Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven: Part Three Discussion Thread

I did try killing White previously, and I had a level 3 persuasion, but I didn’t do a soldier profession. I’ll give it a try and see what happens. Thanks!

Yes, to be honest now I’m just making it a challenge to myself to successfully romance him as a girl.

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If I remember correctly you have to kill Cowboy/White or Croston and If you were woman ,you must have high rel and persuade skill 75+ to persuade him .well…From start Lopez is gay anyway but during apocalypse,he discover himself that he is bi.

So if anyone is curious, here’s my findings after romancing Lopez with a female character starting from Part 1, and starting from Part 2 with the option for the group to have a high relationship level.

If you start off trying to romance him from Part 1, even if you do all the right things, you can’t get his affection up enough to make out with him before the big fight on the hill (where he also tells you to call him Cristian), and he won’t assure you that he’s loyal to you at the campfire after the fight when you catch him looking at Jaime. Your character will continue to refer to him as Lopez until you go to the Junkyard, where he will suddenly be referred to as Cristian. There are also a few affectionate gestures you can miss out on if you start from the very beginning. Either way though, he still invites Jaime over for some fun eventually.

Other than those differences early on in the story, the relationship plays out the same assuming that you hit all the early milestones to get him interested.

You inspired me to go back and replay Lopez’s route because I could have sworn that it was possible to get the pre-battle kiss without starting from Part 2 — and it is! I don’t know if it’s a foolproof strategy, but I think helping him when he stumbles into your yard + killing one of the soldiers + high charisma/persuasion if you’re playing with f!MC would be your best bet. Also, don’t flirt with anyone else before that point or it’ll default to the character you have the highest relationship with AND who you’ve shown previous interest in, even if that interest is purely manipulative. I think, anyway — I haven’t actually tested that theory yet, but I always play with Lopez in-group, always have a high relationship with him, but have only gotten that kiss scene one other time, so it must be dependent on something other than how much he likes MC.

But yeah, like you said, starting the romance earlier doesn’t change the dynamic too much otherwise.


WHAT! I thought I did/had all those things! Can I ask what your Persuasion/Charisma was at? I really don’t think I flirted with anyone else, and I had Persuasion at level 5 and my Charisma at 60.

So I rolled up a new character- military background, got her charisma up to 80, persuasion up to 75, killed White, didn’t flirt with anyone else, and it still didn’t trigger. I’m not sure what I’m missing here, but whatever it is, it must be extremely easy to miss.

It’s strange that it didn’t trigger because the MC I used had similar stats. She had 80 Charisma, 85 Persuasion, but her persuasion wasn’t that high when she first met Lopez. Granted, my MC was a college student, but I don’t think background matters much. Maybe it matters which soldier you kill? Or maybe how you help Lopez (trying to stop the bleeding vs. getting him water) has a bigger impact than I thought. Or you could accidentally be showing interest in another character without realizing it, which is way easy to do.

Yeah, I also killed White. Hmmm… what a mystery! Could personality stats be a factor? Also, side note: it’s crazy how easily characters fall in love with high charisma MCs. I have to refrain from talking to Woody before we rescue Jamie because he will develop a crush. Maybe that might also be a factor? After the conversation, your relationship with Woody will be higher than your relationship with Lopez and you’ll have possibly shown interest in him.


I’ve noticed that, too! As long as you aren’t unfriendly towards Woody, he seems to always develop a crush on the female MC. I did talk to him after he showed up at the house though, so I will avoid doing that this time. Also, I had the same thought as you, about offering water vs. medical help when Lopez arrives. Let’s see if those two things work.


After fighting zombie at hill, you have to choose Lopez as first RO and go to talk with Lopez at camp (after you go out with Madison’s or Woody’s group)and ask him share tent with you insteal help him setting up tent.If your persuasion skill stat pass and have hight rep with him ,he will agree with you

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Yes, I’ve done all that, I’m trying to figure out what you need to do in Part 1 specifically.

Well, I offered Lopez water and didn’t talk to Woody, and it STILL didn’t happen. The most conversation I had with Woody was to accept his offer of a sandwich. The only logical answer I can think of is that you just have some kind of magic.

I’ll just skip ahead to Part 2 to romance Lopez in the future. It still puzzles me, but I’ve put enough time into it to feel good about just giving up. :joy:

Empathy is also part of it. It increases relationship bonuses and lowers relationship drops.


You must help him and kill one of who try to kill him. I don’t know how you play as character.If you can’t romance with him yet ,I suggest that you should look into game code

I GOT IT! It was literally the sandwich. You cannot show any interest in Woody at all in Part 1, including accepting his offer of a sandwich, and if you do that then Lopez will be the one interested in you when the highway fight happens.


I knew it. The sandwich was secretly evil all along!


I was just playing this story for the umpteenth when it occurred to me that if we choose the military background, if it wouldn’t be possible to have a man cave that holds all kinds of weapons, because I was visiting, my parents this last Christmas and my dad was showing of his extensive military weapons and guns to some of his old military friends. And while playing I thought why can’t a military MC perhaps have one too.
@JimD Sorry if this asked before. :sweat_smile: :face_with_peeking_eye: (Obviously just a suggestion, don’t want to put this on your plate since we’re well aware of how much effort and work you did and are still putting in.)

PS. I don’t think the checkpoint system works, still :confused: :thinking: (android user)

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It’s something that I could put on my long-term to do list. I actually have something like this in one of my other games (VTM Out for Blood).

I brought this to the attention of Dan at CoG, so hopefully he can help figure out why it’s not working. It is working for me on Steam and iPhone, but I don’t own an Android device.


So terrible question i know but…does anyone know how to make bailey cheat on brody or at least hint at it?

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I was wondering can you recruit Murphy and or Jude in part 3? I vaguely remember having them in one of my playthroughs but haven’t seen an option replaying lately so not sure if I imagined that or if it’s possible