"Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names"—Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack

You mean the joke conviction ?

The one with Dignity/Laughter. It goes consistently to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0. Never builds or stays. Dignity 1, 0 then D 1 to 0.

Edit I am a wolf. I tend to do more natural, nature living than caring about a house and whats in it. Not my home I bought, I won’t fix it up for a landlord, unless they cut that cost from renting it. Maybe it considers me being high survival, outdoors type, not dignified? But I am a survivalist wolf. Guess I dont get what those two mean. Laughing/Laughter hasn’t been an option yet into Chapter 2.

Dignity/Laughter is basically whether you make a lot of jokes or take things things seriously.

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For WtA, I believe it is much better to use the stat in digits than in dots, for it will shows the conviction in percents and the changes will be shown clearer.

I haven’t had a ‘laugh’ choice. They seemed serious to me, anyway. So far all caring, trying to find answers and moving in wilderness. Being intimidating to storm, as only option I had worth capable of succeeding for that scene.

It kinda shows in the sentences.

I didn’t see anything remotely joke or chuckle yet.

The choices I made looked serious and concerned. I have Storyteller on, but doesn’t register conviction. I saw laughter option when I was in Chapter 5 of demo.

I listed what I had up to 5, those were easy to know. Just uncertain what gave me dignity then took it away, hoofing it in wild? That seems to be the culprit.

Yep, no idea. Sentence doesn’t look like a joke, maybe it is? I can’t tell then. Except when it stated joke/laugh in the line.

Most of the joke choices are rather towards dark humor hence maybe why you don’t see it that much.


Clay shouldnt perish into inogimity was what gave me the Dignity. Now to keep repeating my choices to see what erased the Dignity. My bet is running in the wild. Will update when find out, but very certain that was it.

Nope. It was choosing on going with a floral dress that is easy to take off and change to wolf easily, without shredding and wasting money on clothes in future. Being practical drops Dignity.

Dignity = cant be practical

Laughter = can be practical, at same time never goes to 1 itself in practical options.

Edit to add to this, the others are direct opposition and shifts, this one ‘supposed’ to be, but isn’t? Because I do lots of practical, no laughter, but dignified choices. I will never increase this unless I purposefully do so.

Guess that is why I stay at 0 on both then.

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Hey folks, I’ve been hunting through this thread without much luck.
What’s the criteria for getting Crow’s gift? I have what it says in the in-game description, I’m part of the ghost council, but it just won’t let me unlock it.

Help welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

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Simple enough your auspice has to be a ragabash otherwise the crow would refuse to teach you

To earn Crow’s gift, first you need to be either a Ragabash or join Ghost Council, second you need 6 Honorable Chiminage and high Humans Must Understand.