Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3 - releasing 3/3/2022

Well, this is Kevin’s description when you first meet him:

A thin teenager in oversized jeans and a black t-shirt with a bleeding-heart-and-dagger logo


Billie will not be an RO. I’m going to be adding new ROs in Part 4 but I am already at my limit.

I would like to add a few but I am close to my limit. There is actually a coding limit that we cannot go over in an app, and ZESH is very close to reaching it.

Thanks for this feedback. It’s really helpful,

I have added a line that basically said Kevin is the age of Madison and Brody unless the MC is a teenager, in which case Kevin is about the age of the MC.

I received all of my edits back from the copyeditor, and I am going through several dozen pages of notes to fix all of the errors and add all those things suggested by testers (as many as I have time to fit)… I’m hoping to post everything by Thursday or Friday for one last beta.


I don’t know if someone already asked you this (I’m sorry if they already did). Why can’t we change our nephew’s gender?


I think because of all the code he already have done since day one, plus i think he say a while ago that will be Even more dificult to do that considering all the variables


why there is no save system

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I love Jude. Please tell me that he doesn’t have scripted death and good things happen for him eventually :o

Not sure if questions are gonna be answered still. But, will people who have imported characters all the way through ZESH 1 be given anything special, or incentives for people to do that?

Even if it’s just some scenes or something.

I don’t generally like to allow variable genders to characters in many cases, because I feel these are distinct characters with specific traits and personalities. It’s the same reason you can’t pick Rachel’s gender or Jaime’s gender.

There will be tons of content you will only be able to see if you have imported characters along the way. Even though you can start at part 3, you won’t have the opportunity to choose all of the important choices that will affect the game going forward.


Hi, Jim. First off, I really love the game and the crazy replay value of it!

Secondly, on topic of the nephew: will his personality from our games carry over? Because I noticed in the demo that he is pretty naive and cheerful, whereas mine is “hardened” and desensitized to the world around him.


If I may ask. What is some of the content?

And if there is does that mean there are scenes we weren’t able to see in the beta ((which would totally make sense.))

I think my major question is, since this was just the beta. Does that mean there are scenes that we couldn’t see that are related to the optional story archs? Them being, the hacker, doctor, soldier routes.

Oh! And one more major, super question: IS THERE ANYWAY WE CAN GET THE P90 JAIME TOOK FROM THE BODY IN PART 1?

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I think I can answer this one. Yes, the one in the demo has a set personality purely because it is a demo. As you will notice, there is no option when creating your character for Part 3 that regards your nephew’s personality, which is why he is always like that. It will change accordingly depending on your choices in Part 1 and 2 once Part 3 is released for the public.

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How do you get a zombie generator?

I just want to start this by saying you were the first author to get me into text based games several years ago with Zombie Exodus and I’ve been following the progress of ZE:SH for a while now and am super stoked part 3 will be out relatively soon! I was curious if you had considered adding another dlc to add further skill points/attribute points dlc to character creation for those of us who’d like to experience different story branches without potentially restarting numerous times to reach required attributes for certain choices. If not I understand, I’d just personally love facing the apocalypse with an overpowered badass lol.


I’m actually revising the game now. You have the option to start the production of the zombie generator if you are the leader of the group. You also have to go out and catch zombies to power it.

Thank you for your kind words!

I think with the attributes and the number of skill packs you can buy so far, it’s already hard to balance the game. I will consider it though!


But i want





A literal God mode character would be cool. While I do like to play fairly from time to time, I also like to explore freely without real consequence at other times. Who better to give us God mode than the magnanimous author himself? Just think about it. No third-party apk instalments, no messing around with code or any nonsense like that. Just a straightforward, 100% legit and more importantly, an accessible for all feature. Heck, it can be an in app purchase, so everyone wins in the end. It will be just as optional as any of the other skill point bonus purchases.


I agree, I would not at all mind it being an in-app purchase for a few bucks like the previous one was.


Is anyone else’s morale just absolutely tanking at the end of each chapter?

Could add more point packs i would buy all of them.


Hey I found something i dont know if anyone else pointed it out but if you start the story with have taken benton form the silverthornes captive why is he back at their camp when yall go there. Oh and after you come back from the lab and the zombies kill some people the next day your able to assign them a work assignment.

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