what make a vilain , well…a vilain ? is it their actions ? are actions alone enough though ? one can be considered guilty for murder…even if he never did the deed but manipulated others to do it for him .
I don’t like vilain that are big . You know , Tall gorgeous…big ! In some games , the final boss has always to be HUGE! Oh look SCary! more like boring .
I don’t like vilain that are greedy , all about tha money . Thats a thief , burglar …rogue . Too obvious…and what should I care ? let the cop handle it .
But the worst of the worst is the Vilain…who kill…slaughter ALOT of peoples…who doesn’t want redemption…but…plot hole…he get redemption in the end…cose…reasons . Urgh!!!
Oh and vilain…that in the end…after along ass chase…get killed by someone else! OMG! thats my kill ! Give it back !
Also…one annoying kind of vilains…is the vilains who is inside his own head all day long . Everytime you meet him and give him the ‘I’m gonna stop you’ …he is all ‘Lalalalala…not listening’ …make you wonder…why do I have to stop him ? why is he even in the story ?
So that out of the way …
The 1st story I wrote , the vilains…were many vilains that lead to the Big vilain . And the big vilain get his due in the end .
The 2nd story , the vilain…was a dead specie so to speak . Suffice to say , you can’t kill something already dead . But you still have to deal with the consequences of what they did .
In my 3rd story . Now that one was long . So in my 1st volume…the vilains were 2 brothers . Both guilty for different reasons . Then later I added 2 more vilains . One got redemption of a sort…and the others didn’t .
I like vilains that are smart , cunning and who can outwit the MC or hero . I also love hating the vilains . When its really well done…I’m raging mid way and can’t wait to get my hand on them and strangle them . That…is a good vilain to me . A vilain should bring out raw emotions , he should make you wanna chase them , piss you off…enrage you .
And a vilain doesn’t have to blow a whole city to do that .
There are vilains that are scary due to their reputations , you see those coming from miles away . (Like frieza in DBZ , whole arc was building the fear and tensions around the character . And he was my favorite because…sociopath vilain are a thrill to take down . Orochimaru from Naruto come second ) .
You have vilains that start good and turn bad . Madara is an exemple from Naruto .
You have vilains that were good but had the potentiel to be bad and end up bad and due to outside interference by idiots…stay bad . Irenicus is an exemple of that . (from BG2) .
The main charm of writing a vilain…is the many ways you can do it . He could be a rival at the beginning . They could be a nobody that grow mad at the world or the mc . They could be a nobody that circumstence turned them bad . They could be a mirror of the MC , just bad .
the vilains in my stories were mostly just a driving force . Meaning , they weren’t the main topic or reasons . The actions and interaction were more important then catch the vilain in the end . I wrote them more like…shit happen and now you gotta deal with them .
that can backfire . In Naruto for exemple , Madara the vilain character , was so powerful many peoples assumed that the author couldn’t figure out a way to kill him . So he found a cop-out way which just pissed the fans . I think there are times where such a thing can happen .
anyway , best of luck in your story