What do you think are the top five ChoiceScript games?

  1. Choice of Dragon
  2. Choice of Romance
  3. Apex Patrol
  4. The Race
  5. Choice of Vampire

I hope this isn’t considered thread necromancy but in the interest of providing feedback I thought I’d chip in here too.

Released (both official and hosted releases grouped together as everyone else seems to do so too.)
1: Choice of the Vampire
2: Apex Patrol (would probably be no1 if it was longer)
3: Choice of Broadsides (what can I say I’m a fan of this sort of thing, captaining ships be they old fashioned sailing or high tech starships) Can someone tell me if there’s actually a way to get the cute Gaulish guy at the end?
4: Choice of the Dragon (This one is a good bit of lighthearted fun, hope I can kidnap more handsome princes if or when they decide make a sequel)
5: Marine Raider, nice short action game, which is also my only criticism of it shame it contains only one mission.

In Development (I cannot really rate these games yet as they are obviously not complete but these are the ones I look forward to most)
1: Vendetta, rise of a Gangster (promises to be EPIC if the beta is any indication)
2: Eight Thrones (I like the concept has lots of promise to become a true epic with loads of replayability depending on how much the demons actually differ from one another in the final game)
3: Choice of the Vampire 2 (at least I hope this one is in development)
4: Choice of the Archeologist (if this is what I think it is an namely an Indiana Jones esque adventure with action, romance and mystery)

Zombie Exodus
Choice of the Vampire
Choice of Romance / Intrigues
Rise of a Gangster