"Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names"—Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack

Oh, damn. That’s mildly inconveniencing… Ugh I lost like 3 chapters of progress. Okay, thanks! I’ll try and speedrun those choices again another time lol.

It might be worth waiting a couple weeks. There might be more updates forthcoming.


In Legacy this exists.

Porcupine’s gift, teached by Porcupine is a Metis four level dot that first appeared in WtA corebook revised.
It don’t work the same but have the “same” effect more or less.

Porcupine’s itself was a Totem for the Wendigo - Though the Gift is avaliable to Metis of all tribes - that appeared on the Wendigo Tribebook(Revised).
It doen’t have any much of a story though, it was a lesser Totem, the legacy wiki have the write up it in its integrity:

Most of the time, Lesser Totems don’t have a grandiose story though.

In W5 the Wendigo are now the Galestalkers, but Totem alternatives doesn’t exist in W5, nor the ruling, nor the writeup.

Edit: Because I was forgetting, yeah, even though they don’t have much of a story, normally Lesser Totems are high rank spirits, so they know how to figh and defend itself.
By the way, Totems are a bit weird in some aspects, some are unique, some are not, and some have hacks(like Legacy Crockroach, some BSD ones), in this case for example: Porcupine is Porcupine but if there’s porcupines, there’s porcupine spirits - of less rank of course.

If someone have a Lore question of Legacy I can answer, so ask me and don’t be ambarased.
This game have a lot of obscure references to very obscure stuff and some other stuff that overlaps with that of Mage, really weird.


Yeah, pretty much all of the Gift acquisition stories are Marquis originals. Some draw from tabletop elements, but the narratives are unique.


Yeah, and that makes me a happy pig because W5 is a complete dissapointement in that regard and I doubt that it would be fixed in te TTRPG, a pity.

In fact, and talking about the lore, if some of the stuff that appears in this game would have appeared in the core rulebook, part of the hater crowd woulnd’t have existed at all, and that’s includes myself.
For legacy players, this is much more satisfiying than the core rulebook that is very lackluster.

Like, forget the Garou, Porcupine is the character portrait I want. A rodent spirit wearing the skin of a porcupine, blood still on its ragged edges, flicking a switchblade with the caption “And you don’t mess with PORCUPINE”. White Wolf is leaving merch money on the table by not making this a stamped hoodie, I’m telling you.

“From the group of Rat, but smaller than Mouse”… and WILL CUT A BITCH! :hocho:

Probably up - the Journal says you get a penalty for Rage greater than 1 (and it was updated, because it no longer has a formula). If you rounded down, you’d only get penalties starting at Rage 3.

Man, I am NOT calling Porcupine a lesser anything to its face, lest it decide it wants to wear MY face. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is it intentional that, the investigation order after Esther’s Bar in Chapter 6-7 are randomized? Or is it bugged?

round() seems to me working as rounding in math (generally) does, so .5 and higher rounds up, and lower rounds down.

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Considering I cant recall if I finished Night Road even while am doing a current run?

Yeah, I have several I either didnt start or finish. Mostly Hosted, few I wish I hadnt bought, and wont finish.

I do recall thinking I walked away. Then again, every vampire game that has that choice, I done. I try to avoid the politics each time or walk away/die. One i choose death at end.

The DLC for Silent Striders is the one I should wait for. Research states its the more welcoming anyway? If knew what the stats were for them. Children of Gaia is the only one that isnt either hates me or only tolerable so far I seen via demo.

Edit: forgot to mention, favored books i read more than once, liked depends, those i dont recall are pushed to see what it was. if cant recall then on neither list most likely. As i can recall several liked titles.

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The second DLC will feature both Silent Striders and Ghost Councils


No Red Talons? Awwww

Red Talons and Galestalkers are the 3 dlc which include new location


New location?

Yep. Gotta wait years then.

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Well, is basic nomenclature nothing more nothing else.
Normally, the Tribal Totems are at the Incarna level in the spirits hierarchy, while the Lesser Totems are a step behind them.

And a bit of correction, this is what happens for not having the book with me, Pocupine’s Gift exist in W5 as a Philodox only Gift, and it works ad verbatim, my bad, still, even as reworked, it came from Legacy though.

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With the discount? So its going to be roughly R$100, plus DLC?
Its ~10% of a monthly minimum wage. I get that Paradox wants their cut, but Jesus, what the actual fuck is this pricing?

Wait. Paradox?

The moment you play a Ruler that doesnt do anything historical, but has to be ‘historical’ company?

No wonder the cost alone then.

I will add this

At least the getting gifts doesnt require you to live in a mansion. Seriously, how does Nosferatu in sewers gain more power but unable to in NR?

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Being a courier 24/7 doesn’t exactly give you time to train

You can but requires living conditions to be more expensive before spending XP on blood.

Edits: got meh’d back out, now I remember what I did do. I “lived” normal human. Its what I was thinking I did. Couldnt remember til now. Was heading to same ending, hate vampire backstabbing society.

Would really like to know how the set the requirements for Silent Striders. The only reason I havent continued there. I prefer the wolves more.

Sorry mate, 74 Brazilian Real = about 14 US dollars. $14 won’t even buy you lunch most places here, and $14 an hour is below minimum wage in some parts of the US.


In Brazil games are really expensive for some reason. They cost a lot in Brazil it’s not that he’s overreacting Brazil charges a lot.