What do you think are the top five ChoiceScript games?

Gangrel for me.

whoa there, come on iā€™m Asian-American, so ā€œOrientalist bullshitā€ is NOT cool with me.

  1. Choice of Dragon (The classic. Needs more content)
  2. Vendetta (The feature to buy businesses satisifed my craving for power and perfectionism way too much. Now if only I could have a haremā€¦)
  3. Zombie Exodus (Too many hours, too many hours)

@Zed, just to clarify ā€“ ā€œOrientalistā€ used as ScarletGeisha just used it means, roughly, ā€œgrounded in fake Western stereotypes about Asiaā€. Maybe that still pisses you off, but I just wanted to make sure weā€™re speaking the same language.

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@Zed What Havenstone said. You may question my credentials for coming to this conclusion. My answer is that I am a person of Asian descent living in an Asian country.

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I think @Zed just misunderstood the word Orientalist, and assumed that it was the equivalent of saying Oriental. An understandable mistake.

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Honestly dude, my dadā€™s Nepali so the whole oriental thing doesnā€™t really concern me, since Nepal hasnā€™t ever been conquered, not by the British and not by the Indians, and the nepali gurkhas beat the Japanese imperial army in Burma in WW2.

Iā€™m not questioning your credentials, Iā€™m just making sure because I donā€™t tolerate the racism and grouping together of Asians as one race. My momā€™s white, and I got a mix of light and dark skin and so many people see me and think Iā€™m white, which infuriates me and the other Asian people at my school (Filipinoes mostly) can be total jerks sometimes. By the way, what Asian country are you in? Also, the only reason I would play as a kuei jin is because Itā€™s based In Asian and Buddhist versions of the vampire and since I donā€™t go to church and I try to follow Buddhism and Hinduism and donā€™t see most vampires who are Asian in origin.

Thanks for the definition that makes sense and helped me understand what geisha said better.

@Zed Iā€™m from Singapore.

Now, having read the Kuei-jin booksā€¦ Wow! Total misunderstanding of Taoist philosophies! Sure they get the gist of it but when it comes to the elements and the Dharma paths, itā€™s just gibberish. And then there was that thing about the inventor of the Dharma paths being named Xue, and then it can either mean ā€œstudyā€ or ā€œbloodā€ which is bullshit because both words are written and pronounced differently despite pinyin giving them the same alphabets.

Then the Dharma path books all start out with a manga because Asian! Oh speaking of the artā€¦ All that awful stylisation is off-putting.

Also there was this line about how the West ignores the supernatural but the East lives in fear and respect of them which makes me want to stab myself in the face.

That totally makes sense now because that does sound like a total load of bullshit. And whatā€™s up with the lack of good Asian vampires nowadays! Also, I wanted to play COTV as an Asian vampire, but thatā€™s just a dream that I want to be implemented in Part 2.

@Zed: Jai Nepal! I grew up there, and my wife was born there (despite me being a white American and her being a white Brit ā€“ both our fathers were engineers, working on rural hydroelectric projects). I lived for five years in the Kathmandu Valley and five years out in Syangja district. Itā€™s the most consistently beautiful country Iā€™ve ever seen.

@ScarletGeisha, if no oneā€™s already suggested the Gurkhas as an option for a future Warriorā€™s Path game, Iā€™d put it out thereā€¦

@Haventone The name Gurkha also refers to an ethnicity though, as far as I know. I could be wrong.

@Zed Yeah, I did like the Kuei-jin at first simply because theyā€™re vampires who look like me but now I am too acutely aware of the bullshit. So my solution is just to imagine Asian vampires.

@ScarletGeisha no the solution is you write Asian vampires :wink:

The Gurkhas are the elite military forces of nepal. So just think of them as Nepalā€™s special forces unit. I think youā€™re thinking of the sherpas.

If you that game I will definitely help, as I feel that a game featuring the Gurkhas would be awesome! Also my grandfather apparently helped create a hydroelectric plant near the neighborhood they live in, according to my mom.

