(WIP) Vengeance | Powers, Romance, Thriller (CHAPTER 2, PART 1 RELEASED)

Heh I did it on purpose lol. That low stat for parents is just going to the most satisfying getting it. That’s if they even are the Mc parents since everything is mystery right now.


@love4tae Will the MC be able to shapeshift? Maybe even add some physical features into their physical form if they wanted to? Like could I decide to shape myself into a draconic individual with dragon powers and even shapeshift into one? Or will it not include stuffs like that? On another note, could we make our own pet?

I also noticed that it said “choose your superpower” but from the comments, it sounds like we don’t really get a choice in the powers we want since we already start with Essokinesis.


So can we like turn our powerd enemies into normal people by taking away there power’s?


You will be able to add some features to yourself. A little limited since you’re a beginner in the IF. I’ll think about the pet one…::thinking:

Your stats will choose how powerful your essokinesis is…i’ll rephrase that! :grin:

nope…unless you manifest…:wink:


I’ll rather ruin their reputations with or without powers. But I’ll definitely get the Mc their own custom made house so I move out from parents whatever I want instead of saving up money

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Why stop with a house. We should get more housing/base options like a flying fortress, underground base, secret house/base located behind an illusory wall/barrier, a small cabin that once you enter through the door, the inside is like a big mansion (maybe even extend that feature to a portable house like a trailer), a home located in a hidden or separate realm/pocket dimension, etc. There are a lot of possibilities for that kind of thing.


This may be out of the blue but I’m putting Vengeance in the same universe as WIP Pushed (Thriller, Romance, Combat) . You’ll likely see some reference’s.:grinning:


Will that be limited to references or will reading one be a requirement for the other?


It will be limited to references, but there will be little clues to WIP Pushed (Thriller, Romance, Combat) | Chapter 5 is fully out and complete|🥳. Most of references will be about the academy!

One of the RO’s in Pushed is part of the ‘evil’ plan without knowing.


I am a third done with part 2/chapter 2!!


Forgot to say, but new RO coming out and first time using your power!


What is the first thing you want to do with your superpower? (Comment for something else)

  • I want to make a house
  • I want to make a pet
  • I want to turn something into [random object]
  • I want to customize my apperance.
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I don’t know if I was clear enough. But if you have any ideas what’s the first thing you wanna do with your powers.

BUT, warning: You’re a beginner, you’re not going to be able to summon a castle or demon.


As long as I can make a baby dragon or dinosaur or change my appearance to either one of those features (or other animal features), I’ll be satisfied.


:grin: Re-reading my post, I may have been harsh!


New clothes to change my appearance that I couldn’t have or afford before. Nothing crazy expensive but something nice.

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What I kinda meant was adding wings, or horns, scales etc!


Ok but I’m not ready for that just yet. Start with something small so the Mc doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb unless we could make them do disappear when not needed. The last thing I want is everyone saying what the heck is that?:slight_smile:

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I’ll add an option to not customize but give you a new hair color, or eye color. OR none!

(if it’s voted top)


Can we also change our eye type too? Like Draconic, Cat, Lupus, Reptilian (think Crocodiles), Goat, etc? And change our teeth into different types of fangs of our choosing along with adding tails?