What is your favorite antagonist/villain of all time and why?

The show was a blessing and I will love it forever, but you can’t deny the trash! xD


what trash ???..

was too busy drooling over Xena…:kissing_smiling_eyes:


I am a bit sceptical about it, to be honest. Though I would love for it to happen though. But somehow the idea of Angel being truly affectionate, without using it on the mc to get them to do something Angel wants their help for… I do not know if it will be all that likely…

Glad to hear it c:

Ah, poor Bobby is not that bad, right?.. I mean, yes, she is a… special snowflake with all her antics and nasty personality traits. But she can hardly be called an antagonist or villain… right?


I think the author mention Angel could go on a date with us ?? If we could “trick” Angel into believing working freelance is more profitable and run away with us … most likely we do have to start looking for “high paid task” to keep her happy … :-):hugs: such as helping CIA to assassinate some “bad people” , or stealing diamond and jewelry around the world …

Yes…since you mention it, perhaps Angel will not be as caring to us as Prodigal , i mean Prodigal cared for us right ? Do you think Angel will ever care for us ? :-):thinking:

Oh… Bobbi could definitely could be an Antagonist , what if Bobbi threatens to expose N or A secret identity ?

What if Bobbi tells N about all my “secret” ? What if Bobbi object during your wedding with your favourite agent ? Now she looks like a villain right ? :slight_smile:


Classic Disney Villains! Scar, Jafar, Shere Khan, Prince John, Classic Maleficent ( forget the revisionist history Angelina Jolie version), Ursula, Xanatos, Nega-Duck… the company may be gathering too much power in the entertainment world for my taste but they know how to create well- written and -acted bad guys.


Oh, truly!? That is very interesting. I had no idea.

Is that a possibility? Dear lord, if that is a possibility… That would give a whole different dynamic to the ‘not-quite-relationship’ between Angel and the mc.
I certainly hope it will be possible. I honestly thought the only way to ‘romance’ Angel was to let her corrupt the mc into coming to the dark side. Because they have cookies Angel.

I have hope that there will be something akin to feelings of attachment from Angel in regards of the mc. Especially considering this:

It has been confirmed that we are able to reach said stage of investment with Angel during the story. Therefore I believe that there will be some kind of ‘caring for’ between them.
Just probably/likely not the kind you describe Prodigal has.

You… You… You have opened my eyes… I was so naive…


That’s certainly is one of the ending route according the author, the author said we could persuade Angel to betray her organisation , and we betray ours and we run away working freelance … although that is a difficult route … because we must convince Angel we make more profit by working ourselves …hahaha, i am going for that route , and imagining both MC and Angel being chased by two organisations … typical sidney sheldon crime adventure novel, heard of If Tomorrow Comes ? :slight_smile:

thank you… Bobbi do hope to reconcile with us, in her own ways … imagining Bobbi messing with our lives is kind of “fun” , isn’t it ? :-):sweat_smile:


I will respond in a personal message, we are derailing the conversation a bit c;


In Anime: All For One from My Hero Academia. Especially in the anime (seriously, he gave me the chills when I saw him). He is just a complete monster and the way he takes advantage of everything is horrifying (like attacking civilians to distract the heroes).

In Western Animation: I really like Azula, but I was like 8 when I saw TLA, so I can’t really appreciate her. I’ll place Amon from Legend of Korra above, because I watched it recently (too bad they f***ed up the end of his arc and don’t get me started on the Red Lotus). The parallels with many revolutions is incredibly well done and he does a really good job at introducing a more mature setting.

Series: I second Gus Fring. The man has to be one of the scariest villains because of how straight he is. He is pragmatic, polite and yet you can feel that he is dangerous. And when he makes actual threats, it’s chilling because you know you’re done.

Comics: The Joker. Is there really a need to explain this one?

Video Games: I’m surprised no one mentionned Gaunter O’Dimm from The Witcher. What is so fascinating is the fact we don’t know anything about him, not even what he is (beside his initials). He can stop time for minutes in a setting where even the strongest is drained after summoning a firestorm. He is completely unstoppable and has to handiccap himself to make things interesting. He is Evil Incarnate but it only showed once or twice how. The rest of the time we can only see the consequences of what he did.


I have a bit of a confession… I think the Joker is a bit overrated. Not to say I dislike him - the Mark Hamill version is always going to be my Joker - but as far as Batman villains go my top three (in no specific order) are Two Face, Mister Freeze and Scarecrow. They all have tragic childhoods, effectively adopted their villain personas before they fully became them, and all believe absolutely they are doing the right thing, morality be damned.


So true! I loved him so much that many times I realized I was rooting for him.

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While I don’t know if I can really call him my ‘favourite of all time’, one villain that really left an impression in me would be Gilgamesh, of Type-Moon fame. He might be the biggest braggart the world has ever seen, with an ego the size of the solar system, but he’s so over-the-top with it that I can’t help but be impressed. Also, unusually for that sort of character he can back it up… up until the point he gets so caught in his own hype that he manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

In a completely different genre, Kyubey from Madoka Magica. Bunnycat is such a dick in his ‘wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing’, extreme True Neutral ways. Also, Akuma!Homura. Who did nothing wrong of course, I feel like it can’t be stated enough times ^^.

As far as villains in CoG go… I’d nominate Jun/ko from Samurai of Hyuga. The story sells perfectly how personal this whole conflict is, which make for the best kind of opposition - all too often the main villain is just an obstacle to overcome, with little in the way of emotional stakes (the second best example I can think of would be JJ from Slammed).


Now this is an interesting topic…

I have to second a few: Kerrigan (Queen of Blades), Kreia, Revan and Handsome Jack.

Adding: Sephiroth, Lelouch (he’s sort of anti-hero, protagonist and antagonist/villian all in one?), Darth Vader.

Might drop back in with more…


Do you mean lelouch of the rebellion because he’s definitely a badass anti hero.

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I do, but I hold that who is the hero in a story is almost always simply a matter of perspective. He did a lot of crazy crap for what he felt was a good cause, but a lot of people did suffer along the way. Anti-hero, definitely, but also a villain I think!


Well I can not pick just one so here are just a few

The Boss (MGS3)

Lich King (Warcraft)

Thrawn (Star Wars)

Darth Vader (Star Wars)

Joker (DC)

Gilgamesh (Fate)

All For One (Boku no Hero)

Charles Zi Britannia (Code Geass)


Wait…how have none of us mentioned KIRA?! He’s hands down the best anime villain. :heart_eyes:


Charismatic, genius, arrogant, and ultimately doing the right thing by killing hundreds of thousands of rapists and murderers. Sure, he was really just trying to satiate his own planet-sized ego, but still. Plus, he humped his worst enemy’s grave. o_o


Kira started well but he was not strong enough to resist the corruption of power and ended up getting lost on the way


Dunno if it was said yet, but G-Man from half life… kinda?

His opening quote in the beginning from HL2 is unforgettable. I recite it to myself sometimes to feel cool, heh.

“The right man in the wrong place, can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and… smell the ashes.”

However, it’s not really determined if he’s actually a villain. His motives are shaky at best, and he mixes up between helping and hindering the protags through the HL series, most notably through Opposing Force. During HL2, all you see of G-Man is is sudden appearance throughout the levels. You’ll catch a glimpse of him only for him to walk away and suddenly disappear. This hints that he has powers that can go through space/time.

His mysteriousness is really intriguing to me. It’s speculated he works for the Government, hence his name un-abberviated becoming Government-man, but it’s all speculation.


How could I forget about darling Light?