie suit.

Wouldnt make any difference other than flavor, you can just headcanon what type of cat you want. You only pick cat if you prefer the mood boost over the dogs work/defence potential, with that said, customization options never hurt.

Hell no, thats stupid. If we are going to have some more pet options, a parrot for compainionship(or to spot things ,maybe) would be more grounded in reality, maybe an Owl, at most.

Yes please, never quite understood why are pets genderlocked, always seemed like a pretty simple variable to add.

Ill always advocate for a little more down time between story events, always seems like I dont have enough time to do stuff I wanna do, especially since social interactions with characters takes time as well. So I gotta make a lot of compromises I dont really enjoy.

And since some events (like the expeditions to the convienience store and the gas station) are time limited, you dont get a chance to do them after some days, and you need to make even more compromises.

Changing clothes takes around 15 minutes for most of the game, thats fair, if its any less it might as well be nothing. Crafting clothes taking time is reasonable, sowing is VERY time consuming, even if you know what you’re doing, and have appropriate gear.

Not really necessary, we kinda already have this with the assignment system, and certain people are better at certain jobs, so this system would be useless.


I’ve heard way more about pet (mini) pigs than pet owls. :thinking:

Sure, might be just where I live, I’ve never even seen a single person keeping pigs as pets, the few pigs I see around here are livestock, so I kinda see them as that. And I cant think of any way a mini pig would contribute, at best companionship, and we already have cats doing that. A owl could hunt, at least, and we dont have any pets that fly.

Since we are talking about animals, where are the HORSES? I want a horse, so I can go around hunting zombies with a bow, on horseback, wearing leather armor, so I can roleplay as a Mongol. Allowing us to get horses (along with other livestock) in the future would be fun, if the author were to add livestock as pets, it could be locked to the farm house start, to make more sense.

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In terms of time management, that was always kind of a feature of the game, you don’t have time to do everything, you have to make compromises here and there because you’re in the middle of the apocalypse and anything important could come up out of nowhere

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I remember that if you start in the area with the lowest population, you can see someone riding horses and I was like “Am I gonna see horses as a vehicle option? Cause that would be nice, especially in case your current vehicle runs out of gas or gets too damaged.”

I hope (and idk if they already got some in part 4 public demo) we get some new weapons and armor options.

Melee Options

Survival Knife
Hunting Knife
Warhammer (though I guess Sledgehammer that’s already in-game could work as a substitute)
Scythe (or farming scythe)
Brass Knuckles
Claw Gauntlets (bare-handed fighting with an edge)
Gauntlets (for bare-handed fighting)
Hidden Blades (yes, I’m talking assassin creed type of blades)

Ranged Options

Black Widow (sniper rifle from Mass Effect since idk what that type of sniper rifle is called irl)
Hand cannons (the pistol type not whatever else classify as it)
RPGs (special option for certain situations)
Shortbows (smaller and faster firing rate)


Black Spec Ops outfit (Stealth, Ranged and Melee weapons bonuses)
Black Spec Ops Mask (built in Night and Thermal visions and enhanced accuracy)
Tactical Armors (Melee weapons, Ranged and Intimidation)
Tactical Helmet (built in Targeting visors)
Ghost Sniper outfit (better Stealth, Ranged, Survival, Search and accuracy)
Ghost Sniper Helmet (Targeting visor with Thermal Vision)
Expert Fighter outfit (Hand to Hand, Melee weapons, Agility and Stamina bonuses)
Expert Fighter Mask (Intimidation and Search bonuses)
Gunner Outfit (better Ranged, Search, Scavenging and faster reloading times)
Gunner Mask/Helmet (Scavenging and Intimidation bonuses)

These are all examples since I’m sure there were more I could think of but didn’t felt like adding them all in and some I probably just didn’t remember.

Note: These images are what I mean for how some of the armors would look.

Tactical Armors


Spec Ops Armors


Ghost Sniper Armors


Expert Fighter Outfit

Gunner Outfit

There’s really no benefit to riding a horse around, especially when automobiles are working perfectly fine. If your car breaks down, you can usually fix it, it’s not going to be destroyed if someone takes a few shots at it, and there’s gasoline everywhere, none of which applies to horses

But it aint as cool as being a horse archer, besides, there is a case to be made about limiting the use of vehicles, as we go further into the apocalypse, people who know how to fix cars will die, and its going to get harder to find spare parts and fuel in good condition.

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Those are cool, but lets be real, you dont need twelve types of swords to do the exact same thing the three or so we have already do.

This one is stupid.

Best to limit it to weapons that actually exist.

Yeah, dont see any reason not to add some kind of high calliber pistol/revolver. (Other than the Desert Eagle)

As a “high level” base defence, or on a military vehicle, yeah, I dont see why not.

Would be hard to find a lot of russian anti-tank weapons around the US, finding a old WW2 anti-tank would make more sense, or a modern javellin, and such.

Same thing as hidden blade, stupid, makes absolutely no sense.

Thanks, living and learning.

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Game already has a desert eagle

Huh, dont remember ever seeing it. Thanks.

You highlight what you want to “fold up” as you put it, click the gear icon and click “hide detail” and then you can erase the part that says “Summary” in case you want to change the name of it.

And sniper rifles that looks like the black widow does exist but like I said. Idk what those types are called. I hope you know I meant the shape and model of the gun, not the actual ability of it like from Mass Effect.

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Yeah, but the only sniper rifles I can think of that look like the Black Widow are those ugly ass gigantic ones.


I know one that looks a lot closer than those, but I cant find a picture of it.

One of the things that does bothers me (though not any fault of the authors but more my own thing) is that the more I replay Zombie Exodus, the more I feel like replaying Breach: Archangel Job. I’ve already beaten it a few times but I never saved any of my progress in my save manager cause I wanted to wait for the update that the author would do once the sequel releases but even if it does releases this year like it says, it might still be some time still.

Hehe, Breach is a specialist in mindless over the top TV action movie silly fun times. Once you get tired of ZE:SH relative realism, its good to cool out a bit.

Also, found it, looks a lot more like the Mass Effect variant. If you want the Black Widow, thats the closest you can find in US soil, .50 BMG, single shot, ugly and impractical. Perfect. Also has a “pistol” configuration.


Part2 with mission to the Store, where Jude at, ask Kent for the key to the weapons there we find the gun of death.

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Found this error on my Madison romance route, narrator talking in 1st person and not 2nd person.

“Kevin and Madison can talk and hang out together. She’s my girlfriend, and everyone knows it. There’s no need to get jealous about their relationship.”

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Grocery store sniper and I feel bad for damaged people.

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