What do you want to accomplish writing-wise in 2019? Do you have a “stretch” goal if things go really well? Please include all projects, including IF, conventional novels/short stories, non-fiction, whatever you’ll be writing this coming year!
For me, in that order that they likely occur…
Get Talon City indie-published as a conventional novel. I’ve flip-flopped on this project for a year, but it’s full steam ahead now, as it’s the project I’m working on that I can most quickly finish. I moved this up my priority list because: 1) it’s much much easier than writing IF, and 2) I really want to start learning the ins and outs of Amazon and start building a backlist of regular novels. Plus, I adore writing these characters as much as I adore writing the Streakers and the CCH crew. And a legal thriller plays to my strengths. I could potentially be ready to indie-publish this by late spring or early summer 2019.
Finish the entire StarStreakers! project I don’t control all the logistics here, but I really hope I am able to wrap this up by end of Dec 2019. I adore writing these characters, and writing a female first person POV is a challenge that I am really getting into! Plus, talking dolphins, tough philosophical choices, and tons of art are really getting me pumped.
Get CCH3 to 50% point. This would be by the end of 2019. This might seem slow, but I’m trying to avoid getting burned out or short changing the Speckverse by getting into too much of a hurry. I don’t want to rush this. I need time to think about each story progression, and how these choices can start leading to vastly different outcomes. Outlining will be more critical than ever. I’ll rely heavily on Patreon feedback as I dive deeper into this.
I don’t have a stretch goal, because I REALLY want to get all three of these done, and I’ll be unhappy if I don’t. On the other hand, if I get all of this done in a single year, I will need to take whatever “free time” I have next Dec to recharge my batteries. I feel like this is my “make or break” year; I need to push my content creation to the next level.
I hope others chime in!! I’m super curious about what everyone is working on, and how you’re prioritizing different projects!
Finish my WIP ChoiceScript game by June at the absolute latest and see it published sometime in 2019.
Trying to keep expectations reasonable. If I win the lottery between now and then I solemnly swear to quit my job and get this story done by March instead
IF wise, complete at least 50% of my WIP. It’s a little ambitious for me as I’ve never attempted wiritng fiction on such a scale, and work will be real hectic next year… But I really hope to be able to maintain focus on this project…
Work wise, complete the writing of a year’s worth of curriculum content for English for primary school kids by early June.
First off, I love this thread. It’s good to have those goals out there, makes you feel more accountable to them when more people know them than just you.
For me, I hope to finish The Parenting Simulator by the end of March or April, which should give it a very good chance of being published before the end of the year. This also leaves me enough months left in the year to hopefully, maybe, possibly start and finish a second ChoiceScript story for the year as well. That will remain to be seen, and may also depend on which one of my potential third projects I end up going with.
I’ve pondered de-choicing Nuclear Powered Toaster and releasing it on Kindle as a novel. If it’s not too time-consuming I may do that. I’d also love to release a children’s book or two from the ones I have written, but as always that depends on finding a willing art participant (or ‘articipant’), which I have yet to do. Ultimately, those would be more stretch goals. Finishing one Choice game and both starting and finishing another would be my main aim. Especially since that would mean likely being able to notch two releases in 2020.
Some of mine are obfuscated, but shrug it’s the way of freelancing…
Complete Crème de la Crème; it’s nearly halfway to a full first draft so I’m prioritising it as it’s my biggest current project.
Complete an unannounced teen horror mobile game project. It’s challenging working with a dialogue-focused format rather than prose, and I’m loving it.
Complete unannounced content for an existing IP that I’m extremely hyped for!
Make and submit at least one short game to sub-Q or another short IF market (I think Strange Horizons takes hypertext content these days). This is less high priority, but I like releasing things every so often to keep my stuff out there as mostly what I’m working on are long-term projects.
Pitch something new to Choice of Games after Crème de la Crème is done; I’ve got some ideas but nothing too concrete at this point.
Finally, continuing to forge towards my goal to collect 20 game or writing-related rejections before August 2019 - phrasing it that way is my way of not being overly perfectionistic, or sitting on my work because of being nervous about sending it out.
Finish Birth of a Superhero. I mean, I have 203,000 words, how hard could that be? (well, my academic writing seems to constantly interfere…)
Re-write the Nebula. I don’t expect much from it, but I should finish it…
Try as hard as possible to resist all my instincts to start another WIP until 1 and 2 are finished (too bad I already have another WIP started, so I guess I failed already!)
Great thread, Eric. I’m looking forward to all your stories. And good luck to everyone else. My writing goals for 2019 are:
1.) Submit Winter of the Bovine:
So far I’ve written about 62k for this, and it will likely end up being anywhere from 80-100k when I’m done. I’m excited for this because, as a game with a female dairy cow MC, it’s very unique, and it’s also very important to me.
2.) Submit Mass Mother Murderer:
So far I’ve written about 200k, and it will likely be around 220k when I’m done. I’m excited for this because I believe there’s nothing else like it in CoG’s catalogue, and writing this is what has kept me reasonably sane over the last several months.
3.) Submit The Enchanter’s Misery:
So far I have about 60k written for this, and it will likely be about 250k when it’s finished. This means I likely won’t submit it until this time next year. I’m excited for this because it will be my first murder mystery and people really seem to be enjoying it. Plus, it has a whopping 6 ROs.