Well, I know some websites similar to here(I guess that’'s what your looking for?) but I don’t know how technically safe they are(so I’ll list the ones i’m pretty sure are safe):
Since you said it doesn’t have to be free: https://itch.io/games (Not a forum but it does have Interactive fiction games on here(some are demos) but there limited.)
There are actually a handful of finished games on Dashingdon’s although most are WIP’s. It’s actually not a bad idea to have a “full game” tag available for it (if there isn’t one already, can’t remember as I’ve only had WIP’s up there but I don’t think there is?) Might be worth asking @dashingdon if that’s a possibility?
I second all @HarrisPS’s suggestions. The interactive fiction comp will be live very soon and usually has a range of games to suit everyone’s tastes from COG like games (although not always in choicescript unless someone has submitted one this year I don’t know about which is possible) to Parser and everything in between. I think they also host games from previous years? If so, check some of those out too, there’s some good ones. A few authors have submitted choicescript games as well which are up there in past comps.
Also the games where COG asks for beta testers are all “almost finished” games. You’ll get the complete game to play in exchange for feedback. They usually need a little editing or bug checking at most usually and are pretty polished, but that’s why they’re in beta.
If you don’t mind either having to wait for turns or paying for some content to skip it, a lot of people really like the series made by @Felicity_Banks like “when the sun went out” which is on the app stores.
I also have feelie games (“Murder in the Mail” for crime and “Magic in the Mail” for fantasy; 1 each so far and another Magic game in development) and novels (with Choose Your Own Adventure-style stories in the back of the first two steampunk novels) on my store: FelicityBanks.wordpress.com/store
My best-known games are the “Choices That Matter” app games (there are three in the app; two are complete and the third has new content every month or so, and WILL eventually be finished*), made by Tin Man Games. It’s on iOS and Google Play.
*I know the writer, and the team, and I am the editor. All reliable people I swear, and even if the writer dropped out the rest of us would make sure the story was completed.
Wasn’t quite sure what the OP meant by Chooseyourstory being gender locked at first, but I guess most authors there do go more toward the interactive novel route with author-designed characters rather than customizable game elements. At least the ones I’ve played anyway, although it’s not a limitation of the scripting editor. That’s really the only other major CYOA site I’m aware of anyway.
There really aren’t too many CYOA focused sites anymore which I’ve always thought is strange given how popular there are. The link to the IFDB was already posted and that’s your other best though although there is a lot of chaff to sift through.