Zeus' Dilemma (WiP - Last Updated 06/14/21)

“From her looks to his aloof and intimidating personality, many see her as a kind of forbidden fruit.”
Just that one wrong pronoun I saw so far

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Yeah I had this happen also

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Yay, I was looking forward to the Athena update! I have a tiny bit of feedback…

With the dorm description, it reads: “Our dorm vibes simple.”

Minor thing, but I don’t know that a child of Athena would use vibe as a verb, which is pretty colloquial. Maybe say the dorm has simple (or plain, or elegant) vibes? The only reason I bring it up is because I thought it was an error at first, before I realized that vibe was just being used as a verb (which makes sense in hindsight!).

Other than that I was pretty happy with the Athena additions – was glad to see the classic grey eyes as the unique eye color, as expected!

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I’m a little disturbed with the choices of food. I don’t like to have to justify loving meat or only vegetables. It’s just a lunch :sweat_smile:

Cy looks like a good friend, I had vibe of Patrocle. Perfect for a future relationship. Well with a better end let’s hope.

I tried the new parents : I was surprised about the remarks on Ares’ children. I hope that our MCs could intervene if they saw that sort of behaviour. BUT the power when Athena is your mother is great ! It won’t be Google is your friend but ‘MC is your friend’ :joy:


I cheated Goddess with the stats lol.
Though seriously it is too much of a problem, but I do think it’s a bit unique and something that should be made aware of.
Its mainly enabled through loading old save files.

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Small typo.

Also here was the code + a screenshot of my ending stats. 2332215213EBA.


Actually it’s kind of different to say it’s for my family’s words I’ll give you the short stick it means pick what you mean as right or wrong decide your fate but the story got into me I picked I don’t want force to be a Chosen One so I wrote this in my families words just got me into that mindset when I pick that choice fun reading it and made me a little bit proud and a little bit sentimental

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I’ve known Arinya for a day and a half, but if I found those who haze her I would beat them up faster than they can say Zeus.

On a different note, I can’t stop thinking that an Athena protagonist basically has a universal Intersect as their power.




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This is one of my favorite WIPs so far, I love the setting and characters! My code was 2423451123ADM

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Whys everyone putting these codes?


The author wants an idea of what choices the readers are making to better understand which personality choices, character routes, and things of that vein are more/less popular without having to manually track each readers’ choice individually. The code is output at the end of the demo, and it is used to simplify the process.
Other WIPs also do this sort of thing for similar purposes, too. :slightly_smiling_face:




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The update was really good I love that I get to be the son of the god of War yay lol :grin:

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I’ve wondering what exactly M is to my MC, I know that A is my aunt/uncle and that C is my cousin, but as an Athena’s child I don’t know what to call granpa Zeus niece/nephew, are they our cousin? or does it have another name?

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Thanks for anyone who left a code! @/Aoyama_Blue_Mountain, @/jennesaisquoi, @/Bulk_Biceps @/Marvey
@/Jj_Olivier I’m glad you enjoyed the update and Ares, thanks for the kind words!
@Takashi_Shin Oh, that makes more sense. Thank you for sharing!
@Nazroth I believe that the term would be “second cousin”, but that’s from a quick Google search. Also, just as a side note, I know that all Greek gods are technically related, but for the book’s purposes, the demigods aren’t related by blood (even siblings, but it’d be kinda weird to be with your sibling in any form).


Here you go! 4422241152IDM

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I mean an Athena kid isn’t really her kid, they’re just blessed by her so you’re really fine tbh.


Think I read over that part, I figured Athena just “birthed” us like Zeus did with her tbh.

I also play having Ares as a parent in another route which is pretty much the same, and I don’t mind the incest, I already thought there was going to be some when you are playing as a demigod romancing demigods in greek mythology.

I was just trying to know where would M fall in the mess that is the olympian genealogical tree in relation to us.