@ScarletGeisha Kuei-jin is orientalist bullshit althoughā€¦ Bone Flowers are quite cool.

YES. And the Ravnos are insulting, Romani stereotypes. Nobody does research anymore, thatā€™s the problem.

Also there was this line about how the West ignores the supernatural but the East lives in fear and respect of them which makes me want to stab myself in the face.

Actually, thatā€™s what I like about the Kuei-Jin. In the World Of Darkness ā€œambiguousā€ flied through the window and killed the president of said country with a nuclear bomb. In clearer words, all the stories about the end of the vampire world are true; and the Kuei-Jin are right all along, because they believed in the tradition and acted according to their purpose while Western kindred strayed. They are also way, way more powerful than Western kindred, which is something that bothers some players.

I know it is ridiculous because it pulls out the old, Asians are superstitious and believe in silly things that olā€™ Hollywood does not believe in, but depending on who is telling the story it can be manageable.

  1. Choice Of Broadsides - I spent hours on this game, it was somewhat short, I was expecting being able to do more as an Admiral, and since thereā€™s only 1 ending, thereā€™s not much reason to play the game over other than to try all the options.

  2. Choice Of Dragons - This is a game that I loved, I played it over for some time, but, like Choice Of Broadsides, not much content after becoming really powerful and 1 ending.

  3. Imprisioned - This is a game with LOADS of content and LOTS of endings, but there wasnā€™t much backround story.

  4. Zombie Exodus - I really liked this game, it was made exelently and the storyline was great, but I canā€™t seem to really get in to it, sorry JimD!

  5. The Race - A good story, lots of options (such as paths to take and such), but like Zombie Exodus, I canā€™t really get in to it.

Yeah, but the Kuei-jin Arenā€™t really vampires but Revenents and thus are actually spiritual beings in nature.

Marine Raider - Short, gripping, realistic
Choice of the Dragon - Just the right amount of depth.
Choice of Broadsides - original setting well worked out.

(In no particular order)

  1. Zombie Exodus
  2. Eight Thrones
  3. The Race
  4. Born a King (This one is probably dead *goes on huge rage*, but whatever)
  5. Blackraven
    (And Choice of the Dragon and Unnatural may be somewhere in there.)

@VoodooDolly Kuei-jinā€™s acquisition of power is also much harder so thereā€™s a balancing act. Besides, the name Kuei-jin donā€™t make any fucking sense. You canā€™t simply combine Chinese and Japanese words. The Chinese system of writing simply doesnā€™t allow for that to happen.

Oh and the Ravnosā€¦ Then they had that Gypsy rulebookā€¦

Anyway, the problem is not that the Kuei-jin knew about the end of the world all along. That would be reasonable. What that line is implying is that regular Asian peoples too believe in the supernatural which is justā€¦ ARGH!

@Lordirish Well, I do that too. We do have some fun vampire traditions of our own (not talking about jiang shi hopping corpses) which would make for some interesting urban fantasy. Reminds me of the Hong Kong TV series, My Date With a Vampire, where is like a typical vampire cop show but with Taoist elements. Itā€™s quite interesting to see the typical tropes used in this manner.

Zombie Exodus: a masterpiece cant wait for part 4,only thing that I dont find that exciting is the missions (i was just bored during the quest to find gas)

CoVampire: every desicion affects your future,just lovely and complex.still havent saved my voodo love :(. We need a sequel now

CoDragon: fun,exciting and who doesnt want to torute other dragons??.its only weak point is the mating part (you only get one chance and they dont do ***) and its too short for me.it has to be the only game that i read when i replay it.i just choose an action in the others

CoBroadsides: Well,you can actually build friendships,and trying to keep your crew from revolting is just exciting,makes you think before you act

CoZombie: well i love how you pick if you stay or not but ehmā€¦ seems kinda short and always leads to the same end,die or go to the island.still good

thats all for now.just found out that there are other non-official games