Share yours here! There’s nothing like publicly promising to meet certain goals and then madly scrambling at the last possible minute to meet said goals to avoid ridicule and embarrassment!
Oh…and early Happy New Year!
My writing goals for 2016:
Get CCH Part 2 published no later than December 2016.
Enter a short story contest (probably conventional writing) to keep my non-CCH juices flowing.
Network with authors in my city (meet five new author “real life” friends) and give a presentation on interactive fiction writing at Imaginarium in Oct. 2016.
This is interesting. Ahem, well then my writing goal for 2016 would be:
To at least finally finish my game Drágóneer, I hope.
To participate again for Lordirish Annual CScomp if there will be another one.
Participate and finish the goals again for Nanowrimo.
Convince my fellow VI friends that it is possible to write interactive games using Choicescript. Most are afraid of creating one, but I hope to make an example so that they can also be encouraged to make their own games as well as play more CoH and Hosted games.
Yes indeed. Did you publish any more of the WIP demo? Been a long time since I checked on it. That is certainly a game that is going to suck some money out of my wallet as soon as you set it free!
1)To write one chapter every month.
2)To maintain consistent grammar and limit typos.
3)To conquer the world with an army of spork wielding furbies.
4)To go the gym more often
5)To ask out the yoga instructor soo dreamy
6)Remain focused and finish my current fav story before the end of the next year.
Did your gym have a punching bag? Helped me tremendously that one thing, well that and finally being able to afford a personal trainer once a month (hopefully I’ll be able to afford more personal training soon).
Though maybe just being gay helps some too.
Ooh, new year’s resolutions. Might as well make a list of mine
Update my WiP with chapter 5c before the end of January (the last update was on the seventh of July, so I doubt anyone even remembers it exists at this point)
Get the forum community game finished
Participate in Lordirish’s CS-comp (if there is one)
I’ve never done the personal trainer thing, I generally just stand around trying to look sweaty. Maybe I should add that to my resolution as well, nothing wrong with being a cliche.
Read more. Spend more time reading, and less time listening to music and podcasts, particularly when I’m on public transport. Reading a lot is a necessary part of writing, I feel.
Don’t multitask. I don’t do it well. Finish one big job before starting another (lower-concentration stuff - editing and promo and so on - may be exempt from this).
Set myself word count targets. I work better that way.
Do less ‘day job’ work. It’s reached the point where I don’t have enough hours in the week to keep up with both day job and writing work. Time to concentrate on one.
Spend less time in front of screens in general. Plan and make notes on paper, where possible.
Does taking a short break from a writing assignment count? (I’m doing a small expansion for Planet Stronghold: Colonial Defense for Winter Wolves Games).
Then, get ready for a hopefully smaller project…(more info for next year)