I am excited about everything on the list and a few not yet on the list to be released. With that said, there are a few that are very intriguing and I would like to know more about:
CoG’s Official Library Most Anticipated:
Silverworld: A sequal by a wonderful writer; hopefully the stats mechanics are on par with their writing.
Choice of Magics: Robots is one of my favorites - the teaser was successful
The Road to Canterbury: Unique - I want this to succeed because we need more literary types.
Choice of the Cyborg: Intriguing looks like an Altered Carbon double-sleeving concept.
Blood Money: Venetian politics - an awesome hook!
Gilded Rails:. I’m really rooting for this one. Different and sounds like a possible CoG “Hell on Wheels”
Stronghold: . Another sequel by wonderful writers. Concerned it will be too number oriented.
The Darkling Watchers: Paul Gresley is another of my favorites
Platinum Package: As is Emily Short.
Contest Entries Anticipated:
All of them
Hosted Games Anticipated:
Wayhaven Chronicles
Zombie Exodus parts 2+
Community College Heroes 2
The list of Hosted Games does not have upcoming projects as extensively as CoG so I’m looking forward to several unknowns here as well.
I’m pretty excited to see Fielder’s Choice coming up sometime this year since I have a interest in baseball and there aren’t that many stories that has sports.
Oh yeah! That’s one of my projects. Aside from Slammed, it’s really our first sports game. It should be out in the next month or so–it’s currently in copyedit.
Just taking a gander at the Upcoming CoG releases thread makes me bubble with excitement. When I read the description of Stronghold, for some reason a game called “Long Dark” popped into my mind, which is awesome.
Less flip answer - I’m super excited for Stronghold, as I enjoyed The Eagle’s Heir and love Jo Graham’s books. Fielder’s Choice (sports!), Love at Elevation (dating - yes please!), and Gilded Rails (historical shenanigans in a time period I’m interested in!) are also very appealing, as is Choice of Magics for some outlawed magical goodness. And I love Emily Short’s work so Platinum Package is of great interest.
…And on top of all of that, I imagine I’ll play ones that I didn’t even know I’d enjoy. There are so many cool releases coming up this year!
There’s only 3 I’m really looking forward to. I only really look forward to games where the game has a yp thread or it’s about something I’m really interested in. For all the other games I try one every now and again, even trying ones I don’t expect much from For example I thought choice of the cat would be too goofy, and although I need to sort my card out to unlock the rest love what I’ve read so far. So hopefully I’ll be surprised again this year.
But the three are, the Keepler colony, zombie exodus safe haven and fallen hero. Fallen hero isn’t on the upcoming hosted games thread I don’t think, but I can’t wait until it’s released.
See you say 2018 but I’m not a game creator ( not until I can find a way to make them on an Android phone ) so I’ll just share what games I’m excited for in general
Heroes Rise:#OpenSeason-since the game is reality TV I have been put off by the idea of romance in redemption season. Even if unlike reality TV in real life there’s a “real” connection for the other person it’s too forced. It’s why I rejected Black Magic and Lucky. ( Well Lucky. I rejected Black Magic because of her rapey personality in book 1.) So I have no incentive to romance. The entire premise is filled with shitty people trying to be stars. In reality the moment JK got her cure I’d have dropped out of it. But since the plot has to continue getting to become a super villain is a lovely consolation prize.
Lords of Infinity- after playing and deleting Lord’s of Aswick because it forced me to get married and have a kid despite my constant refusal of giving anyone any attention . (Excuse me I have a younger brother let him carry the family name.) I’m interested in seeing if Lords will do something similar.
Samurai of Hyuga book 4- Ronin X Masami
And I’m not sure what else. not really invested in too many other stories. Maybe a new Zombie Exodus Safe Haven since I’m basically playing Clementine from the Walking Dead.
Hey just put fallen hero on the release list, Still in copyedit but it is there and last I checked @malinryden was ahead on the copyedit, to begin with anyway. Hopefully, a date will be announced soon!
Holding onto hope for that one!
But honestly, haven’t played any demos or kept up with any of the new titles in the works…
And yeah at the casino they all say the exact same thing when you sit down at the table and it annoys me they find them so interchangeable despite vast differences between character views. Kinda screwed that up… yikes.
Really, I want a juicy scene where I can have that little surprise reveal that I have been dating firebrand as a civilian and that I knew his identiy the entire time.
I have to say all of them are going to be at least checked by me, and I’m hoping to buy more games this year than I have previously, but of the ones I know about…
Whitehaven, Love at Elevation and Guided Rails, all for being Romance focused (you wait ages for a bus and then three come at once!)
Choice of Magics because I loved Choice of Robots and hope it’s as crazy ambitious.
Road to Canterbury because yay historical stuff, and we haven’t had too many hard medieval games yet.
Choice of the Cyborg because that premise rocks.
Rent A Vice for doing Blade Runner with Holodecks.
Yeah, they do DLC (midsummer nights has author commentary eg)
But i rather meant as plain update if possible.
I wouldnt mind HeUn dlc for a bit of e.g. trying to perform a theft as FB.
(And i wouldnt say you get always the same at the casino… you get a bit of backstory, fb is a complete doofus if you let him do the talking…)