"Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names"—Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack

Is there going to be a third DLC?

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Yes there will be.


According to the code, yes. There are options to join them and some dialogue here and there already, just locked right now.


Thanks. Can’t wait. Silent Striders are my favourite tribe.

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Funny trivia, “garou” is also a specific word used in Japanese, it means “hungry wolf”. I’ve always wondered if they picked it to refer to both words at once.


Oh! I thought Bone Gnawers would have to focus more on surviving rather than being ‘we can still win’. I do agree with you on Children of Gaia suiting jjc73’s play style. I’d been thinking Children of Gaia or Hart Warden for them too!

I still haven’t played as a Bone Gnawer. It just feels weird to not be able to accumulate 1k or more. Feels perilously close to real life, to be living paycheck to paycheck and not have a decent rainy day fund in the bank account, hehe.

Oh! Hmmm, I was three points on the Litany Sustains Us scale pretty much throughout my last playthrough and still had next to no honour. I genuinely thought it was affected by the ‘just trying to survive’ stat.

Bwahahaha! Well, when you put it like that…

(Edited to fix a typo)


They aren’t actually, Bone Gnawers are Just Want to Stay Alive and Litany Has Failed. They are the tribe that you get assigned automatically if you literally can’t join any others tribe, may just be a game thing and not in universe thing tho.

For how to gain honor, doesn’t related to Litany as it sometime lose your honor, most of the time aren’t tho. To gain honor, you need to protect your packmate, others garou, human, animal and spirit, often putting yourself in harm way doing so. Easiest way to reliably gain honor is mother bear gift of healing.

You pretty much want to save and protect people as much as you can, be it financial, medical or literal combat, some garou may forget but garou are still technically protector, not just killing machine warrior.


I hope we get to see more missions in the next dlc as well

Oh, I didn’t know the game automatically pushes you towards the Bone Gnawers if you don’t qualify for anyone else. That’s hilarious. And now I want to play as a total reject loser who still manages to romance the contempt towards Bone Gnawer holding Melodie.

I was actually going by this picture up until now! I figured earning Honour would entail being somewhat pro-Litany, choosing all the ‘I’m happy we’re working as a pack’ options, and maintaining a certain modicum of dignity. After reading your comment, I’m convinced it’s just the prioritising the pack stuff that’s important. Probably got to throw my PC in front of her pack members more often (which means the Bone Gnawers and Gale Stalkers are out) and heal as many people as possible using Mother Bear.

More and more, I’m convinced that playing as a theurge is the best way to ‘win’ the game. We get mother bear and Katherine’s gifts, both of which I end up using a lot. Then there’s the wardstone too. Why waste energy building my attacking skills if I can defend so skillfully? Between those gifts and the gift of the crow+unquomonk stone that you can get as a Ghost Council garou, the world becomes your oyster.

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Wisdom based Ragabash and Theurge seem to be the easiest yeah, Ahroun run are really difficult with rage penalty and the constant threat of frenzy, you do get a lot of Glory tho.

My first run was a Ragabash Glass Walkers that main stats is Wits and Dexterity, follow by Intelligence, i barely get any Glory or Honor but Wisdom was overflowing so i only get Wisdom Gifts and that work well enough, you don’t really need all three to get the good endings.

It still amazed me that out of every Garou, Podge use his forms the least while being an Ahroun, a Bone Gnawers Ahroun hacker, it feel like it shouldn’t work, Ahroun don’t really live in city because they are one tick away from killing everyone and he join a city based tribe.

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I feel like Podge has a lot of Gifts going to soak up Rage. He also doesn’t pick fights or defy the others. Melodie is far more bloodthirsty by comparison (just my impression, but she also seems to be more prone to frenzying, at least I feel like I see her in crinos form way more). There’s a sort of ironic big dog / little dog energy with Rage: the bigger your Rage, the more you gotta be chill and acquiescent to keep from frenzying. If you’re a ragabash, you gotta be pugnacious to keep your Rage up and keep from losing the wolf. Ragabash starts the fights, ahroun ends them.


It has some basis in table top, especially in older editions where it was much more bloodline based. Bone Gnawers were known for collecting the outcasts of other tribes, who weren’t accepted by their bloodline for one reason or another.


I wish. Bone Gnawers did not fuck with me at all because I wasn’t ‘fuck litany’ high enough


Not really, Gale Stalkers’ Grandpa Bear required Honor as well.

Also, the world becomes your oyster is a really weird sentence for “you can do anything and go anywhere you want”, tbh. I am not an American, so hearing and reading this sentence confused me a lot when I saw it the first time.

Oh, and you can only go without any Gifts until Chapter Eight or Nine.

It really is a bizarre idiom, isn’t it? I suppose the implication is that there’s a pearl that’s yours for the taking with a little effort.

It’s not an American expression, by the way. It’s originally found, with a slightly different meaning, in Shakespeare.


Yeah Galestalkers have a very strong focus on Honor, even tho they must hunt and kill every day which carries you far from your pack, both physically and emotionally. Despite being harder to bonds with their packmate cuz you are away from your pack most of the time, you must remain loyal, also being serious survivalist, not much for jokes or optimism.

So while Galestalkers feel distant and somewhat of a loner, they are well respected within the pack and will have you back when it count.

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It’s probably why I wasn’t able to get his gift even at the very end. I might try to do another playthrough as a tribe member though. Maybe play as a ragabash?

I’m also noticing my gameplay suffers when I keep trying to change my PC’s personality to get all the gifts. Best to just get a few gifts and min max everything.

Hahahaah! I’m not American either. Nor a native speaker. I sort of learnt (British) English through osmosis by reading a bunch of books as a kid, but even I wasn’t expecting this idiom to have its roots in Shakespeare.

Damn, @AletheiaKnights , I learn something from you every day! <3

So interestingly my patron spirit kept hassling me over having a strong bond with my pack. I guess I’ll have to be honourable when it comes to fights and protecting my packmates, but I’ll have to alienate them in other ways. I’ve noted almost all of them love humans, so being rude about humans seems like the quickest way to do that. I got sooooo much glory because I’d just leave my pack and go kick some fomor butt, but I got very little wisdom and honour. Gotta figure out how to maintain a balance. Perhaps I can accumulate lots of wisdom and then join the Galestalkers?

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I hope you have interest in the DLC and update the guide. It’s really useful.

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In order for me to play to a specific pack style. I would need to know what options changes which stats. Storyteller mode does not do. This is dignity, this is laughter, uh, what?! I keep going to 0 and no clue what causes it.